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[1.1.5] JWL Tekkit [No Griefing][No PvP/PvP][Race System][Whitelist][32 Slots][Towny][LWC][iConomy]


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Your in-game name:Lordequinox

Why do you want to join our server?:My friends play on this server and I would like to play.

Why JWL/Have you played on any of our other servers?:No I am sorry.

Something about yourself:I am borrowing my friends account to play.

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Your in-game name: Niceshooter1

Why do you want to join our server?: I want to join this server because I haven't played Tekkit for a while and I would love to play again.

Why JWL/Have you played on any of our other servers?: No

Something about yourself: I am 13 years old, I promised myself to never hack or cheat and I am looking forward to a great server and I believe its this one hope you accept me thanks! :D


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Your Ingame Name: TheDeezZEe2

Why You Want To Join The Server: I really want to play on a server that runs the new Tekkit modpack and also the rules are incredibly good and the server looks like it has had alot of effort put into it and looks like there are some really nice people on it!

Have You Played On Any Of Our Servers, If So Which?: No this will be my first.

Something About Yourself: I am 14 going on 15 in a few weeks. I have been playing Minecraft since Beta 1.4 and I have really good knowledge of almost all the mods.

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Your in-game-name: sy1ent_n1nja

Why you want to join the server: I am tired of supreme lag in public servers and I would like to play on a server that runs the new tekkit

Have you played on any of our servers, if so Which?: no I haven't played on your servers

Something about yourself: I have some good knowledge with big mods packs like voltz and tekkit classic that maybe I can share with you guys also I am 27, turning 28 soon

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Your in-game name- JoshDubstep

Why do you want to join our server? - I enjoy playing minecraft and was a huge fan of tekkit classic and i'm eager to try out the new modpack

Why JWL/Have you played on any of our other servers? I play with my friends: th117, draplif and ameos123

Something about yourself - I am 19, i live in newcastle, Australia and i love my job and nightclubbing!

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Your in-game name- nitrome95

Why do you want to join our server? - My friend Ymmit64 told me about it

Why JWL/Have you played on any of our other servers? No but I want to play a new tekkit server

Something about yourself - I have lots of friends and im 12

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Your in-game name- zohawk

Why do you want to join our server? - I wanted to try a whitelisted server so hopefully it's better than publics.

Why JWL/Have you played on any of our other servers? Yes I played the main tekkit server.

Something about yourself - I am good at building.

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Your ingame name: mastaharry

Why you want to join our server: so I can play in a server that runs this amazing mod pack and I can make my company CrAzED corp.

Have you played on any of our other servers, if so which? no :-(

Something about yourself: I am 12, I love minecraft and modpacks and do gaming videos

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Your in-game name: Caskio

Why do you want to join our server?: Looking for a good community and long lasting server for some good tekkit building fun.

Why JWL/Have you played on any of our other servers?: First time joining any public server honestly.

Something about yourself: I'm 29 and I love minecraft so much I have posters! LOL

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