mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) The Hexplore-It modpack creates a beautiful, interesting, and DANGEROUS world that begs to be explored! Are you up for the challenge? If you play modded Minecraft you should know you can click on this sentence to donate to some of the developers that spend countless hours coding to make it possible. You can also click this sentence to donate to some other developers that help make it all possible. I'm not here to get rich by any means but I do spend quite a bit of my free-time (which I have very little of) working on the pack. So any donations would be appreciated but are by no means expected or relied upon. Enjoy the pack everyone!!! Hexplore-It on the Technic Forums Hexplore-It on the Minecraft Forums Hexplore-It on Twitter Hexplore-It on Reddit Hexplore-It on YouTube The Hexplore-It modpack creates a beautiful and interesting world that begs to be explored! The main goal I had in mind when I started work on this modpack was to create a version of “Vanilla” Minecraft, on steroids…e.g. more trees, bigger trees, more plants, more food, more mobs, more NPCs, more sounds, MORE and BIGGER everything! I wanted the excitement back that I got when I first played Minecraft. I wanted to see structures full of interesting mobs protecting piles of loot strewn about the whole Overworld. I also wanted the world populated with as many NPCs as possible, living in bigger villages with more types of buildings... Some of these NPCs you can even marry and have children with. Others, you can help upgrade and expand their villages as they accept you into the ranks of their own. All of the while being just as dangerous EVERYwhere as Minecraft felt the first time you made it to the Nether. Speaking of the Nether, imagine if it were more dangerous… pssst... it IS now. I won’t even mention what has become of The End, but you better be WELL prepared before heading there! It is also rumored that there is a dimension called the Twilight Forest that is full of adventures all on its own. I also included as many mods as possible that offered decorative blocks, so that players could now build all those houses, mansions, forts, castles, bunkers, bases, etc… that could only be dreamed about before. In staying as close to the “Vanilla” Minecraft, on steroids idea as possible I wanted to include as few technology and magic mods as possible. Don’t forget that becoming too immersed in the beauty and fun things to explore comes at a cost… The Hexplore-It modpack is DANGEROUS! Staying alive is HARD! Are you up for the challenge? You will have to plan out your travels, making sure you have enough water to drink and enough different food stuffed in your backpack that you don’t starve. There are many, MANY mods that will help you on your way. You can train a pack of dogs to travel with you, or train a bat to protect you. If you can actually beat the Ender Dragon maybe you could hatch its egg for your very own pet dragon. You can even hire Guards to protect you, or summon Minions to work for you. You can protect your base with custom golems and/or custom turrets as well once you get established! Or you could always take up residence in one of the many fortified castles and/or other large structures you are sure to come across in your travels! I hope that you enjoy this pack as much as I do. Thank you all for the continued support, suggestions, and feedback http://youtu.be/HZym7z43VN4 •Submitted by player SKDrake1. •Ancient Warfare WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Ancient Warfare NEI-Plugin WEBSITE•ArmorStatusHud WEBSITE•Artifice WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•AutoUtils (Library for Chisel & Vending Block) WEBSITE•Backpacks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Battle Towers WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Better Anvils WEBSITE•Better Dungeons WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•BiblioCraft WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•BiblioWoodsBOP WEBSITE•BiblioWoodsExtraBiomesXL WEBSITE•BiblioWoodsHighlands WEBSITE•BiblioWoodsNatura WEBSITE•Big Trees WEBSITE•Biomes O' Plenty WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•BspkrsCore WEBSITE•Carpenters_Blocks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Chisel WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Chococraft WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•CodeChickenCore WEBSITE•Coral Reefs WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•CreeperCollateral WEBSITE•Custom Branding WEBSITE•Custom Codex WEBSITE•Custom Server WEBSITE•DamageIndicators WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•DarkLordRPG WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•DenLib WEBSITE•Dimensional Anchors WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Doggy Talents WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Doom-Like Dungeons WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•DragonAPI (Library for Geostrata) WEBSITE•DragonMounts WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Dungeon Mobs WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Dungeon Pack WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Dye Trees WEBSITE•Dynamic lights WEBSITE•EnchantingPlus WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Environmine WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Expanded Redstone WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•ExtraBiomesXL WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•ExtraTiC WEBSITE•Farlanders WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Floating Ruins WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•FlowerCraft WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Forge WEBSITE•Geostrata WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Goblins WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•GraveStone WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Grimoire of Gaia 2 WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Guards WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Hardcore Ender Expansion WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•HarvestCraft Waila WEBSITE•Highlands WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Hopper Ducts WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Hunger Overhaul WEBSITE•Immibis Core WEBSITE•Immibis's Microblocks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Infernal Mobs WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Inventorytweaks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Ironchest WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•JABBA WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•JAMI WEBSITE•KeithyUtils (Library for Metallurgy) WEBSITE•LegendaryBeasts WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•LiteLoader WEBSITE•Lycanites Mobs WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Magical Crops WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Magical Experience WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Mapwriter (Packaged with Opis) WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•MAtmos WEBSITE•Metallurgy WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Millenaire WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Minecraft Comes Alive WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•MinecraftLoader WEBSITE•MineTweaker WEBSITE•Minions WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•MobiusCore WEBSITE•Mr. Crayfish's Furniture WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•MSI (Minecraft Sound Improvement) WEBSITE•MSI MusicExpansion WEBSITE•Mystic Ruins WEBSITE•Natura WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•NetherStuffs WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•NEI(NotEnoughItems) WEBSITE•NEI Addons WEBSITE•NEI Plugins WEBSITE•NotEnoughCodecs WEBSITE | HOW TO ADD RADIO STATIONS TUTORIAL•NotEnoughKeys WEBSITE•Obsidiplates WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•OpenBlocks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•OpenModsLib WEBSITE•Opis WEBSITE•Optifine WEBSITE•Pam's DesertCraft WEBSITE•Pam's Get all the Seeds WEBSITE•Pam's HarvestCraft WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Pam's Simple Recipes WEBSITE•Pam's Temperate Plants WEBSITE•Pam's Weee Flowers WEBSITE•PetBat WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•PlantMegaPack WEBSITE•Project Zulu WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Redstone Paste WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•RenderPlayerAPI (For Ultimate Nether) WEBSITE•Roguelike Dungeons WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Ruins WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Secret Rooms WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Shipwrecks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•SpaceCore (Library for Survival Wings) WEBSITE•Spice of Life WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Stackie WEBSITE•StatusEffectHUD WEBSITE•Survival Wings WEBSITE•TiCSteelWorks WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•TiC Tooltips WEBSITE•Tinker's Construct WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Treecapitator WEBSITE•Twilight Forest WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Ultimate Nether WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•UtilityMobs WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT (Turrets) | MOD-SPOTLIGHT (Golems)•Vanity WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Vending Block WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Village Mods WEBSITE•Village Tavern WEBSITE•VoxelMenu & VoxelLib from the VoxelModPack WEBSITE•WAILA WEBSITE•WAILA Harvestability WEBSITE•WarpBook WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•Xeno's Reliquary WEBSITE | MOD-SPOTLIGHT•YAMPST WEBSITE 1. Download the version of Technic Launcher you need for your operating system here ---> DOWNLOAD2. Install the Technic Launcher. If you are unsure how to do so, watch a tutorial how here ---> WATCH_ME_for_Windows | WATCH_ME_for_Mac3. Launch the launcher for the first time.4. On the top right corner click the little gear next to the X, this is where you will want to increase the amount of memory/RAM your computer uses to run the Technic Launcher. When you click that gear a window will open called "Launcher Options"5. Using the drop down selection next to the line that says "Memory" increase your RAM. I suggest a minimum of 2GB, 4GB maximum. Anything less will not work. If you can only go up to 1GB you only have 32-bit Java. You will need 64-bit Java.6. On the left side of the launcher scroll through the modpacks until you see a + sign that says, "ADD NEW PACK" below it, click on it.7. A window will appear that says, "Enter your Technic Platform delivery URL below to add a new pack:" enter the Hexplore-It platform URL into that box... Click INSTALL THIS MODPACK at the top of the page here. 8. Click "ADD MODPACK"9. On the left side of the launcher scroll until you have the Hexplore-It Pack selected.10. Click PLAY, the pack will then be downloaded and installed.11. HEXPLORE ALL OF THE THINGS! These automatically launch using up to 3GBs. Make sure you have that available or edit your launch.bat file first. I don't have the time to also provide server support, Google dat ish. Forge Server Packs•Forge Server Pack for v1.07 & v1.07b•Forge Server Pack for v1.08 & v1.08b•Forge Server Pack for v1.09 Reveal hidden contents ***OPEN TO ANY AND ALL SUGGESTIONS*** This would include mods to add, mods to get rid of, mod updates that are available, better mod-spotlight videos, config tweaking, etc... I will also consider any and all submissions on the forums for new modpack logos and backgrounds. Also feel free to submit trailers, load screen pictures, splashes, and .ogg music files for the start screen. ««« Known Bugs »»» 1. Not really a "bug" per se but if you notice that the custom Hexplore-It music is overlapping with the vanilla music you can turn down your music volume all the way and the custom music will still play. If you absolutely hate the music and it is driving you crazy: Delete all files here ---> mods\matmos\packs\matmos_default\assets\minecraft\sound\matmos_MSI\music 2. You may see this spammed in console, "[SEVERE] [ForgeModLoader] Detected an attempt by a mod FMLMod:SOME_MOD_NAME_HERE{Version#} to perform game activity during mod construction. This is a serious programming error." Don't worry about this. This is due to the Minecraft Loader mod. It is FINE! *Should be fixed in v1.07+ 3. You will see numerous id/item conflicts in the console. Do not worry about these. All item conflicts are okay. I repeat OKAY! They are due to some mods overwriting other items purposefully. 4. Chocobos are currently pretty bugged, this is on the mods end so I can't fix. I will update as soon as the author does. I just can't delete the mod, I love them too much. ««« Changelog »»» > = Changed, tweaked, finagled, played with, etc... ^ = updated + = added the mod to the pack - = removed the mod from the pack VERSION 1.09 >Changed a Voxel Menu thingy, Book changed, switched a few configgy-muh-bobbers ^BiomesOPlenty ^DoomlikeDungeons 1.5.1 ^Forge ^hungeroverhaul 2l-build5 ^TiCTooltips 1.1.11 ^Yampst-Hexplore-It v1.09 -legacyjavafixer-1.0 (Forge ow include) -HQM (Never going to get to it) VERSION 1.08b >Simply removed the IP from the server list, and updated the start screen. VERSION 1.08 >Added eleventeen brazillion items dynamic lights >Added eleventeen brazillion hostile mobs to the target list for Ancient Warfare NPCs. >Brown crystals are crazy >Changed all wing recipes >Disabled chain armor recipes >Disabled double calamari drop >Fixed/changed warpbook recipes >Made the ability to triple ores a little more insane ^Carpenter's Blocks v3.2.8.6 ^Doggy Talents v1.5.1a ^EnviroMine v1.1.89 ^MineTweaker3 3.0.9C ^shipwrecks v1.6.3 ^SpiceOfLife 1.2.2 +legacyjavafixer-1.0 (Fixes the issue with Java 8 crashes) +MobiusCore 1.2.2 (makes life easier) +Opis 1.2.2 (makes life easier) +Yampst-Hexplore-It-v1.08 (because science) -mapwriter (Included with Opis now of course) VERSION 1.07b >Simply added an IP to the server list, and updated the start screen to reflect that. VERSION 1.07 >Added NEI stuffs I forgot last update to Server files. >Removed the Plant Mega Pack blueberry muffin recipe due to client crash. >Removed Brown Crystal stuffs recipes. >Gravestones can now spawn anywhere to stop loss of items on snow. >Environmine configs edited to add cooling, heating, better modded item support, etc... Basically all leaves clean air, all flowers help insanity, hot things, i.e... furnaces, crushers, etc... affect body temperature. Smoothies, ice cream etc... cool you. >No more of that craptastic stacking food. >Disabled various vanity blocks due to duplicate recipes. >Tripling ores is now possible. >Added Lycanites mobs to Doom-like Dungeons.. >Added 32x coral reefs >Added Chisel Design Pack by Wreckage to Carpenter Blocks. >Added Kaevator Wallpaper Tile Design Pack to Carpenter Blocks. >Can't smelt steel dust without the smeltery, if modtweaker was working with Minetweaker3 TiC's Smeltery would be the only way. lolol >Added new wubz to the title screen. >Radio stations added. ^BetterAnvil 3.0.10 ^Carpenter'sBlocks v3.2.8 ^DoomlikeDungeon 1.4.0 ^DragonAPI v25z ^DyeTrees v25z ^EnviroMine v1.1.88 ^GeoStrata v25z ^MagicalCrops 3.2.0_BETA_23 ^MineTweaker3 3.0.8B ^SpiceOfLife 1.1.1 ^TiCTooltips 1.1.10 ^WailaHarvestability 1.1.0 +DynamicLights 1.6.4 +ExpandedRedstone v25z +JAMI +NotEnoughCodecs-0.1 +RedstonePaste 1.5.1 -NetherX 1.3 VERSION 1.06 I updated too many configuration files to name. ^AncientWarfare 1.1.047 ^BetterDungeons 2091 ^Carpenter's Blocks v2.1.2 ^DamageIndicators v2.9.2.4 ^DoomLikeDungeons 1.2.13 ^DragonAPI v24 ^DungeonMobs v3.0.5 ^DyeTrees v24 ^ExtrabiomesXL 3.15.8 ^ExtraTiC 0.8.4 ^GeoStrata v24 ^GraveStone 2.8.3 ^HardcoreEnderExpansion 1.6.1 ^HarvestCraftWaila 1.0.4 ^JABBA 1.1.4 ^KeithyUtils 1.3.30 ^LycanitesMobsComplete 1.5.1h ^Metallurgy ^MrCrayfishFurnitureMod v3.3.4 ^NEIaddons ^Plant Mega Pack 3.00.09 ^RoguelikeDungeons v1.3.3a ^TiCTooltips 1.1.8a ^Tinker's Construct ^WailaHarvestability 1.0.4 -ATG 0.9.5 -BetterFurnaces V4.0.1 -CloudMaster 1.2 -DeadlyWorld 1.0.2 -ColourfulPortals v.1.3.2 -faithful32pack (resource pack) -LavaMonsters 2.2 -MobiusCore 1.2.1 -ModularFurnace 2.7.1 -Opis 1.2.2 -SmoothBedrock -SpecialMobs 2.6 -Uncrafter 1.7.3 -WildCaves v0.4.3.4 -WitchesAndMore 164DEV12 -ZansMinimap 1.6.4 +CustomCodex 1.0.0 +CustomServer 1.0.0 +EnviroMine v1.1.49 +HQM-The Journey 4.0.6 (Currently not enabled, added for future updates ) +HungerOverhaul 2l-build3 +Mapwriter 2.0.17 +MinecraftLoader 0.1 +MineTweaker3 3.0.5 +OpenModsLib 0.5.1 +OpenBlocks 1.2.9 +SpiceOfLife 1.1.0 +TiCSteelWorks +Twilightforest 1.20.5 +Vending 1.1.1 +WarpBook 0.0.200c VERSION 1.05 Unfortunately due to some crash issues a few players were experiencing I have to remove the FPSplus mod. -FPSplus VERSION 1.04 I added a few fun things as far as the loading screen and start screen go. I also adjusted many configs for better play and varied loot. ^Backpack 1.28.37 ^BspkrsCore v5.3 ^DimensionalAnchor 57.1.96 ^DragonAPI V22 ^DyeTrees V22 ^ExtraTiC 0.8.0 ^Farlanders v1.1c ^GeoStrata V22 ^GrimoireofGaia2 1.8.2c ^HardcoreEnderExpansion 1.5a ^ImmibisCore 57.2.0 ^ImmibisMicroblocks 57.6.4 ^Ironchest ^JABBA 1.1.3 ^KeithyUtils 1.2 *quick fix ^LycanitesMobsComplete 1.4.11c ^MobiusCore 1.2.1 ^MrCrayfish'sFurnitureModv3.2.9.2 ^NetherX 1.3 ^Opis 1.2.2 ^PetBat 1.6.4 ^SecretRoomsMod ^Shipwrecks v1.6.2 ^TinkersConstruct ^Waila 1.5.2a ^ZansMinimap 1.6.4 +Custom Branding 1.0.0 for MC 1.6.4 +DoomLikeDungeon-1.2.8-MC1.6.4 +DragonMount r36 +FpsPlus1.6.4_v2 +faithful32pack (RESOURCE PACK) +HarvestCraftWaila 1.0.3 +Liteloader 1.6.4 +MAtmos r26b +OptiFine HD_U_D1 +Plant Mega Pack-1.6.4-3.00.08 +SmoothBedrock +Stackie +TiCTooltips 1.1.5 +voxellib_2.1.0_mc1.6.4 +voxelmenu_3.0.7_mc1.6.4 +WailaHarvestability 1.0.1 -Backpacks 1.6.4 - 2.1.1 -Backpackrenderer 1.6.4 -Bcmod 1.6.4 - 2.1.1 -BetterGrassAndLeaves v1.6.4.D -DeathCounter 2.0.0 -iChunUtil 2.4.0 -Pam's Melon Spawn 1.6.4 -Pam's Random Plants 1.6.4 -MobAmputation 2.0.1 -SpiderPet -village info VERSION 1.03 ^ATG 0.9.5 ^Carpenter's Blocks v2.0.8 ^Farlanders v1.1b ^GraveStone 2.8.2 ^MinecraftComesAlive 3.6.1 ^VillageTaverns 2.1.6-3.15 +JABBA 1.1.1a VERSION 1.02 Fixed a couple Configs that should stop the dreaded "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/CallableLvl1" crash. +Minions +Pam's HarvestCraft VERSION 1.01b Did some key binding tweaking. ^Backpacks 1.27.34 -EnderStuff+ -SAP_ManPack -You Will Die VERSION 1.01 ^Ancient Warfare 1.1.043-beta ^Artifice 1.1.3-243 ^ATG 0.9.4 ^Better Dungeons 208 ^Better Furnaces V4.0.1 ^BiblioCraft v1.5.5 ^Carpenter's Blocks v2.0.4 ^Creeper Collateral 3.0.3 ^Dimensional Anchor 57.1.95 ^DragonAPI V18 ^ExtrabiomesXL 3.15.6 ^Farlanders v1.1 ^GeoStrata V18 ^GraveStone 2.7.1 ^Hardcore Ender Expansion 1.4.3 ^ImmibisCore 57.1.94 ^ImmibisMicroblocks 57.6.3 ^Iron Chest ^Lycanites Mobs Complete 1.4.7b ^Magical Crops 3.2.0_BETA_15a ^Magical Experience ^MobiusCore 1.0.5 ^NEIaddons ^Opis 1.1.3a_alpha ^Roguelike Dungeons v1.3.0 ^Secret Rooms Mod ^TConstruct 1.5.3 ^TiC Extra (metallurgy) 0.7.6 ^Waila 1.5.1a ^Xeno Reliquary 1.1.2b +Backpack Renderer 1.6.4 +DyeTrees v18d +MCA 3.6.0 +Spider Pet v18 +You Will Die v0.0.3d -Pam's Harvest Craft -Mob Dismemberment Edited April 8, 2015 by mine_my_own_bizz Munaus and Nefzen 2
mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 27, 2014 Author Posted March 27, 2014 Anyone on here tried it yet? I would love to hear feedback about what it was like for you. So far the people I know that have played it felt like they fell in love with Minecraft all over again. If anyone posts pictures videos etc... I will add them to the website or Minecraft Forums post as well.
Moderators Munaus Posted March 28, 2014 Moderators Posted March 28, 2014 I'm liking the variety of mods in display here.... and not too many "mainstream" mods here either. I'll give this pack a go when I have the time. For now I spent much time clicking those links and looking eagerly what those unknown mods are. mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 29, 2014 Author Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) Awesome, thank you for the feedback! I hope that enjoy yourself. Please feel free to report back and let us know how it was for you! If you post any of your creations I would gladly add them to the website possibly too! Enjoy! :D Edited March 29, 2014 by mine_my_own_bizz
Moderators Munaus Posted March 29, 2014 Moderators Posted March 29, 2014 My first day I encountered a creepy looking mob, I punched him. Turned out to be a guard with full armour, I ran to the water because my punches was ineffective. He kept chasing me Then a giant gyarados-serpent came over top of me and breathed fire, I died. Loving this modpack so far! There's a crash that takes me back to the launcher from time to time, though. pastebin link I think this is the cause java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2331, Size: 2338 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 29, 2014 Author Posted March 29, 2014 On 3/29/2014 at 12:15 PM, Munaus said: My first day I encountered a creepy looking mob, I punched him. Turned out to be a guard with full armour, I ran to the water because my punches was ineffective. He kept chasing me Then a giant gyarados-serpent came over top of me and breathed fire, I died. Loving this modpack so far! There's a crash that takes me back to the launcher from time to time, though. pastebin link I think this is the cause java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 2331, Size: 2338 at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source) at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source) Awesome! Sounds like an interesting first day! Depending on which type of guard you encountered, you can hire one of them to protect you for a gold ingot permanently and they are BEAST! I'll have to post some pics from my adventures so far soon. Now that I have finally got the pack out and working good I finally get to play for once. As far as that crash goes, I have yet to see that one adn will look into it. If you keep getting and happen to notice what might cause it let me too please.
Amaxter Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 Wow, finally an original modpack with effort! I'm definitely checking this out and +1'ing it! mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 29, 2014 Author Posted March 29, 2014 On 3/29/2014 at 4:31 PM, Amaxter said: Wow, finally an original modpack with effort! I'm definitely checking this out and +1'ing it! Thank you very much for taking time out to comment and +1, please report, I'm dying to see some players creations!
Daniel-Dupuis Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) I've delete my post. I'm sorry I will unsbscribe and never bother again. Well I'm trying to unsbscribe but did not find the link to. Edited April 3, 2014 by Daniel-Dupuis mine_my_own_bizz 1
Amaxter Posted March 29, 2014 Posted March 29, 2014 On 3/29/2014 at 6:27 PM, Daniel-Dupuis said: Wat is this ''TECHNICLAUNCHER'' it make kids angry and crying to play. If you are not able to build an application that works correctly than don't build anything like this. Iwill tell all my freinds that this application is a FAIL. excuse my English. ??? mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 29, 2014 Author Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) On 3/29/2014 at 6:27 PM, Daniel-Dupuis said: Wat is this ''TECHNICLAUNCHER'' it make kids angry and crying to play. If you are not able to build an application that works correctly than don't build anything like this. Iwill tell all my freinds that this application is a FAIL. excuse my English. "Powerful, you have become. The troll side I sense in you. Feed thou, mustn't not" ~Yoda Edited March 30, 2014 by mine_my_own_bizz
Moderators Munaus Posted March 30, 2014 Moderators Posted March 30, 2014 @Mine my own, I'm pretty sure that is a meme. Remember the rule. I already reported Daniel so hopefully his post gets deleted as it's not relevant on your thread mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted March 30, 2014 Author Posted March 30, 2014 (edited) On 3/30/2014 at 2:53 AM, Munaus said: @Mine my own, I'm pretty sure that is a meme. Remember the rule. I already reported Daniel so hopefully his post gets deleted as it's not relevant on your thread Fixed. I guess I was thinking since it was merely an image relaying a message rather than any sort of meme, and that it was on my own thread it was ok. I deleted it so as not to ruffle any feathers. Lesson learned. Thanks for the heads up regardless. :) Edited March 30, 2014 by mine_my_own_bizz
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 3, 2014 Author Posted April 3, 2014 So I haven't got to play the pack hardly at all, or in any depth while creating it, and just got started this week actually playing it. Here are a few pics from my test server so far. My first home in my first extended play of the Hexplore-It modpack. One of my turrets protecting my home, wife, and children from a baby zombie! Those suckers are FAST! A view showing how I live between a "vanilla" village and a Millenaire village. Overhead/Map view of the area. Hmm... A gysahl farm outside a Battle Tower... Oh, that is why! My first make-shift Chocobo breeding pen is the first floor. I used the top floor for my portal hub so far. Random pic from a dimension I won't name, showing lava monsters ready to kill me! One is Infernal even! View of my home from the Battle Tower. Stay Tuned!
Daniel-Dupuis Posted April 3, 2014 Posted April 3, 2014 I've delete my post. I'm sorry I will unsubscribe and never bother again. Well I'm trying to unsubscribe but did not find the link to ? mine_my_own_bizz 1
Moderators Munaus Posted April 3, 2014 Moderators Posted April 3, 2014 (edited) On 4/3/2014 at 7:00 AM, Daniel-Dupuis said: snip You cannot delete your account, once you created it it stays here as long as this forum exists. Your best bet is to just leave and never come back. Protip: if you had an issue with the launcher you could've posted it on the Tracker, where I and many other competent people help fixing it. Edited April 3, 2014 by Munaus mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 6, 2014 Author Posted April 6, 2014 CHANGELOG 1.03 ««« Changelog »»» ^ = updated + = added the mod to the pack - = removed the mod from the pack VERSION 1.03 +JABBA 1.1.1a ^ATG 0.9.5 ^Carpenter's Blocks v2.0.8 ^Farlanders v1.1b ^GraveStone 2.8.2 ^MinecraftComesAlive 3.6.1 ^VillageTaverns 2.1.6-3.15
Masterdesade Posted April 6, 2014 Posted April 6, 2014 (edited) OK i am still fairly new to this and do not wish to offend anyone, but I tried to downlaod your mod and it keeps crashing on the install. The only error I get is [Error downloading file for the following pack: Hexplore-It Failed to download http://resources.download.minecraft.net/ad/ad126e435cca94054bf0d616301799a105526cde Please consult the modpack author.] So I am here hopefully trying to get a hold of the author and to help an old coot here out!! GamingGrandpa Edited April 6, 2014 by Masterdesade mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 6, 2014 Author Posted April 6, 2014 On 4/6/2014 at 2:02 AM, Masterdesade said: OK i am still fairly new to this and do not wish to offend anyone, but I tried to downlaod your mod and it keeps crashing on the install. The only error I get is [Error downloading file for the following pack: Hexplore-It Failed to download http://resources.download.minecraft.net/ad/ad126e435cca94054bf0d616301799a105526cde Please consult the modpack author.] So I am here hopefully trying to get a hold of the author and to help an old coot here out!! GamingGrandpa Hey GamingGrandpa, no offense taken. I am having trouble figuring out how I might help you though. It seems to be downloading for myself, a few friends, and my children. I am wondering if it may be an issue with the Technic Platform itself since it struggles to work correctly on the weekend with the mass influx of kiddos. I'll keep messing with it and see if I can repeat your issue to see if/what I can fix. Masterdesade 1
Masterdesade Posted April 6, 2014 Posted April 6, 2014 Thank you, I am trying to find something that I can play with my family and grandchildren and this looks like a good one. I have tried to get mods to work together but I always end up with them clashing or the whole thing lags slower than a snail in molassass. Is there a secret to getting modpacks to work together or is it just luck of the draw?? By the way, from what I have seen this does look like an amazing collection of mods put together, KUDOS to you!! mine_my_own_bizz 1
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 6, 2014 Author Posted April 6, 2014 I created this pack mainly to play with my kiddos, ranging from age 7-14. I hope you are able to get it downloaded today. I am am still unsure why you may have been unable to yesterday. I started into the modpack building with zero knowledge of what I was doing and have learned pretty quickly that it is majorly time consuming if you intend to run smoothly. It is much more about time investment and troubleshooting than luck of the draw. there are very few mods that won't work together, it is a matter of making them work together. I will admit that for many users this pack may very well run slowly. It includes many mods that affect world generation which is resource intensive. I tried on the pack's page to include information on how to make it work well. I just hope that those that try to play it follow the installation instructions. Thank you for the kudos!
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 18, 2014 Author Posted April 18, 2014 Submitted by a player in Spain. Enjoy and keep the videos and pictures coming please! http://youtu.be/Ib3pZAWbOb8
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 18, 2014 Author Posted April 18, 2014 Picture Album submitted by a player (MacBraun). This was submitted here on Hexplore-It's subreddit.
mine_my_own_bizz Posted April 19, 2014 Author Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) Submitted by a player in Spain (Episode #2.) Enjoy and keep the videos and pictures coming please! http://youtu.be/dzlGStO8zuo Edited April 19, 2014 by mine_my_own_bizz
SKDrake1 Posted April 19, 2014 Posted April 19, 2014 (edited) I am loving this mod pack. I am starting a Let's Play of it on my channel. So much to explore and do. Here is a link to the first video of the series: reuploaded it to fix the flashing screen Edited April 19, 2014 by SKDrake1 mine_my_own_bizz 1
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