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Hey there! I and a friend are starting a MoonQuest series on YouTube. The videos will be on his channel, which will be posted later. We need YOUR HELP! In exchange for us advertising your name/channel in the video description, we would like you to make a modpack for us for the Technic launcher. THAT WORKS! If it does not work, then we will not advertise. Below is the link to the download for the server we will be running. Please run the server and make sure you can connect to it via the pack you create! Thank you SO much! And we need this done ASAP please! Thanks so much! Nathan's (The videos will be on his channel) channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM5k84QdYkQtYEKrU0HdJLg?app=desktop.






Thanks Again,


Edited by brendenk12
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Why not make this yourselves? Making a client pack once you have the server pack takes about 30 seconds.

He has no clue how, and I have tried several different approaches, none of which have worked. I always get the error message when loading the pack in the launcher, something to the effect of... Cannot download pack from: then the download link, which I use Dropbox.

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We may actually need the big blinking sign and showgirls showing the way.


A big ol' vegas style production with tons of neon lights, sequins, rhinestones, a fog machine, dancers and maybe an elvis impersonator.

Shows every half hour.

Someone handing out discount coupons at the door for the All You Can Eat buffet.

One of the admins doinking the more naive dancers, promising them their own show once he can fit them into the schedule and dumping them out the back once they start getting impatient.

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