Skuli Posted August 26, 2014 Author Posted August 26, 2014 Having issues starting the server on a *nix environment. Not sure if it's an actual ID conflict or a file name issue. Paste: I think this is another case sensitivity issue with config file names. I'll take a look.
Targren Posted August 26, 2014 Posted August 26, 2014 (edited) Go further, they simply wont stop. Haha. I found a line of 12. Yes, 12. But God do I hate the Zulu horses. Amen, Brother. So, here's a new one. I had an Ancient Warfare "Lookout Tower" thing disappear on me. Literally. I had just started a new run (seem to be doing that a lot lately!) and wasn't geared up to deal with it, so I waypointed it and kept moving to find wool/a bed. When I found it, I went back, and boom: no tower. Luckily, I happened to be using this run as a test run of my capture software, so I caught the entire run through in video. Relevant parts: Original Discovery: ~5:00 Shocking Return: ~14:15 Audio is NSFW, and not really necessary to demonstrate the mysterious disappearing watchtower. Edited August 26, 2014 by Targren
NikkeiZX Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 Just out of curiosity, was anyone able to pinpoint my problem with my crashed game/save with the log I provided? o:
Venema Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 (edited) · Hidden by Munaus, August 27, 2014 - No reason given Hidden by Munaus, August 27, 2014 - No reason given A failed attempt to delete my comment Edited August 27, 2014 by Venema
AsaFaylo22 Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 The "manually select a build" option is not appearing on my launcher under the gear.
Targren Posted August 27, 2014 Posted August 27, 2014 Just out of curiosity, was anyone able to pinpoint my problem with my crashed game/save with the log I provided? o: We wish. That's a fairly common problem (even seems to cross modpacks - something very similar happens in ABT). The current workarounds both use MCEdit: Either: Use MCEdit to move your player away from the corrupted chunk, and don't go back over there. Or Use MCEdit to select and delete the corrupted chunk, and hope that it doesn't re-corrupt when it regenerates. (This is generally only useful if the crash log includes sufficient info to identify the chunk in question - doesn't look like yours did) NikkeiZX and Kalbintion 2
MisfitBrownCoat Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 Will there be flesh to leather mod put in this version? Or is there another way to get leather I have not found yet besides cows? Also I noticed that skeleton are not pathing to me they seem glitchy.
Moderators Munaus Posted August 28, 2014 Moderators Posted August 28, 2014 Also I noticed that skeleton are not pathing to me they seem glitchy. vanilla skeleton? It's highly unlikely the dev team can do anything with minecrafts code. Let's focus on the modpack itself.
lovotomy Posted August 28, 2014 Posted August 28, 2014 will we be getting any new hexxit gear? maybe a mage or something?
Kalbintion Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 vanilla skeleton? It's highly unlikely the dev team can do anything with minecrafts code. Let's focus on the modpack itself. even if they can, its unlikely they will since theyll then be distributing the base code themselves to minecraft which is against the EULA...unless they made a "coremod" that overwrote most AI behavior, even could affect mod mob AI...its a nightmare... @Misfit - if you didnt read the above, its a "not going to happen anytime soon"
Targren Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 (edited) even if they can, its unlikely they will since theyll then be distributing the base code themselves to minecraft which is against the EULA...unless they made a "coremod" that overwrote most AI behavior, even could affect mod mob AI...its a nightmare... @Misfit - if you didnt read the above, its a "not going to happen anytime soon" It is possible, but tricky, to overwrite mob AI without changing the core code. I suspect it may be Better Archery, since it also arms the skeletons with even better bows and potion arrows (like that's what they needed. ) I'll test it out real quick... Confirmed. After disabling BetterArchery, skeletons now happily follow me around corners again instead of standing pat and waiting for me to poke my head out to be ventilated again. With the mod, they DO move, but much more "decisively", so I think it's an "improvement" rather than an unintended bug, even if it does make the damn things far too overpowered, IMO. Edited August 29, 2014 by Targren
Kalbintion Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 I know its possible to do it without overwriting base code, let alone making it so it had to be redist with the base game code, but its often too annoying for devs to improve on base code since it can affect too many things, unless their intentions is just that, improved base ____ for all mods, and expect some mod incompatibilities that expected the old behavior. Good to know about the Better Archery mod being the "culprit" Targren.
initial515 Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 Don't mind me. But this is so awesome, the nether city are back or working, since they didn't on the 1.0.10. Great work on this. Now as for the ID mismatch someone else posted, i was having the same problem as well even after reset the pack,uninstalling and reinstalling. Running the game in single player works 100% for me no bug getting into the game. But when i tried to host the server and enter my own room i got a ID mismatch and the list was huge. i was using 2.0.1c i did try the other version but with 2.0.1c the forge loader was missing a lot compared to the 2.0.0 - 2.0.1b which had an outdated problem for 3 mods. So what i did was i open the folder for the technic launcher hexxit and server folder. I notice the mod folder for the launcher was missing a few files from what the server mod files had. I copied all the mod files from server mod folder over to the launcher mod folder, overwrite them all as there was a few that got added that the launcher folder didn't have. Ran the game + server and had no ID problem. If the staff can double check if the hexxit mod folder launcher has the same files with the hexxit server mod folder or not. I mean this fixed my ID problem. (But thats just me) *Sorry for my Terrible grammar*
Kalbintion Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 initial, are you running Windows [if not ill need to look up the mac/*nix command] by chance and able to replicate this issue once more (preferably without undoing the fix you did)? There's a command that can be run in the windows command line that can compare files in folders and give differences, this would be the quickest way to see what didnt match up and would help figure out what went wrong.
initial515 Posted August 29, 2014 Posted August 29, 2014 (edited) Yeah, i am running window 8, though i should use another computer to run the server. I am just lazy. This image below is what i have in my .technic/hexxit etc. Their are 62 Files in it after pasting over server mod files on 2.0.1c Now this image below is a fresh download that i just dl again a few minutes ago of the server link by OP. It only has 49. So what i did was i copied the server files over to the launcher mod folder then copied all 62 folder back to the server and overwriting some mod that were the same. Which fixed the ID mismatch. I then tested all the item provided in creative mode before i made the server public to see if there was a code error or ID does not exist but there was no problem. Edited August 29, 2014 by initial515
Kalbintion Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Are you still able to replicate the original conflict issue though through using fresh copies of the pack and server? The command I would want you to run would be done in command prompt (WINDOWS KEY + R > type cmd > click ok): fc "%AppData%.technicmodpackshexxitconfig*" "ENTER_PATH_TO_SERVERconfig*" > "%userprofile%desktopconfig compare results.txt" Replace ENTER_PATH_TO_SERVER with the location to the install of the server files you were able to get the issue with still (not the fixed copy) - and ensure you enter that command entirely in command prompt or copy/paste it to a new batch file. Once the command has been ran, there should be a new text file on the desktop named "config compare results" - Post its contents somewhere. * Use and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * *
Nefahl Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) Would it be possible to use Soul Shards Reborn instead of Soul Shards 2? Also, since the vanilla Minecraft horses will be in this version, I'd suggest to remove the Zulu ones. They are just infinitely worse. Edit: While I am at it, is there any way to change the Falling Meteor mod? I know Hexxit is all about adventuring, so you'll probably be exploring a lot, but still if you have a base at which you spend a lot of time in, it is not uncommon even with a fully charged meteor shield that a whole bunch of meteors will ruin the entire area around it. I don't think just reducing the percentage would cut it. There needs to be a limit of natually occuring meteors per chunk or something. Hell I'd even be fine with no falling meteors at all, with the exception of using Meteor summoners. But maybe I'm in the minority, so I guess I'll have to see how others will react to this post. People may say I should just disable the mod, but It is not like I don't like it, it's the opposite. It just feels a little bit too much. Next thing is just something I'd personally like: "Dye Trees". Hexxit is about exploring, and the biome this mod adds is absolutely beautiful As for me, I don't like the Lycanite mobs. Not because they're too hard or anything, but because I feel they don't fit in. And by that I mean everything about them does not fit. Their textures don't fit the style of minecraft aswell as their models. Also some of them are barely animated Edited August 30, 2014 by Nefahl
ru8uk Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) I've had problems with mob spawning. Each night on single player, I only get skeletons, and the odd ender (and the rare lycanite mob). I haven't seen a single spider, creeper and only seen one zombie. However, I only get armies of skeletons on an average night. I've used spawn eggs and a spawner to test if it is a problem with the mobs themselves, but they all spawn normally this way, just not naturally. It's getting on my nerves. It's too unbalanced really. P.S. I also get lobbers spawning at excessive numbers in the lava pool I get my fuel from. Ialso found a slime Edited August 30, 2014 by ru8uk
ru8uk Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Problem solved. Removed lycanite's mobs and purged all spawned mobs. Sadly, my joy at hearing zombies and spiders was short lived, because I couldn't hear the creeper.
KocuzCraft Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 Please fix the armor Textures of Scale, Thief and Tribal.
initial515 Posted August 30, 2014 Posted August 30, 2014 (edited) Are you still able to replicate the original conflict issue though through using fresh copies of the pack and server? The command I would want you to run would be done in command prompt (WINDOWS KEY + R > type cmd > click ok): fc "%AppData%.technicmodpackshexxitconfig*" "ENTER_PATH_TO_SERVERconfig*" > "%userprofile%desktopconfig compare results.txt" Replace ENTER_PATH_TO_SERVER with the location to the install of the server files you were able to get the issue with still (not the fixed copy) - and ensure you enter that command entirely in command prompt or copy/paste it to a new batch file. Once the command has been ran, there should be a new text file on the desktop named "config compare results" - Post its contents somewhere. * Use and paste the resulting URL in your post * Use and paste the resulting URL in your post For overly sized files, attaching or using the above URLs may not work, you can use one of the following for these types of cases * * Sorry but i did not understand a single thing you just said. I don't know how to use command line. Or if you want you can type the command line for me and ill just paste it. this is location of both files. The appdata path is correct but the fresh server file is in Username/Downloads/Hexxit_Server_v2.0.1c/config < i tried putting that in the "ENTER PATH TO SERVER" but it gave me a command error wrong volume or incorrect syntax. I only have 1 volume which is the Local C. I apologize i am a little dumb at this lmaoo. Also i think you should compare the folder not a certain file because config and modpack have either different files or missing files. Also is the netherworld and twilight forest lag server sided or user sided. Nothing else runs on the computer except Hexxit well and Raid call it has 32gb of ram, i7-4770 with a GTX 760. I adjusted the ram consumption. java -Xmx12G -Xms6G -XX:MaxPermSize=128m -jar Hexxit.jar nogui pause I apologize again i know this isn't tech support, but i figure i'd post here since it has to do with hexxit 2.0.1c server lol Edited August 30, 2014 by initial515
Kalbintion Posted August 31, 2014 Posted August 31, 2014 You would need the full path to the username/ portion, or just use %userprofile% in its place, so the command would fully look like: fc "%AppData%.technicmodpackshexxitconfig*" "%UserProfile%downloadsHexxit_Server_V2.0.1cconfig*" > "%userprofile%desktopconfig compare results.txt" The reason I didnt put that in to begin with is, I dont know where the server files were going to be stored, so i couldnt make a broad assumption of where it was. The best guess I couldve done was the downloads folder, but even then I wasnt sure. The above line should work though.
Lellson Posted August 31, 2014 Posted August 31, 2014 Mod Suggestion: Mob Properties by FatherToast It would be awesome if you could make the Mobs a little bit stronger. I think Hexxit was ever a bit too easy. For example: Some Better Dungeons bosses, like the Necromacer are a little bit to bad. You could increase their health or give them Potion effects like Speed or Resistance. But awesome modpack! I hope their will be a stable version soon :) Slaughtz 1
Slaughtz Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 (edited) Mod Suggestion: Mob Properties by FatherToast It would be awesome if you could make the Mobs a little bit stronger. I think Hexxit was ever a bit too easy. For example: Some Better Dungeons bosses, like the Necromacer are a little bit to bad. You could increase their health or give them Potion effects like Speed or Resistance. But awesome modpack! I hope their will be a stable version soon This is probably the wrong thread to post suggestions in, but you posted it here and it's easier for reference, so... I'd like to see difficulty in the mod scale up like this or at least be more difficult in general. I would propose making it so that as more mobs die in game, the chance for special harder mobs spawning instead of vanilla ones go up by 0.066% per mob death or something. 100 mobs die, then that's 6.6% more of the special hard mobs. I would approximate in my game there's usually around 600 mob deaths before I reach end game in a typical mod pack. It does vary. At a 0.066% increase per mob death it would be about 40% (39.6%) increased difficulty. (Also increased reward... So that might be an issue) Ideally (for me), there'd be about 40%-60% more difficult mobs spawning to keep things interesting. That, or their stats increasing the same amount. Of course it would have to cap so not every mob ends up being a "special" one nor can they one hit KO you with your best gear on. I totally understand if this is more work than the pack maker would like to do (seeing as there's so much other stuff you have to do to fix bugs and stuff)... I've considered looking into making a mod like this after the release of 1.8 if no one else will be doing it. Kinda off topic: Again, I may not be posting in the right place... but 1.8 is coming out real soon... supposedly tomorrow soon. If it wasn't I'd understand the 1.6 version, but why now? We can wait a little longer, can't we?...Can't we? Edited September 2, 2014 by Slaughtz Lellson 1
Targren Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 (edited) I know its possible to do it without overwriting base code, let alone making it so it had to be redist with the base game code, but its often too annoying for devs to improve on base code since it can affect too many things, unless their intentions is just that, improved base ____ for all mods, and expect some mod incompatibilities that expected the old behavior. Good to know about the Better Archery mod being the "culprit" Targren. It's been awhile since I looked at the base code, now that forge has changed its setup so it doesn't include MCP, and my old-man memory isn't what it used to be, so prepare your grains of salt... but I seem to remember, while trying to mellow out the skellies' "machine-gun" upgrade a little bit, that their bow AI had its own class, which could be reassigned on spawn... might have involved reflections... Kinda off topic: Again, I may not be posting in the right place... but 1.8 is coming out real soon... supposedly tomorrow soon. If it wasn't I'd understand the 1.6 version, but why now? We can wait a little longer, can't we?...Can't we? I could be wrong, but I think it took this long for enough of the "core" hexxit mods to get working 1.6.4 versions to bother making a new version. Edited September 2, 2014 by Targren
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