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Nyahcraft is a brand new Attack of the B Team server looking for friendly players. The server is currently 20 slots, but may increase if needed. The server is up 24/7 with no lag. It is a whitelist server and you will need to apply below to get whitelisted. People whitelisted are expected to follow the rules. If players do not follow the rules they will be banned and will have to talk to me if they want back on the server.


IP: mc15.fadehost.com:25735




- No Griefing


- No Stealing


- No Random PvP (if you agree to fight that's fine, but don't randomly kill someone for no reason)


- Do not ask for priveledges or gamemodes


- No chat spam


- Respect other players


- No racism


- No ugly/useless structures (ex: 1x1 towers)


- No Cheating or Hacking


- Have Fun



The goal for this server is to have a small community that gets along and doesn't cause drama. Pranks and shinanagins are encouraged as long as they do not destroy or majorly inconvenience the victim.






Age -


Favorite Mod in B Team -


What do you like to do in Servers? -


Why do you want to join my server? -


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) -


Favorite Color -






IGN - TreyBlazer95


Age - 18


Favorite Mod in B Team - Tinkers


What do you like to do in Servers? - build, mine, explore


Why do you want to join my server? - i wanted to join because im not a griefer, and i can help others when i can


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - TreyBlazer95


Favorite Color - Green


IGN - Eurix


Age - 23


Favorite Mod in B Team - Tinkers


What do you like to do in Servers? - Build


Why do you want to join my server? - Need a server to play on, been having a break from MC and now want to get back


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - If accepted.


Favorite Color - Blue, wait no (yaaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

IGN - mikesmit
Age - 24
Favorite Mod in B Team - Galacticraft
What do you like to do in Servers? - explorering, create epic builds, doing stuff for community
Why do you want to join my server? - your server is excactly what i am looking for. nice community. no mod restrictions or other silly rules. 
Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - (i dont use skype anyways)
Favorite Color - not sure, havent thought about this questions since i was a child LOL

IGN - Raptorx780


Age - 13 almost 14


Favorite Mod in B Team - Thermal Expansion and MineFactory Reloaded


What do you like to do in Servers? - Build and Mine

Why do you want to join my server? - Because it sounds like your server has a nice community and I would like to be part of it. 


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) -( OK )


Favorite Color - Blue for life

Posted (edited)

IGN - Rezeero_


Age - 19


Favorite Mod in B-Team - Thermal Expansion


What do you like to do in Servers? - Build (Isn't that what the game is about?)


Why do you want to join my server? - I'm looking for a good server to join that seems well-maintained; this seems to meet that desire. I can also agree with rules.


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - I do have Skype, but no mic. (That will change shortly)


Favorite Color - Not a single favorite, but I like the purple to orange spectrum (purple/red/orange)

Edited by Rezeero_
Posted (edited)

IGN: WavedRed


Age: Almost 16


Favorite Mod in B-Team: Tinkers Construct or Carpenter's Blocks. (can't decide, all of them are fantastic though.)


What do you like to do in Servers?: Have fun, make friends, build.


Why do you want to join my server?: The server seems like it will be a fun environment. I think you would choose great people to create the community. Rules are simple, not ridiculous. The real question is why wouldn't I want to? 


Skype?: I don't have a mic, nor a lot of privacy to Skype without background noise (which can be annoying for others), but can message easily through other platforms.


Favorite Color?: Most would think red... but it's actually lighter shades of blue. Tricked ya, didn't I? (that was stupid.)

Edited by WavedRed

I've been fixing some permissions stuff and plugins. I will start sending pms telling people when they have been whitelisted.


IGN -noodles59


Age - 24


Favorite Mod in B Team - Never played this pack before


What do you like to do in Servers? - Build and have fun


Why do you want to join my server? - Looking for a good B team server


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) -


Favorite Color - Blue


IGN: coookiemonster72.

AGE: 11 almost 12 .

Favorite mod in B Team: carpenters blocks tinker construck.

What do you like to do in a server?: build do little pranks and make cool stuff.

Why do you want to join my server?: because i cant find a good server thats not over populated and it will be fun.

Skype: wholmes2013 (will)

Favorite color: blue.



i hope u pick me and i cant wait to get playing with u.

i will replie to u on monday or tuseday as im away for the weekend.  :)



IGN: PawsomeNinja


AGE: 14


Favorite mod in B Team: TInkers construct and biomes of plenty


What do you like to do in a server?: Make friends, build and explore


Why do you want to join my server?: I've been looking for a small AOTBT server with no griefing for a long time. The bigger servers are over populated which causes lag and they have banned items to prevent griefing.


Skype: I don't use skype when playing with people I don't know in real life


Favorite color: Green


IGN: Scienceguy2002


Age: 13 (But mature)


favorite mod in B Team: either Witchery or Thermal Expansion


What do you like to do on a server?: I love to build. especially interior decorating, (shoutout to bibliocraft & Mr. Crayfishes)


Why do you want to join my server?: Its really hard to find a AotBT server with a small community and no banned items. I love multiplayer because i like to see what people build and its just alot more fun.


Skype: garbonzo1344


Favorite color: I like dark green. light blue is good too...


Hope I can join! -Garbonzo


IGN - HowlingVengence


Age - 19


Favorite Mod in B Team - Probably a tie between microblocks and witchery.


What do you like to do in Servers? - I like to build and help people with projects, as well as pranks. I am going to say this right now, if I get into witchery I probably will prank people using it, you have been warned! :D


Why do you want to join my server? - I'm applying to a bunch of different servers, hoping to find one that is fairly new and get back into the modpack.


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - I don't use Skype very much, but I do have an account. If I get accepted I'll tell you.


Favorite Color - Green.


IGN - iBtro


Age - 15


Favorite Mod in B Team - Tinkers Construct all the way! Although I would really love to try out the Witchery mod!


What do you like to do in Servers? - I like to make friends, start projects with people, help out and just have a good time.


Why do you want to join my server? - I REALLY enjoy the Attack of The B-Team Modpack, however I always get bored when playing singleplayer. Playing on servers with other Minecrafters really helps me stay interested. That is why I would like to join.


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - TheBtro


Favorite Color - Ohh... thats a toughie. Probaly have to go with BLUE.


IGN- ultraolive


Age- 16


Fav Mod- Morph mod


What I do on servers- Build, Roleplay, Explore


Why I want to join- I am planing to record on the server for my youtube account


Skype- Yes


Colour- Red (the colour of bloooood...... =D)

Posted (edited)

IGN - surv1vell


Age - 26


Favorite Mod in B Team - microblocks & carpentersblocks


What do you like to do in Servers? - build somewhat like a town. think ill start of by a farm and work from that.


Why do you want to join my server? - i love small comunities where all people know eachother and are friendly and help out


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - yes


Favorite Color - depends on what i use it for;)

Edited by surv1vell
Posted (edited)

IGN- benj4919


Age - 13


Favorite Mod in B Team - chisel, carpenters blocks and tinkers construct


What do you like to do in Servers? - have fun and have a great time with the other players


Why do you want to join my server? - wanted to play on a great b-team server


Skype?- benj4919 / bensekiller


Favorite Color - neon green


You can contact me on this email adress: benjaminlarsen24@gmail.com

Edited by benj4919

IGN- mspanda314


Age - 13


Favorite Mod in B Team - Tinker's Construct and Thermal Expansion


What do you like to do in Servers" -  I like interacting and working with other players, while working to build as much as I can and have a great time.


Why do you want to join my server? - I generally think that whitelisted servers have better communities, and I'm interesting in trying a whitelisted Attack of the B-Team Server.


Skype? - I don't have one


Favorite Color - Yellow

  On 8/22/2014 at 8:02 AM, nyahron said:




Nyahcraft is a brand new Attack of the B Team server looking for friendly players. The server is currently 20 slots, but may increase if needed. The server is up 24/7 with no lag. It is a whitelist server and you will need to apply below to get whitelisted. People whitelisted are expected to follow the rules. If players do not follow the rules they will be banned and will have to talk to me if they want back on the server.


IP: mc15.fadehost.com:25735




- No Griefing


- No Stealing


- No Random PvP (if you agree to fight that's fine, but don't randomly kill someone for no reason)


- Do not ask for priveledges or gamemodes


- No chat spam


- Respect other players


- No racism


- No ugly/useless structures (ex: 1x1 towers)


- No Cheating or Hacking


- Have Fun



The goal for this server is to have a small community that gets along and doesn't cause drama. Pranks and shinanagins are encouraged as long as they do not destroy or majorly inconvenience the victim.






Age -18


Favorite Mod in B Team -Archimedies ships 


What do you like to do in Servers? -play make machines with a friendly community


Why do you want to join my server? -i want to be on this type of server and because i never had a friendly attack of the b team server before 


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) -


Favorite Color -blue


Posted (edited)

IGN: lilroro9


Age: 14


Favorite Mod in B Team: Tinkers' Construct and the Witchery mod


What do you like to do in Servers: i really like to meet other people on the server and have fun, but i also love playing pranks but not all the time. i just really enjoy have a cool community.


Why do you want to join the server: i want to join the server to have a fun community of friends to play with and have a good experience on a server. 


Skype: PGCAbsolute


Favorite color: Red

Edited by TheNightOwl



Age: 13


Favorite Mod in B team: Tinkers' Construct


what do you like to do in Servers: i really like to be friendly and have fun with other people. But i do love to battle too so when its time to have fun i do and when its time to battle im ready to battle.


why do you want to join the server: i want to join the server to make new friends and have fun with everyone on the server.


Skype: i dont have one


Favorite color: Brown


IGN - Solarman_


Age - 26


Favorite Mod in B Team - carpenters blocks


What do you like to do in Servers? - I like to work and learn from others


Why do you want to join my server? - So i can be in a server were i am not under attack every second


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - I do have a skype


Favorite Color - Blue. Cause i always look good in blue

  • 3 weeks later...

IGN - bro_elanda


Age - 20


Favorite Mod in B Team - Witchery


What do you like to do in Servers? - Iam making videos on youtube for my friends in Indonesia. obiously want to play with every mods aviable with friends in the server


Why do you want to join my server? - Im looking for small and mature server. the thread starter (this one) giving updates about the thread which mean for me it's nice. :P


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - andre elanda


Favorite Color - blue, brown


IGN - mew2keegan


Age - 19


Favorite Mod in B Team - Tinkers Construct & Witchery


What do you like to do in Servers? - I like to meet new people, and drag along old friends onto good servers after I get things set up. I love to help teach new players about mods, and how to use them to the fullest extent.


Why do you want to join my server? - I want to join a server that is ~not~ PVP, and has no banned items.


Skype? (no need to list your skype here, ill pm you) - mew2keegan


Favorite Color - Scarlet


IGN: SpeedKiller2001

Age: 13

Favorite Mod in B Team: Tinkers Construct

What I like to do in servers: Meet and chat with new people, play peaceful and help newbies on the server.

Why I want to join your server: I want a mature community, a non-PVP, and the opportunity to use all items.

Skype: Mr.Nerd

Favorite Color: Purple

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