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Everything posted by Brigadon

  1. Is there going to be a wiki available soon? I'd love to be able to share some of my understanding of the mods involved, especially some of the lesser-known ones like Minions and openblocks that I have extensive experience with. a lot of them take 'tricks' that are entirely undocumented (or might have even escaped the dev's notice) such as 'the care and feeding of minions'
  2. ahh, got me there, the newest version of TE kinda threw me off, especially since I still play old tekkit with old TE.
  3. you might have to be trifle less obtuse. "Saying that throwing punches is childish and beneath me is, in effect, throwing a punch at everyone else that you feel DID throw punches." This is a self-referencing contradiction, and actually funny as hell when you consider that you are referring to yourself as childish and beneath yourself. Man, I miss the days back when I used to be able to say that kind of thing with a straight face... hypocrisy is so much easier and more fun than self awareness . "Anyone that says the word 'jerk' is a total jerk, unlike me." you are quite welcome to throw punches at me if you feel the need to do so. I enjoy it. Call me a masochist. seriously, though I am quite interested to see what the devs have to say about this entire thread in the morning. It should be highly amusing.
  4. umm, if you just installed java 7, did you make sure you uninstalled java 6? the java updater sucks and forces you to do it manually half the time.
  5. I think you are supposed to shift right click with the wrench on the itemduct itself.
  6. I take it from context that this means something akin to 'relevant'? I have never actually heard that word before. It's kinda cool, is it real?
  7. I will admit I used somewhat suggestive language when responding to the OP's commentary. If you wish to keller me as well, I will accept it gracefully... I know full well I can be a di... obnoxious poster sometimes. Kung Fu teaches that one must be gracious in defeat, and humble in victory.
  8. You're fun. I hope we get ten more like you. you know, I am tired of all the trilbie hate. We need to stop the trilbie-oppression in it's tracks. Just because a trilbie is a cheap hat does not mean you have the right to treat it as 'cheap' (grin) I like trilbies, honestly, but I don't own one. All the MRA's I know personally don't even wear hats at all, except for the ones that wear, you know, those high impact firefighter hats or the military and police caps. Occasionally I wear a knit cap when it's really cold, and I used to wear a 'cover' (Navy slang for the white hats we enlisted guys wear) I also wear some headgear when I am boxing, and when I am at SCA events I wear either a large metal helmet or a wire mask. (depending on if I am sword and board or fencing). maybe I should wear like a gimp mask. Hey, to keep this on subject, does AOTB hats mod have a gimp mask?
  9. Actually, it was a subtle jab from an ex-furry pointing out that behavior in mucks is NOT generally considered courteous on non-furry boards. And that she was attempting to use her name as a way to stifle disagreement with her personal attack, which I took as a rallying cry to defend the Modpack's creators.
  10. Dude, I totally know I am obnoxious, but I am almost always pretty careful to stay clear of the line marked 'cross this and you will get banned'. Obnoxious people questioning 'revealed truth' is what makes the world go round Besides, I was totally white knighting the mod developers on this one, I LOVE the idea of theme packs. I want to see a LOT more of them, like maybe a 'railroading' modpack, or 'desert survival', and I constantly agitate for an 'evil overlord' modpack, which this one comes darned close to being. It's all fun, and I like to encourage creativity.
  11. Am I? really? Please, show me where I advocated assaulting women? ANYWHERE in these forums is fine. in point of fact I actually teach women's self-defense classes at my church two nights a week. Now you are complaining about my not being a politically correct vampire? seriously? (rofl) My ability to recognize and call attention to commonly-used internet psychological ploys has no bearing whatsoever on whatever my politics are, which has no bearing whatsoever on the fact that someone was USING those ploys in an attempt to cultivate sympathy for an aggressive attack on a mod developer. One which I find reprehensible. and, BTW, I am most assuredly NOT an M(H)RA. your frothing indictment makes up for in violence what it lacks in coherence. And your attempt to silence dissent is more a clue as to your personal politics than mine. Frankly, I think that Furry has a right to insult whomever she chooses (although it strongly skirts the line of violating board rules about personal insults) , just like I have a right to call attention to the fact that her 'constructive criticism' was anything but, and why. These are not 'human rights' or 'revealed rights' or 'enlightened rights', they are rights granted specifically by the owner of this board, in who's back yard we are playing. The freedom of speech we are granted here is NOT to be taken for granted, as it is not speech, it is text on an owned bulletin board. Let me give you a hint.... close the internet, sit back, relax, watch some TV, and think about the fact that you are capable of doing so at any time. heck, play some single-player minecraft... did you notice I am not there? I am not in the same room with you, you don't even have to listen to anything I say or read anything I write... See how easy that was? Then you can come right back and put on your pure white virtual armor of chastity and board your electronic horse (since riding real horses is objectifying and denying their right to not be oppressed) and defend the heck out of whatever it is you are talking about, Like putting people in prison for thought and speech crime. Isn't that great? edit- @Freakachu; Dudequest IS, in fact, my site... one I post on every time the vitriol from my ex-wife gets too much to take. It's a venting site, one which, in fact, has absolutely no traffic whatsoever. Unless some cyberstalker goes looking for ammunition... I am not a politician, I am self-employed, I could care less about getting doxxed, it will not harm me in any way. That's why I have a real life picture of my face and have mentioned where I live multiple times. My woman knows about dudequest, my family knows about it, I have nothing to hide. It has no bearing on what I say here. I am here to talk about minecraft, not politics. Actually, the fact that the guy tracked me here in order to attack me in an entirely inappropriate forum is oddly pleasing. He actually read my rants and took them a lot more seriously than I did when I wrote them.
  12. like I said before, I'd be just as happy with better storage (I personally like crates) or even extra utilities (storing tinker's construct metals in drums totally rocks, as does compressing cobblestone and dirt so it's there when you need it to built your giant observatory and laboratory) I have tested extra utilities extensively, and cannot find any conflicts with any of the other mods. even the 'peaceful table' doesn't really alter any themes, since it gives you more opportunity to play with research instead of constantly hunting down mobs for everything. but iron chests would help too.
  13. If only. Oversensitive much? your op made me...do nothing but address what i saw as irrelevant slander. I bet you truly believe in 'trigger warnings' and 'cyberbullying' (snerk) Let me SHOW you what a critique actually is. This is less an attempt to 'mansplain' or 'educate' you, than it is to demonstrate your complete misunderstanding of the phrase 'constructive criticism' to any other readers. There is a minor but incontrovertible problem with AOTB, and that lies in the area of server owners. Frankly, the two core mods, resource acquisition (minions) and monster-making (Darwin) are flawed on servers... minions is too CPU-intensive for most server owners, who promptly disable it, leaving a huge hole in early-game resource acquisition and turning it into another 'get stuff and build fortress and turn to resource multiplication' instead of 'get stuff, start on monster making' that was intended. In addition, Biomes-o-plenty has written, into their code, a reassignment of the biome ID's for vanilla biomes. Darwin ONLY spawns in the original (with the original biome IDs) numbers, which means, in a biomes-o-plenty world, that only beaches are valid spawn locations... and only a very few very rare beaches at that. When added to multiple players flying around early on and clearing spawn locations, the entire mod is completely inaccessible to the vast majority of players on servers. There are a number of possible solutions. to the first problem, minions could be replaced... I hate this idea personally, since I love minions and think it's perfectly thematically appropriate for the mod. possible replacements include tohou's dolls, ancient warfare, or even computercraft (for that overcomplicated old-school feel). This would likely need to be paired with an updated storage system, such as better storage or iron chests, in order to deal with the extreme resource overflow (instead of pinpoint acquisition) that such sledgehammers usually entail. Ancient warfare includes it's own storage solution, but it is an extremely involved mod that would shift the focus slighly from 'mad scientist' to 'evil overlord'. alternatively, of course, the default configuration could be changed, to only 1 or perhaps 2 minions out at a time. This is the solution I personally favor, since it would only take moments to implement, require no testing, and would neatly resolve the issue (minion cpu problems are multiplicative... a single minion is scarcely more CPU intensive than a horse, once you remove the staggered task management of multiple minions from the equation). Of course, with such restricted minions, a reduced cost multiplier would probably be appropriate, say .5 or 1 (2exp or 4 exp levels respectively) althugh food costs could remain unchanged (self-regulating) As far as the darwin problem, though, I cannot really see a solution that doesn't require a radical restart (bop getting removed will nail all the new servers) or being replaced by a similarly low-footprint monster-maker, such as utility mobs. That is constructive criticism. I am not saying I am right or that they should immediately drop everything and implement my suggestions, but I am explaining the whys and wherefores and relating them directly to the stated goals of the pack, which is the mad scientist thematic. I offer SEVERAL possible solutions, starting with the most dramatic and labor-intensive and ending with the one I see as being the most likely to implement, that way they can see where I am coming from and my reasons for coming from there, and maybe add to the research I have done already if they have reason to distrust my veracity or need to verify. This is not 'furrymuck'. there is not a monolithic set of wizards that can approve little bits of code or a place where social justice rules. this is a forum for discussing video games, where logic and courtesy, not entitlement and gender politics, are important. Try to keep that in mind.
  14. there are no other vehicles than the titans. The titans are included because megamind rode around in one. This is not a 'war' pack, it is an 'evil genius' pack. in other words, it is a feature.
  15. I believe there is a dependency, yes. At least that's what the author of tropicraft has stated... I would test this myself, but I am inclined to believe authors when they state that their mod is 'incompatible with X' or 'Will not work without X'.
  16. You can do that yourself. It works fine on servers. It's client-only. As is optifine.
  17. I agree, as does minions. ladybuggles: click 'open file' in the launcher's configuration screen for aotb. double-click 'mods' folder. drag and drop downloaded 'optifine' file into mods folder. If it works, it works. if it doesn't delete file.
  18. meh, have you LOOKED at the list of sphax 'textures needed'? it's worse than building your own JSTR pack for it. It will take time, but it will happen as more people come to enjoy it.
  19. I think that 25 xp is far far too punishing, since I consider minions to be an integral part of the processing chain, but as far as having only two or even one minion, that sounds like a bloody brilliant idea. I would actually lower the exp cost to nothing but limit people to two or maybe even only one minion
  20. not to mention the only terrain tools in the pack, ie minions, seem to be disabled. bleah. yuck.
  21. *Who are you? Brian_Barnson *Where are you from? Salt Lake City, Utah *How old are you? 42 *Why do you want to play on our server? because I am sick of the lag, the constant random connects from blacklist servers, and the desperate hordes of griefers wandering from server to server, as well as random changes to game rules from admins, extreme grief prevention measures (and the need for them!) and restarts/ddos/lagouts/completely stripped-bare worlds. I also love building huge, complicated edifices, and I like being on a server where others can admire and comment on them. Why build a jurrasic park if there is no one around to appreciate it? *What do you think you can offer our server? Maturity, enormous experience with many of the mods involved, creativity, and a positive love of building attractive scenery. *Who was your favorite power ranger? Cheetara
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