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Everything posted by EvilOwl

  1. No api link, no zip file link, no logs, no modpack page link = no help
  2. Huh, no config files, that's a bad idea, I see Biomes'O'Plenty and some other mods, I can already feel the biome IDs duplicating.
  3. go to the .technic directory, remove settings.json and try again
  4. Wrong topic location. Moved to Platform Pagoda.
  5. 1. Do not change downloaded jar names, ever. 2. Add the config directory to the zip. The one that auto-generates when you launch it locally and change the mentioned enchantment id while at it.
  6. You changed all the jar file names? Why? Now we can't see any of the mod versions. Are those downloaded from a legit site? You have no configs in your modpack and the default configs make this happen: Duplicate enchantment id! class noppes.npcs.enchants.EnchantDamage and class am2.enchantments.EnchantMagicResist Enchantment ID:100 Fix all this above and post here again.
  7. Moved to the correct section. @JaariAtmc report wrong thread location next time.
  8. Disable your firewall/antivirus software for 5 minutes and re-check. If that works make a permanent exception in your software for the launcher (whitelist the whole .technic directory).
  9. Strange. Can you connect to other servers? Does it work? The server owner should remove your player data from the server (backup those first for safe keeping), those are located in in the playerdata directory in the world directory, backup and remove only the one with Mekalin's UUID. This will remove all items/xp from Mekalin's inventory and reset any armor. Try it, keep the backup playerdata for later.
  10. "java.net.UnknownHostException" everywhere. Your internet connection is not configured properly or there's a firewall blocking DNS queries from the launcher.
  11. Can you get me the latest log from .technic/logs ? Open it, select all the contents and copy it to http://paste.ubuntu.com, fill in the author and hit paste, the site will reload, copy the link and post it here.
  12. I can access that file without any problems, you probably have a firewall of some sorts blocking the download of that file. Upload the latest launcher logs to paste.ubuntu.com aaaaand this is the wrong place for this. Moved.
  13. This is the wrong place.. sighs. Moved to Platform Pagoda. You are missing numina, just download it and add to mods, it's kinda obvious. http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/numina/files
  14. The server's fml log should be like thousands of lines (or more), this one has 101 lines :| and it's not from the time of your crash. Not enough data to help. For the record: the issue here is the server, not your client. Your launcher is ok.
  15. This is the fml log from your client, we need the fml log from your boyfriend's server. Read my pervious post carefully.
  16. He should be deleted, I guess the mod recovered from that. But if he'll be left in the same area again, he will probably crash the game again in some time.
  17. Looks like the data for your player on this server is corrupted, the game is trying to show an item and it crashes unexpectedly. We would like to see the fml log from that server from the time you are trying to login. Warning: fml logs have the chat conversations, you need to edit the log to remove them before posting it publicly for obvious reasons.
  18. Now the question is what did the erroring golem do and how to make him never repeat that mistake. "Entity Type: Thaumcraft.Golem (thaumcraft.common.entities.golems.EntityGolemBase) Entity ID: 356 Entity Name: Clay Golem Entity's Exact location: -2361.00, 64.00, 1473.95"
  19. That could bump up the launcher's permissions, yes. Can you open http://solder.technicpack.net/api/modpack/ in your browser?
  20. You have an environment variable in your system limiting java to use only 512MB ram [B#347] 2016/05/03 15:09:22 [INFO] Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M Remove it and try it again, and remember java 8, Intel and windows 10 don't play along so this could be only step one on your way to fix all this. Press WinKey + Pause/Break, then go to Advanced system settings and Environment Variables, remove the _JAVA_OPTIONS variable from both user and system list. Restart your pc.
  21. Sure. Here's a quote from our discord bot about it: In order to update to Java 64-Bit, please go to the link below and download the version for your computer. If using Windows, please use the version Windows Offline (64-Bit). http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
  22. If you look really hard you can actually find out in the log that this is a vanilla minecraft jvm crash log... and has nothing to do with technic
  23. Can you make a new world? Does it crash?
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