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Everything posted by Pilchard123

  1. Pretty the only thing you get for being in the beta is usually the experience. If it's multiplayer you can go and floor-wipe with some non-beta noobs. If it has a leaderboard, then you have a better change of getting and staying high, earlier.
  2. So, what does it mean?
  3. I don't know where it is. That's why I haven't seen it. Look at Tinman's Facebook, he mentions it there.
  4. Wedge?
  5. Oh, is that the one Tinman was talking about? Haven't seen it, but I gather it's not particularly flattering.
  6. Oh, yea. Hurr durr. I was getting the BC and RP devs mixed up.
  7. Don't bother with plantballs, they really aren't worth it.
  8. Because someone has decided that they don't want fun. They aren't even right, the launcher downloads them from each mod's "official" source. I have my suspicions about the one who started that, based on the mods mentioned. EDIT: http://www.mod-buildcraft.com/MMPL-1.0.txt Let's see here...the only thing I can find wrong is a bit about providing away to get the BC source. That might be useful, although you aren't distributing it yourself. Hm.
  9. Well, then. Perhaps... We need to go deeper.
  10. Just started watching these. Love 'em, hope you keep doing them!
  11. I don't use 4GB, I've only got a 32-bit OS, but try capping it at ~1.5GB. It will use as much RAM as is allocated before the GC kicks in.
  12. I tried running a server in a RAM drive for a while. It would have worked if I didn't only have 1GB of RAM at the time... Got 4GB now, but don't host the server Also, before you try mocking someone, make sure that the made up noob-speak you mock them with doesn't actually mean something quite good. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAM_disk
  13. I think OP wants to have the Technic pack install on a NAS (no, not the National Autistic Society, which is the first hit on Google; I mean network-attached storage) device, and play it from there on a client accessing the NAS. I think it could be doable, but I can't look into it at the moment. Try copy-pasting the installed files to the NAS, then have a shortcut on your client computer pointing to the location on the NAS.
  14. BLORF! CHUNDER! BLARGHHGGHGHLGHLGHLGHLGHLGHG! I vomit bug report onto your screen! Just some advice: Next time you need to post a log, use pastebin, or something.
  15. Or, you know the piracy rule. But also the dickbag rule, the whiny idiot rule, and probably some others.
  16. Re: Error while trying to download Tekkit [Help Still Needed] Hm...I'll have a look. I don't use Win7, but I had to put the more recent .NET frameworks on my computer a few months ago - it was an office machine and they hadn't updated for a while.
  17. Quick question: You have put the port number in the address as well, have you?
  18. Re: Error while trying to download Tekkit [Help Wanted] Wow. You need to update your computer, stat. If I have understood those logs correctly, you're running .Net 2.0 - that was released in 2007. DOWNLOAD THESE, in this order: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=31 --not sure you need this one, but get it just in case. http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=22 http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=17851 They take some time to install, so make sure you've got a stable 'net connection. After each, you will have to reboot to get any updates for them.
  19. Have you connected machines to the pipes? How far away from the engine is the thing that you've connected, if any?
  20. What is this madness? Where do you get cheap SSDs?
  21. Does the Watch of Flowing Time have any effect? Expensive, though...
  22. IIRC, on the wiki and the thread it talks about Mojang "breaking" container items. I think he wants the ability back, but just isn't using this fix for whatever reason.
  23. Yes, it is hard. If I didn't think that DC was a native English speaker, then I probably would have let it go. However, if you're going to rant about someone not spelling things correctly, and also then make references to the age at which you are taught to spell thing like that, then you probably are a native speaker. DC did, so I made that assumption. It may be that I was completely incorrect in doing so, but that's life. Incidentally, I have never been so spelling- or grammar-conscious as when I was typing that post.
  24. They also teach you to spell you're correctly, but it seems that it didn't work for you. I won't (please note the apostrophe) go further into your grammar. It's (again, please note the apostrophe. It's is a contraction of it and is. Its with no apostrophe is a possessive pronoun like his or her) too irritating.
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