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Everything posted by Iscamania

  1. This one is 16x16: http://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/medieval-pack-for-123-16x16-v1232/ It may be not exactly what you're looking for, but it is 16x16.
  2. This fix is @ client side, which means it doesn't have to do anything with your server. The fix is just a list of all chunks whose lighting has been checked, and instead of processing the remaining chunks all at once, process them until 4 milliseconds have elapsed and add them to the list of checked chunks. Once this list is full, it is emptied and the cycle begins again. Anyway, it's currently only compiled for Minecraft vanilla and Minecraft Forge 3.3.8. The recommended version of Tekkit uses an older version of Forge, which makes this fix incompatible. That's the reason why I like to know what version Tekkit uses. The newest Forge shows it in the main menu, the older versions don't.
  3. The problem is, that it isn't official ported for Bukkit yet. (Although there is a port of a slightly older version for Bukkit which works perfect with Tekkit.) I have this installed as well. It would be a neat addition indeed, but it isn't gonna happen until there is a official port I'm afraid.
  4. Probably some program or hardware is blocking the incoming connections. Hamachi itself may work properly, but that doesn't say nothing blocks the connection.
  5. This is an English forum, so this isn't appreciated! At least put an English translation to it.
  6. I have ported it to be compatible with the newest Forge. It's on the Minecraft forum thread of this mod now. Sorry for the delay. Busy week, social life, etc....... Anyway, it is obvious that Tekkit uses an older version of Forge. If anyone who knows the correct version of Forge in Tekkit 3 recommended version, please tell me. I'll compile it once again, special for Tekkit.
  7. You could use a Bukkit plugin like WorldBorder. That plugin has a fill feature, which pre-generates a world for you. It's a pretty neat plugin, 'cause it's main function is to set a world border (hence the name) for you where players can't go any further. It's also to prevent new land being generated. And last but not least, it could fill your world in 2 ways: Square or round. I recommend you take a brief moment to look at this plugin.
  8. No. Unfortunately, you can't really force that. What you can do though, is installing Bukkit plugins like NoCheat and Oreobfuscator. (Google it...) It won't force to have non edited clients, but it will try to impede the hacked client whenever the users tries to use one of his/her hacks.
  9. Duncan has recently started his new season quietly. FYI: Part 1-34 == Tekkit 2.1.1, Part 35-? == Tekkit 3.0.4 (That season just started)
  10. I have a little update about the Nether lag fix. ATM, I have the source on my harddrive.... I looked at the code and the changes are minimal, so there is a good chance that I can port this to Forge! I'm going to try it tonight or else tomorrow night. Stay tuned for the second update, where I'll admit it is a failure OR that's it's successfully ported. Who knows. I'm gonna try to do my best, 'cause I remember how laggy the Nether was for me back when I had a crappy PC. That said, I'm not sure if I can test the fix if it really works because my machine runs on decent speed anyway. We'll see.
  11. LOL. We all saying something different... I think this will be a little bit confusing for the topic starter I guess. Indeed, accomplish your own goals and watch tutorials. You can basically do everything you do in normal vanilla Minecraft but on a much larger scale and many more. Some things are easy to learn, some don't. I watch tutorials too all the time, just to get inspiration. I also visit online servers to see what others do. You could do the same. You'll learn a lot, but it takes some time.
  12. The first steps are the same of the vanilla Minecraft basically. (Make crafting table, make tools...) After that and a little tiny bit of mining, make a generator and macerator first. The macerator doubles most of the ores for you. You get the ores back as dust, which you can melt to ingots in a furnace like you normal would if you put the ores directly into the furnace. For everything after that, watch's direwolf20 indeed. The videos are fun to watch and this guy technically knows more about the mods then he knows about vanilla Minecraft.
  13. Hmmm... I might ask the author for the source and compile it for Forge. But I don't promise anything here, so don't ask if/when it's ready. Maybe I don't even get the source or it's too much work. Who knows. I just saw that the author wrote an offer on the page to send the source if someone asks it in a PM.
  14. Yeah, I love the new SMP LP from direwolf. I also can't wait for those logistic pipes. That'll be awesome. The 1.3 update will come 1 august, but ofcourse we'll have to wait after that for mods to update and that could be a long wait. (But it's worth it. (Hopefully))
  15. Did you really use the latest? That is: WorldEdit 5.4 Snapshot? It's this build: http://build.sk89q.com/job/WorldEdit/ and you place the worldedit.jar in your plugins folder and WorldCUI goes in your client. If you go to the %AppData%/roaming/.techniclauncer/tekkit/bin folder, you'll find a file called modpack.jar. You have to put WorldCui in there. DO NOT put it in minecraft.jar. It works almost perfectly for me. I say almost because sometimes the selection I want to do doesn't work properly. That's simple to solve: Do your selection again, but this time start selecting on the other side.
  16. Yeah I got news: Don't ask for ETA's. The moderators of this forum will hate you for it.
  17. Right. Have you also enabled the mods you want in the config.txt file? Also, I don't know if dropping all the files will work properly with Tekkit. I don't use the other mods in the pack, so I didn't copy their files either.
  18. Edit your post next time. No need to bump your thread up all the time. Anyway, it works. Fine. But you know you need Java 7 for Tekkit right? You've probably luck and removed the right files that need Java 7, but removing shit is no good solution in general.
  19. You username has to be in ops.txt. Check if it's in there. It's easy to give permission for everything with PermissionsEx, but NEI doesn't give a damn fuck about it and ignores you until your username is in ops.txt
  20. I did enable fly/noclip-mode, cheatmode, world info and the critter light-check function. (That last-one is extremely useful if you want to light up your shit properly.) I do use all of it just as a tool on my server. You can certainly grief with it, but it's a tool and should be used like such. Anyways, how I do it is just dumping it in modpack.jar, but not all of the files. If you open readme.html first, you'll see what to copy and what not. Pretty easy. Yes, you are...
  21. No lapis lazuli.... You have to use an inksack instead. Problem solved. ;)
  22. Right... I'm even more confused! You could tell on what system setup you're trying to run Tekkit on. What is the OS, what is your Java version, do you get errors in the log, etc. Tell more, because we aren't going to be able to help you without any information. Makes sense, doesn't it?
  23. @JonDood: I hope that was an answer to SpiritOfDeath, because the reason I use it is because I am a server owner. I use the no-clipping mode sometimes and also the function to look through walls and floors to see what's on the other side. I don't care about ores on my server 'cause I use NEI (Just because I can. ), but x-ray one of the functions of Zombe's mod.
  24. Personally, I use Zombe's Modpack. It has more then X-ray only. It has a different approach than other X-ray mods and it works quite well. Instead of seeing the ores itself, you'll see color-coded asterisks. In the config file you could add/change/remove ores that'll be detected. WARNING: Don't install the mod in your minecraft.jar. It needs to go in modpack.jar. (Same directory folder)
  25. I installed it. It's disabled, works just fine like it should. I can ensure you that. ;)
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