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IGN: RakovKreviech

Age: 17

Location: Moscow-Russia

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Well, about 2 years ago i've found myself killing this game saying that i would never play it.I've judged before playing...

What keeps you playing Minecraft?: ...Then someday i was watching an youtuber playing the game and i saw how amazing is the game and the fact that you have infinite possibilities, as you can be many things like an architect, explorer, hunter, adventurer...well, this was in pirate version then i've fell in love with the MC and wanted an original account so here i am, RakovKreviech buyed the original game for computer in 15/01/2015(I'll never forget this day xD).Plus the mods, i love this tech mods like Mekanism and IC2, the modders make the game even greatest!


  On 2/19/2015 at 11:28 PM, EnderHelix said:

IGN) EnderHelix

Age) 17

Location) USA

How long have you been playing Minecraft) Since about 1.4.7

What keeps you playing Minecraft?) The thrill of modded Minecraft


  On 2/20/2015 at 4:38 AM, Rakov Kreviech said:

IGN: RakovKreviech

Age: 17

Location: Moscow-Russia

How long have you been playing Minecraft: Well, about 2 years ago i've found myself killing this game saying that i would never play it.I've judged before playing...

What keeps you playing Minecraft?: ...Then someday i was watching an youtuber playing the game and i saw how amazing is the game and the fact that you have infinite possibilities, as you can be many things like an architect, explorer, hunter, adventurer...well, this was in pirate version then i've fell in love with the MC and wanted an original account so here i am, RakovKreviech buyed the original game for computer in 15/01/2015(I'll never forget this day xD).Plus the mods, i love this tech mods like Mekanism and IC2, the modders make the game even greatest!


Addded you both to the whitelist, and congratulations to you RakovKreviech for buying Minecraft! You've made the right choice :)

  On 2/20/2015 at 7:41 AM, Geistes said:

Addded you both to the whitelist, and congratulations to you RakovKreviech for buying Minecraft! You've made the right choice :)

That is true, when i camed up to the new world of mods i've been lost and wow, i loved this Hi-tech and these brand new things like treecapitator and nether ores....it's a new game for me, and i'm still playing the vanilla in servers with Hide N' Seek, Skywars.Also i love to met new players and live together(to the world manipulation muahahaha :P).Thanks for adding me in Geistes and see you in-game!


Whats the spiel with the IRC channel? Iirc, something had been said about switching over to a freenode version instead. Just curious if there'll be any follow up on that.


Hey Gei, can you re-add me to the whitelist my old IGN use to be Zanzekk. My new one is Ace_of_Devotion. And if you can Jaybrute's new IGN name (Jwood2000) that would be great as well. :)

Applying for yet another friend.
IGN) Dojoslasher
Age) 15
Location) United states 
How long have you been playing Minecraft) Four and a half years
What keeps you playing Minecraft?) modpacks / friends

My in-game name is Skylord_Xenysis


     I'm 18 years old. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have been playing Minecraft for about two years now. I keep playing it, because it's keeps me guessing.

(Top the vanilla experience with some well-chosen mods, and it's like playing a whole new game again.)

  On 2/21/2015 at 8:49 PM, Zanzekk said:

Hey Gei, can you re-add me to the whitelist my old IGN use to be Zanzekk. My new one is Ace_of_Devotion. And if you can Jaybrute's new IGN name (Jwood2000) that would be great as well. :)


  On 2/22/2015 at 3:04 AM, MiddaPhofidda said:


Applying for yet another friend.
IGN) Dojoslasher
Age) 15
Location) United states 
How long have you been playing Minecraft) Four and a half years
What keeps you playing Minecraft?) modpacks / friends



  On 2/22/2015 at 5:53 AM, Skylord_Xenysis said:


My in-game name is Skylord_Xenysis


     I'm 18 years old. I live in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I have been playing Minecraft for about two years now. I keep playing it, because it's keeps me guessing.

(Top the vanilla experience with some well-chosen mods, and it's like playing a whole new game again.)



Added you two oldies onto the whitelist with your new IGN's and added you two noobies as well! Welcome back and welcome aboard everyone, Give me a yell if there are any problems or questions :)

  On 2/21/2015 at 5:50 AM, Tatters said:

Whats the spiel with the IRC channel? Iirc, something had been said about switching over to a freenode version instead. Just curious if there'll be any follow up on that.


Yup, IRC is up and running proper now.


Server is chat.freenode.net

channel is #GeistesTPPI

Posted (edited)

Age) 18
Location) USA
I have been playing Minecraft since beta
What keeps me playing is finding new things to build and construct no matter how crazy i think it is or how it might not work i keep doing.

and playing with people

Edited by LonEWoLFz
Posted (edited)

Re-Read this please?

IGN) _snooplion_( I know you might think this name is stupid but this is what happens when you leave you mojang account signed in and your friend takes It upon himself to change your minecraft name)

(age) 17

location) 'Merica

how long have you been playing minecraft) 3 years

what keeps you playing minecraft) finding good communites and playing it In different mod packs to change my overall experience

Edited by braydenrb

Hey Geistes, I think I had the good fortune of corrupting yet another chunk. I was trying to remove a bedrock portal that had been unintentionally activated with a quarry, but it caused my client to crash and all follow up attempts to join the server. If you could remove the quarry and the bedrock portal (Thaumcraft Kami) that would be stellar.



  On 2/23/2015 at 7:50 AM, Tatters said:

Hey Geistes, I think I had the good fortune of corrupting yet another chunk. I was trying to remove a bedrock portal that had been unintentionally activated with a quarry, but it caused my client to crash and all follow up attempts to join the server. If you could remove the quarry and the bedrock portal (Thaumcraft Kami) that would be stellar.




All fixed buddy! Sorry about the delay, couldn't find the time. All better now though :D 

Posted (edited)

Thanks as always, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to accommodate me for the fourth, and so help me god the last time! 

Edited by Tatters
  On 2/25/2015 at 10:46 PM, Tatters said:

Thanks as always, I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy schedule to accommodate me for the fourth, and so help me god the last time! 


It's quite alright Tatters :) I managed to fit it into my schedule between second breakfast and lunch :D

Posted (edited)

Hey geistes, sorry for not being on as often as usual. I was just wondering, did you disable the IRC? Whenever I try to connect to it now, it just says "connecting" and doesn't do anything. Thanks!

EDIT: I just noticed that the server is down. Any reason for that? :D

Edited by tigerfrog555

IGN) Legendaryman56
Location) Canada 
How long have you been playing Minecraft)aprox 4 years idk (Since like early Beta)
What keeps you playing Minecraft?)just the adventures you can have and friends you can make thats the reason i wanna join this server cause i thought it would be alot of fun


I didn't break anything this time, I swear! But just to let you know Geist, server went down and didn't come back online at about noon. Secondly, the Irc channel seems to be having issues. :|


Yarp, seems down to me (3/2/2015 at 12:33 PST) But I am at a buddies place again so it very well could be my end *nods* Just an FYI for ya. Been doin RL stuffs and workin more hours to cover for a co worker. Hehe Not enough time to play all the games I want.


IGN) Equadox

Age) 17
Location) Alberta Canada
How long have you been playing Minecraft) I started playing MC in its beta stages, cant remember the exact patch.  Afterwards took a rather large break, and as of about a month ago have picked it back up.  However have continued to watch MC videos (specifically etho, bdubs, and vintagebeef) 
What keeps you playing Minecraft?) I came back to Minecraft because of the sandbox aspect and found myself missing being able to build what ever came to mind, and that is still what keeps me playing.

Posted (edited)

  On 2/28/2015 at 8:19 PM, tigerfrog555 said:

Hey geistes, sorry for not being on as often as usual. I was just wondering, did you disable the IRC? Whenever I try to connect to it now, it just says "connecting" and doesn't do anything. Thanks!

EDIT: I just noticed that the server is down. Any reason for that? :D


  On 3/1/2015 at 4:13 AM, Tatters said:

I didn't break anything this time, I swear! But just to let you know Geist, server went down and didn't come back online at about noon. Secondly, the Irc channel seems to be having issues. :|


  On 3/2/2015 at 8:39 PM, Nisafei said:

Yarp, seems down to me (3/2/2015 at 12:33 PST) But I am at a buddies place again so it very well could be my end *nods* Just an FYI for ya. Been doin RL stuffs and workin more hours to cover for a co worker. Hehe Not enough time to play all the games I want.



I'm not sure what the issue with the IRC channel would be...Other than GBot being disconnected :P


Bad news is - as some of you know - the harddisk drive on the server died, Monday was a public holiday here so I wasn't able to buy a new disk until today.

Good news is that I have the new disk! Two of them in fact! I'll be setting them up in a RAID 1 configuration so that this mess doesn't happen again. In further addition to the good news, It looks like I'll be able to recover all of the data from the damaged drive! 


Server should be up by 8AM UTC at the latest.

Edited by Geistes
  On 3/3/2015 at 6:00 AM, Geistes said:

I'm not sure what the issue with the IRC channel would be...Other than GBot being disconnected :P


Bad news is - as some of you know - the harddisk drive on the server died, Monday was a public holiday here so I wasn't able to buy a new disk until today.

Good news is that I have the new disk! Two of them in fact! I'll be setting them up in a RAID 1 configuration so that this mess doesn't happen again. In further addition to the good news, It looks like I'll be able to recover all of the data from the damaged drive! 


Server should be up by 8AM UTC at the latest.


Huzzah! You are awesome Geistes. <3 Thank you very much for your efforts to enable us to continue playing.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/3/2015 at 6:35 AM, Nisafei said:

Huzzah! You are awesome Geistes. <3 Thank you very much for your efforts to enable us to continue playing.


So uh. I know I said 8AM UTC... but that was a calculation based off an image 1/4th the size of the TPPI server. (whoop  :psyduck:)


So... Wait a while longer please :3

Edited by Geistes
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