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Dangerous Depths - Because Living isn't Easy


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Seems cool, I have a similar mod pack here but without technology. Do you need help with configuration or editing recipes? I saw that you had minetweaker, and I'm pretty good at it if you need help, or just configuration in general. You probably don't but I'm just obsessed with configuring things :):P. It said that balkons weapons had recipe overlaps, which are fixable 99% of the time with minetweaker. Anyways cool pack I will probably try it out and I'm glad that other people think about balance and overpowered-ness too :)

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can I ask mate, when u thinking of doing the server and is it gonna be a downloadable server or is it gonna be a server for the masses lol ?

The initial test server will be private, but once I'm satisfied that its stable I'm releasing the Serverpack public so anyone can pick it up.



Seems cool, I have a similar mod pack here but without technology. Do you need help with configuration or editing recipes? I saw that you had minetweaker, and I'm pretty good at it if you need help, or just configuration in general. You probably don't but I'm just obsessed with configuring things :):P. It said that balkons weapons had recipe overlaps, which are fixable 99% of the time with minetweaker. Anyways cool pack I will probably try it out and I'm glad that other people think about balance and overpowered-ness too :)

I'm good, but thanks for the offer. I reconfigure most of the content as I add it to reduce the workload since Enviromine requires me to build custom configs for nearly everything I add. At this point I have most of Update 1.3.0 finished and I'm just addressing Questbook issues and additions.


Using Minetweaker isn't much different than programming with Basic so I'm not really having any issues there. I have noticed that COFH seems to have put safeguards in place to prevent Minetweaker for being able to edit Thermal Expansion's machine recipes; which I don't have an issue with anyhow. Just an observation.


I've been sick for the last few days, but I'm still aiming to launch the update by Tuesday at the latest.

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so ur not gonna be setting up a server urself?


I might setup a small invite only server in the future, but I have no intentions of setting up a dedicated large scale public server. I personally lack the knowledge or patience to operate and maintain a server that size. If I find a reputable server operator that's interested in setting up and maintaining one, I'll rethink the issue.

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Update 1.3.0 Launches!


Or at least it will once the its done compiling and uploading...


First off, 1.3.0 addresses many of the issues and errors existing in previous versions of Dangerous Depths; including jerky not being craftable, dehydrated foods not having proper hunger values, problems with physics and temps on a few blocks, ect...


A large list of new mods have been added to the modpack bringing many new features, blocks, and items for you to play around with. The new mods include:

-BuildCraft (I finally caved)
-BuildCraftCompact (compatibility addon)
-Random Things mod (beware the bloodmoon)
-Chisel mod
-Back Tools mod (visual)
-Mob Dismemberment mod (visual)
-Hats mod (visual/per request)
-TiC Tooltips mod (tooltip addon for TConstruct)
-Thermal Smeltery mod
-Moarsigns mod
-Artifice mod


The questbook has been updated with new quests and many of the older ones have been fixed. A big fix was getting the TConstruct tables now detect properly. Ya! I didn't get as much added into it as I would have liked, but other things needed addressed. You can expect to see future updates adding more questbook content. The current state of the questbook is shown below:



As stated before, the 1.3.0 update release will mark the beginning of the development for the Serverpack.


If there are any questions or issues with the modpack, PLEASE let me know by sending me a PM or via this thread. Thanks!

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I've been playing with the Archimedes' Ships mod while not working on the next update and serverpack, and have decided to show off my current design. This ship was built with all aspects of Dangerous Depths operating, including the improved physics. It took some experimenting to keep it from coming apart in the air.


(click to enlarge)

Tf85pM3G.th.png zJih26D.th.png 7KXUuWNG.th.png Z56dT.th.png vncTE6gim.th.png KdFZoM.th.png


The bulk of the airship is built of marble and gray air balloons. It has a functioning redstone circuit that controls the bay doors using pistons and activates lamps underneath the ship when they are open. It also features the retractable rope ladder (from Luppii's Ladders mod) that will be added into the modpack in the next update.


As I gear up for the release of the serverpack, the modpack will also be gaining the Trade Booths mod to allow a bit of economics for players interested in such. The serverpack will also release with the Morpheus mod, which aid players on a server with skipping the night cycle by setting up a voting system that ignores players underground.


Exciting times coming! Spruce up on those survival skills!

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Update 1.3.3 has launched! The serverpack has also been added and is available through the modpack's info page.


The update brings with it several mod updates, tweaks, exploit & quest fixes, and new quest reward bags. The mods Luppii's Ladders, Trade Booth, and Spatial IO Compat have also been added.


If anyone has problem with the serverpack, please PM here or on MC Forums with the issue and changelog.

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Dangerous Depths update 1.3.4 has launched! It corrects the recently broken pulverizer recipes and adds additional cross-mod recipe support between Artifice, Thermal Expansion, and Ex Nihilo. Several other minor fixes were addressed as well including the removal of Moarsigns due it causing repetitive server crashes. The ChangeLog can be find here.


The Dangerous Depths serverpack has been tested and seems to be running solid. I suggest running it with a minimum of 3gb RAM for a small server. 6gb minimum is suggested if you looking to run 20+ players with chunk loaders.


I've also begun working on the custom resource pack addon that's intended to supplement the suggested DTI (Default Textures Improved) resource pack. The textures will be x32 and should blend nicely with the original DTI set. With 120 mods to work through, don't expect a release in the near future.

Edited by Grim_Ascensions
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Update 1.4.0 has launched!


This update contains a few minor fixes and mod updates. It also adds four new mods to the pack.


-FastCraft (performance optimizer)

-Jabba - Just Another Better Barrels Attempt (low tech/high volume storage)

-Logistics Pipes (addon to expand buildcraft pipes)

-Draconic Evolution (expanded End dimension and late game tech including the packs ONLY spawner)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Dangerous Depths 2.0 has launched!

The modpack has gained several new mods; including high profile ones like Thaumcraft, Railcraft, Forestry, and Blood Magic. These alone add tons of new content to the pack. But they aren't the only additions. Early game has also be slowed yet again to hinder those who have gotten use to the how the pack runs. The full Change Log can be found here.

A huge list of the mods the pack contains have been updated to newer versions. Unfortunately a few mods were purged from the modpack to reduce redundancy and remove a few problems. This includes Archimedes Ships which has a known problem with causing a RAM leak on servers. I already miss Growthcraft's fishtraps, but balance must be maintained for the greater good.

A large list of bugs and oversights were addressed with this overhaul. Including regenerating and rewriting configs for the entire pack to correct several issues related to outdating. If you were having some odd behavior before, chances are this should have fixed them. If not, let me know whats going on so I can address it. Somehow the questbook got ignored in the overhaul, but I will be addressing those issues and adding new content in the next few weeks.

Edited by Grim_Ascensions
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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for not dropping updates here over the last month.

Dangerous Depths is still alive and maintaining its weekly update schedule with yesterday's 2.1.1 patch update.

This update removed the recently added HoloInventory mod due to it causing severe rendering lag for players with older PC (me included). Its a nice mod, but its to demanding with all the other rendering based aspects the pack offers.

Otherwise, the update encompassed several small tweaks to heat, sanity, and physics across a variety of mods. A few previously disabled items have also been readded; so if you were wondering why something wasn't available, check it again.

As always, if you have issues bring them to my attention. I can't address problems I'm not aware of. My inner circle of players are good at spotting things, but there are always more holes to find and plug.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update 2.2.0 has launched!

This update includes another list of physics, heat, and sanity tweaks as well as changing the recipe for Solar Flux mirrors to use aluminum instead of iron. This is designed to provide an aluminum sink.

Along with fixes and tweaks, update 2.2.0 also introduces a few new mods to the pack. These include the highly demanded Ender IO, as well as Sync, Hat Stand, and Inventory Pets.

If you have issues or requests please bring them to my attention so I can address them if possible. Thanks for playing!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey just a few things,

I don't know much about java arguments so do I need to up my permgen? I set 6gb max RAM for it as said.

Would there maybe be considerations in the future to make the pack less resource intensive so more players can enjoy the pack that have shit computers?

Also, I want to start a world on this modpack, but I want to know if there is going to be some big new updates coming that will make it so I have to start my world again... So yeah.

Thanks in advance, and good job, a lot of effort put into this I can tell!

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and here I was hoping it was literally "depths" and made to play on a unique underground map with cool things. :<

​I tried making a pack like that once, It's not as easy as you would think. There really is no good cave dimension mod, and enviromine's cave dimension for some reason won't allow you to configure it so that you spawn there. Furthermore, ruins glitches or something when you try to spawn them in a cave. I like the name, I think it more implies that you have to pay attention to physics and gasses and other things while mining, but that's just a guess. It might just be that it sounds cool :P

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​I tried making a pack like that once, It's not as easy as you would think. There really is no good cave dimension mod, and enviromine's cave dimension for some reason won't allow you to configure it so that you spawn there. Furthermore, ruins glitches or something when you try to spawn them in a cave. I like the name, I think it more implies that you have to pay attention to physics and gasses and other things while mining, but that's just a guess. It might just be that it sounds cool :P

​they might be unupdated but I remember there was a mod that makes the overworld a massive cave dimension that you could select in the world options and there'd be like abandoned shack structures with loot and stuff, but yeah, I get you.

I've made a couple of packs too and my latest one makes use of custom overworld generation so there always things that don't play well together with custom generation... like witchery structures floating in the void and botania flowers not generating or aura nodes sitting along the bottom of the world and you gotta abduct them with archimedes ships to get them back onto the world where you can use them. annoying stuff.

I've never been too much of a fan of hardcore "pile all the odds against you with no hope of survival" modpacks, especially when they make use of hunger overhaul doing what it usually does, but good luck to the modpack maker anyway, cause it feels well thought out just from the description. It's just that I usually like full on, but overpowered. That's where my style lies. :)

Edited by darkmega
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  • 2 weeks later...

I apologize for not replying sooner. I've been distracted by another game and haven't been around Technic much lately. 

Would there maybe be considerations in the future to make the pack less resource intensive so more players can enjoy the pack that have shit computers?

Without culling out some of the larger mods, I can't reduce the resource demand. Sorry.

Also, I want to start a world on this modpack, but I want to know if there is going to be some big new updates coming that will make it so I have to start my world again... So yeah.

​Nope. Dangerous Depths won't be receiving anymore overhauls or big updates. I may release a few more minor patches for mod updates and minor fixes, but nothing else will be added to or taken out of the pack. I plan on starting work on another pack in a few months once MineColony reaches public release. But it'll have a different feel to it than Dangerous Depths.

​I've never been too much of a fan of hardcore "pile all the odds against you with no hope of survival" modpacks, especially when they make use of hunger overhaul doing what it usually does, but good luck to the modpack maker anyway, cause it feels well thought out just from the description. It's just that I usually like full on, but overpowered. That's where my style lies. :)

​My preferred style is your opposite then. In my opinion Dangerous Depths actually has to much overpowered stuff in it and not enough survival. I reach endgame to quickly. But we each have our preferences.

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Missed this in previous post: 

​I tried making a pack like that once, It's not as easy as you would think. There really is no good cave dimension mod, and enviromine's cave dimension for some reason won't allow you to configure it so that you spawn there. Furthermore, ruins glitches or something when you try to spawn them in a cave. I like the name, I think it more implies that you have to pay attention to physics and gasses and other things while mining, but that's just a guess. It might just be that it sounds cool :P

​You're correct in your assumption about the names. The group that plays with me on my private server are constantly cursing about the hazards they encounter when tunneling and spelunking. Makes me smile every time.

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