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So im trying to allocate more ram to minecraft in the techniclauncher 1.7.10 pack and i set it to 14 gb out of my 16gb becuase i was getting annoyed at the lag and it still wasnt solved with that much ram.... so i updated java to the newest 64 one for my pc and that didnt work. i checked my control panel and system stettings advanced.... looking for some java_options or something but that wasnt there eiter so then i just cheked my snooper settings and found a bunch of jvm_arg.... there was 1,2,3,4,5,of them it looked like this (i would have put a screen shot but it said i could upload greated than 500something kb idk...

jvm_arg[0]                                          -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft......

Jvm_arg[1]                                       -Xmx14336m

jvm_arg[2]                                          -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

jvm_arg[3]                                         -Xms2048M

jvm_arg[4]                                      -Xmx372M

jvm_arg[5]                                       -XX:PermSize=256M

jvm_args                                             6

launched _version                                    1.7.10-Forge10.13.4.1448-1.7.10

memory_free                                      1314172648

memory_max                                       2979004416

memory_total                                      2979004416

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its already set at 3gm right now... it is stuck at it and not performing..... video settings dont matter if i change it i still lag bad.... i have a amd Radeon hd 7950 3gb of GDDR5

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no matter what i do to change the ammount of ram it still has it stuck because of cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker",
  "javaArguments": "-Xms2048M -Xmx3072M -XX:PermSize=256M -



that is inside the version JSON file...


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Okay well still that was my issue, for some reason with the 1.7.10 pack forge has a setting that locks the max gb allocated to the game in that file the json one so if you install the pack and have the same issue follow that link and do what they say. It fixed it mostly but I still get quite a bit of lag and I have a beefy computer, plays bf4 ultra fine... So idk maybe I'm just doing something wrong... I've tried a lot of fixes but I really think Minecraft might not be using my 7950 3gb ddr5 card and using the onboard one from the mother board but I disabled that in the bios soooooo idk again lol I have 16 gb of corsair vengeance too (the blue ram) and I have a 6 core amd processor not sure Which exact one but if any of that sounds like it's the issue let me know thanks guys!!!! :)

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