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Why not give idiots what they apparently need?


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for the love of christ, permission is not needed for publicly released material. The modpack's point is to provide a package of already available mods to the public.It would be one thing if someone took a mod like forestry and made it simply create sparklefarts as you flew thru the air by grossly changing the code within the mod thereby breaking the copyright ( that they have to apply for anyway ). The redistribution of material that is otherwise available freely isn't even against copyright law provided its unaltered.

Now, can we get off the damn permission bandwagon?

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Quote from MCFourms: "Tekkit/Technic also does not cross-donate. These mod authors get small donations, and small amounts from Ad Fly, to fund their modding efforts. Even if it just buys them a coke, it is a tangeble benifit and reward for a good job (unlike forum pages filled with "when will the update be out" whining).

Tekkit/Technic, however, takes all of their ad $, donations, and Ad Fly cash and keeps it for themselves, for their "integration" team (who haven't updated from 1.2.3 yet, if you notice). Not a penny goes to the modders that actually made these mods, and they have built a large online infrastructure, full of ads, on this. Someone is making bank (comparatively) and it is not the people who actually made these mods.

And, oh yeah, they add whatever they want to it, without bothering to ask permission. That tends to tick people off too."

Damn you KakerMix!!!111! Stealing their Ad-Fly Money. And what is this about a secret "integration team"!!! I am ashamed!

On a serious note, the misinformation is infuriating. Everyone and their uncle can post shit like this on the MC Forum, but a single, level headed supporter of the Pack gets flamed, deleted and banned.

*Hangs head in shame*

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Quote from MCFourms: "Tekkit/Technic also does not cross-donate. These mod authors get small donations, and small amounts from Ad Fly, to fund their modding efforts. Even if it just buys them a coke, it is a tangeble benifit and reward for a good job (unlike forum pages filled with "when will the update be out" whining).

Tekkit/Technic, however, takes all of their ad $, donations, and Ad Fly cash and keeps it for themselves, for their "integration" team (who haven't updated from 1.2.3 yet, if you notice). Not a penny goes to the modders that actually made these mods, and they have built a large online infrastructure, full of ads, on this. Someone is making bank (comparatively) and it is not the people who actually made these mods.

And, oh yeah, they add whatever they want to it, without bothering to ask permission. That tends to tick people off too."

Damn you KakerMix!!!111! Stealing their Ad-Fly Money. And what is this about a secret "integration team"!!! I am ashamed!

On a serious note, the misinformation is infuriating. Everyone and their uncle can post shit like this on the MC Forum, but a single, level headed supporter of the Pack gets flamed, deleted and banned.

*Hangs head in shame*

wow, i don't even know where to begin to rip that fabrication apart. lol. and I'm 99% sure that quote is probably from some dipshit nobody off the forum with no clue as to the mod content or the packs content or any affiliation with either authors/teams.

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wow, i don't even know where to begin to rip that fabrication apart. lol. and I'm 99% sure that quote is probably from some dipshit nobody off the forum with no clue as to the mod content or the packs content or any affiliation with either authors/teams.

I will see your 99% and raise you 1% more. Honestly, this guy likely saw some YouTube comment about how "Technic scuks" (sic) and then just misread/misinterpreted a handful of biased posts on YouTube or MCForums and then decided to vent his anger. It makes me laugh how gullible and impressionable people are. They see something on a website that look semi-credible and go off preaching about something they had never heard of until 20 minutes ago.

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Oh god, now it's bound to happen.

On a serious. ote they did kinda start this, by bringing the pack to public attention before it was ready, since at the time it was a private modpack that didn't need permissions. So if you want to be a real dickbqag, you coould say it is their fault. I personally love them for it, because id they hadn't done that, the pack may have never gone public, and then none of us would be able to enjoy it.

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Ahhhha!! Some more gems from the MC Fourms... (We almost need an entire section devoted to these, kinda like the Whale Box)

"Cant wait for tekkit to burn in a fire because of this <3" (Talking about the FTB Mod Pack)

"People should be aware of the evil that is the Technic Pack, thanks for brining it to our attention, ignorance in an age of such connectivity is not realy an excuse anymore" (User complementing the guy yelling about Kaker stealing modders ad $)

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Ahhhha!! Some more gems from the MC Fourms... (We almost need an entire section devoted to these, kinda like the Whale Box)

"Cant wait for tekkit to burn in a fire because of this <3" (Talking about the FTB Mod Pack)

"People should be aware of the evil that is the Technic Pack, thanks for brining it to our attention, ignorance in an age of such connectivity is not realy an excuse anymore" (User complementing the guy yelling about Kaker stealing modders ad $)

Hey, I was wondering about the signification of MCfourms? At first I thought it was a typo, but it seems to be an humorous nickname after all.

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Hey, I was wondering about the signification of MCfourms? At first I thought it was a typo, but it seems to be an humorous nickname after all.

Sorry Xylord, but I seem to be missing something, your post just went right over my head ( I assume you know that MC Forums is the Minecraft Forums)

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I just can't believe there's not a higher authority at Curse with a fucking brain that you can communicate with to kick their staff in the ass and do their jobs to stop allowing BS from spreading. If anything, Mojang should smack Curse upside the head. It's their community thats only suffering more and more as the wrong info is allowed to spread while the truth gets censored out.

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I just can't believe there's not a higher authority at Curse with a fucking brain that you can communicate with to kick their staff in the ass and do their jobs to stop allowing BS from spreading. If anything, Mojang should smack Curse upside the head. It's their community thats only suffering more and more as the wrong info is allowed to spread while the truth gets censored out.

Why should Mojang care? Why would they risk their "relationship" with Curse for such a small segment of the community. I dislike it as much as you, but the best way to deal with it is to keep a level head and ignore the misinformed kids and trolls. That chat-log posted earlier in the thread was a great example of how these two communities should interact. (On a side note nice job Cheepshot you are a credit to the pack and this community) Everyone also needs to stop thinking of it as a battle between us and them. The Us vs. Them philosophy will only lead to more animosity and hate in both groups.

EDIT: GreenWolf13, the lack of interaction between Mojang and the community is startling when you think about it. It is supposed to be this open community where players can interact with the devs and help shape the game, however there is absolutely no interaction on the forums from anyone at Mojang.

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the problem is the curse owned forum is considered the official one and as such the community for mojang should mainly be there especially for newcomers. Therefore mojang SHOULD care that the people modding their forum are doing so in an unbiased manner. Or at the very least should be making an effort to stop wrongful rumormill bullshit from spreading.

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Sorry Xylord, but I seem to be missing something, your post just went right over my head ( I assume you know that MC Forums is the Minecraft Forums)

Oh, it's just that you misspelled MCFourms twice rather than MCForums, so I thought it was intentional. ;D Nevermind then.

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the problem is the curse owned forum is considered the official one and as such the community for mojang should mainly be there especially for newcomers. Therefore mojang SHOULD care that the people modding their forum are doing so in an unbiased manner. Or at the very least should be making an effort to stop wrongful rumormill bullshit from spreading.

I agree complacently ( I misspelled completely and my auto-correct fixed it to complacently I will leave this as it made me chuckle)

Oh, it's just that you misspelled MCFourms twice rather than MCForums, so I thought it was intentional. ;D Nevermind then.

Ahh I see, nope just big thumbs and a small phone :)

Also hey look, a mod showed up in the Forestry page...

"Any further accusations regarding malware or any hostilty, attempt to start a flame war, flame baiting, or attacks to SirSengir will be dealt with. Keep this topic clean of it. It is his right that he wants this mod not to be in tekkit - accept it.



PS : This mod contains no malware, to clarify that."

To be fair however, putting malicious code that specifically targets certain computers does fit many definitions of malware (haha autocorrect wants this to say Waldemar) ... Just saying...

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Is it wring that i picture you as a giant hairy viking warrior sitting in a tiny little subway seat holding a tiny little iPhone and posting on this forum Jorcer?

You sir/madam, have just made my day.


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I wonder how they're going to split their adf.ly income from the modpack, especially since not every mod author in the pack (like Sengir) even uses adf.ly in the first place.

Wait did I miss a page or are you just talking to yourself?

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Ahh that makes sense

Also in other news a new candidate for the Whale Box has apeared and I am the hacker who changed all of your ages to 112 and changed the profile pics of Shitposters...

For more read here:



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