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Username: 0olewo0

Age: 19

Do you have Skype? Yes= Lewis.balderson


Hours of your regular online times:5-15

What can you offer the server as a Moderator?I can offer the server a wide range of skills, The main one would be Helping others with problems, And also Helping the server become the best it can be!

You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem?

I Listen to both sides of the argument, I Give them both a warning, and if they carry on they get a kick for half an hour, if they carry on again and again its a Ban.

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Do you have Skype?yes pking4197


Hours of your regular online times:4-8 usually with breaktimes for dinner and homework

What can you offer the server as a Moderator?Help and support. Info and Details. Basically anything

You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem?first see if the person who destroyed said other persons creation had any bans before. If he did than i would ban him. If not warn him and have him pay or make a the creation again. If he cant create it for him then that person has to give the materials to create it to the person who created it in the first place. But if that person does not or says no to what I say I would ban him and then give the other person the item.

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Do you have Skype?


Timezone: im not sure

Hours of your regular online times: 15hrs

What can you offer the server as a Moderator? not sure still new to the game

You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem? help the player fix his home an talk to some one about kicking the player or a nother acttion.

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Username: Carebear19

Age: 16

Do you have Skype? Yes

Timezone: GMT + 12

Hours of your regular online times: Usually Monday to Friday 4pm to 11pm, however soon that will change, Weekends 11am/12pm to 10pm. Otherwise I'm on 10am to 11pm, however I often go onto different games for a bit of a change in scenery

What can you offer the server as a Moderator?: Experience, quite a lot of it. I have been a tekkit player for about a year now and have hosted and been a Moderator on a couple of servers. First off, I was a co owner of the most popular tekkit server in New Zealand/Australia which had about 50 slots, 30 of which were pretty much constantly full. I know the people that play tekkit and how to handle them, I've had to sort quite a lot of issues with many people over the few months I've been staff on servers.

You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem?: If the grief was on Protected land I would inquire to see if the person who destroyed the others stuff was in the town or not, if he/she is then I would question them as to why they did it. If it was accidental, and the creator of what was broken agreed then I would (If applicable (Use the rollback command) If not;) tell them to fix what was broken as they would have the items themselves. If the person was not from the town I would ask them how they broke the creation, if they used a glitch to do it I would punish them accordingly and fix the grief and mute the owner of the building/creation for 10-20 minutes for flaming in chat. If the creation was not on protected land I would mute both for arguing and flaming in chat for 10-20 minutes. After they are unmuted if they continue flaming I would kick them both. If they come back and continue, temp ban both for a few hours.



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Username: xXJinzoXx

Age: 17

Do you have Skype? mikkojohnlee

Timezone: GMT 8+

Hours of your regular online times: 15-20

What can you offer the server as a Moderator? i can offer to make the server will be in good community lots of players and building landscaping helping

You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem? ill tell to the server staff or just post on the forum

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Username: spike8989

Age: 12 (but responsible)

Do you have Skype? Yes (but if you Skype me no video call)

Timezone: (UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

Hours of your regular online times:3h to 8h but on holidays 10h to 12

What can you offer the server as a Moderator? serve under your command and make shore that players play by the rules and I have experience from hosting and being admin

You see two players arguing. You go to investigate and learn that one of the players has destroyed one of the other's creation? What are the steps you take to fix the problem?

Say to both of them: Greifing is allowed so stop arguing and carry on playing tekkit

but if protection was on it I would ban the player if amin but if I was not admin tell staff

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do you have skype: yes failepic895

hours of your regular playtime: i play tekkit virtually every day for at least 1 hour a day a bit sad i know but i not got that many friends D=

what i can give by being a moderator a knowledge of tekkit and an ability to show compassion and help people learn to play i have also seen so many bad mods on other servers so i know what the player wants

i see two players arguing and discovered one has destroyed the others stuff what do i do :kick the person and either roll back the greif or help the greif victim repair the damage i even will go as far as to build him the stuff with resources that i mined

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