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Can't understand this "Modpack-War"


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I'm relatively new to minecraft. One thing I cant understand when I watch e.g. Forestry or GregTech related threads is this Modder/Modpack-war. Those two mods are the only one I know participating in this "war", are there more? What is the background behind those frictions? I found a few hints in various threads but I'm interested in the whole story.

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Note to self: Get a pastebin of this so I don't have to continue repeating it.

Right, firstly, when there was only technic, we did not have permissions, around about... Some time Minecraft Modder SirSengir (Forestry Mod) decided "Herpderp Technic bad derp" so instead of asking for it to be removed, he added codes that made combines break, something else use lava, not water and made bees corrupt your world. This made people think that "Herpderp Permissions Derp" so made the Anti-Technic mob we can still see today.

(This also happened with BTW by the Nobel Dong Princess the First, but we're not talking about that)

And then some people refuse to allow their mod to work with Technic (Ie. GregTech) because they still believe Technic will 'steal' their mod.

Basically, a confusing clusterfuck that no-one want's to talk about.

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There is most certainly a war. A war fought in the minds of the schizophrenic flame-baiters on both 'sides'. And then there's the 'neutral' side such as yourself that claim ignorance.

Just shut up and play Minecraft.

If it gets to the point where we get mucked about again, then we are all in the right mind to complain, but for now there is nothing to discuss.

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Their is no war between technic and the mod maker as we have been working rather hard to become a neutral party in the mess. However a chunk of the community on both sides of the fence still holds a grudge against the other side but as time goes on this is fading away.

As for the war your seeing it is currently between the mod makers and the people that make the plus packs as well as the dns one. With the mod authors attacking with increasing harmful drm and even DMCA take downs. Which may even escalate to a court case or more likly a major shake up in the top tech/magic mods that are considered essential to any major mod pack.

Personally I hope that the involved mod authors would take a long break from the community to cool down and allow new authors to replace them for a while. Sure we will miss their mods but by now there are a ton of alternative mods out their just waiting to be in the lime light.

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Mods are never going to actually become a court case, since Mojang would be the "right" party. You're not actually supposed to redistribute parts of Minecraft, which is exactly what Forge does. Of course, no one really gives a damn.

Who cares about legal issues in a game featuring virtual legos anyway? Some people just want to play the game and not worry about these "politicians" arguing over which flavor of ice cream is better.

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Mods are never going to actually become a court case, since Mojang would be the "right" party. You're not actually supposed to redistribute parts of Minecraft, which is exactly what Forge does. Of course, no one really gives a damn.

Who cares about legal issues in a game featuring virtual legos anyway? Some people just want to play the game and not worry about these "politicians" arguing over which flavor of ice cream is better.

Which is the reason that I think it is more likely that the mod authors/community around them will implode before any of the legal gray areas are truly touched upon. As for any possible court case the fact that DMCA take downs are being used opens up a legal door in the mess, as if the modders copy rights are truly garbage then the take downs would be illegal. Which is a door I hope gets opened for the fun it will cause.

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Which is the reason that I think it is more likely that the mod authors/community around them will implode before any of the legal gray areas are truly touched upon. As for any possible court case the fact that DMCA take downs are being used opens up a legal door in the mess, as if the modders copy rights are truly garbage then the take downs would be illegal. Which is a door I hope gets opened for the fun it will cause.

There has been multiple DMCAs staged against the Technic Pack website. Kake and the bunch decided to do the "prove it" dance, and they were promptly rendered to be complete BS. Modders have no right over something that has no obfuscation that is distributed for free. adf.ly does not count as paying for it, the only money exchanged is due to advertising.

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I really wish people that had no clue about ANYTHING would stop posting as if they knew what was going on. Are any of you the mod authors? Are any of you the Technic staff? If not. STFU honestly. All you continue to do is spread the wrong information.

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Erryone shut up. You do not speak for the Technic devs. When people come in asking questions like this, just ignore it. If we respond we respond, but stop trying to lay down a history lesson like you have it first hand.

Two or three bad apples don't spoil the harvest. If there ever was a war, there isn't one now.

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Erryone shut up. You do not speak for the Technic devs. When people come in asking questions like this, just ignore it. If we respond we respond, but stop trying to lay down a history lesson like you have it first hand.

Two or three bad apples don't spoil the harvest. If there ever was a war, there isn't one now.

I remember the days of the war...the screams, the gunfire, the mortars... We couldn't save them, no one could...

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Hey, you ate the same pork and beans like everyone else there! Don't be complaining, soldier.

I was there. It was bloody. Very bloody. Extremely bloody. Ridiculously bloody. Painfully bloody. Hilariously bloody. Infinitium bloody.


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