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[1.0.11]Volt alliances[PvP/PvE][Whitelist]-looking for friendly players for small/medium server-


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-age: 14

-timezone and country of residence: florida

-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself):about 1 year

-what attracts you to my idea/server: the idea that noone will just shoot a missile at me

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf: im willing to group

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp?: yes im josh510

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-timezone and country of residence

-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself)

-what attracts you to my idea/server

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp?

- I'm 14.

- EST United States

- I have played Voltz pack since it was in it's first testing stages.

- The gameplay, and the idea about PVP, and a chance for Youtube Videos

- I will group up to start with, I will then break off and form my own group.

- Yes, I do understand. Stupid grief is somewhat like firing missiles for no reason, or fake-activating your dead-hand switch. fun PVP is more like roleplay and allows people only to attack if they get angry, or make enemies.

Also, if I'm whitelisted, im DarkEmerald24.

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-I'm 12

-I live in ohio (EST)

-I just recently (past month) started playing Voltz again

-I love the fact that there is PvP, and that it's almost like a war

-I'm dependent of other people, so I'll most likely stay in a group

-I understand that you can't grief, and I know the difference

If I'm whitelisted, I'm dmangaming

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-I'm 12

-I live in Ohio (EST)

-I just recently (past month) started playing Voltz again

-I love the fact that there is PvP, and that it's almost like a war

-I'm dependent of other people, so I'll most likely stay in a group

-I understand the difference between griefing and PvP

If I'm whitelisted, my name is dmangaming

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-pacific time United states

-played Voltz for a long time know how to make everything and stuff lol

-well I just want to go to a sever with no bullshit or lag it get tiring after a while of all the greffing and f***ing little kid messing up everything

-I work best in groups and preform best in a pack and not so much as a stand alone guy

-Yes and lol I didn't read this one before righting the last one. and I would love to join your sever I am a really trust worthy guy... I love just fun PVP action I think it good completive fun and great add on to a already fun game and the line from fun pvp and Greffing is huge there is no point comparing the two, Greffing is just destroying someone's hard work for shets and giggles and I hate that so much. there is no reason to Greffing someone at all. so yah hope I can join your sever it sounds really fun and thanks for reading

MY name is Cody C.

User name: CodysUniverse

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IGN: Pepperytable

- Im 22

- GMT - Northern Ireland

- I know quiet a lot about Voltz

- I have played several Voltz servers, people tend to go all out pvp. Everyone I teamed with ended up killing and robbing me. Meaning its hard to make friends and continue playing on your own. I'd like a server where your team mates and alliance buddies are actually buddies, and won't turn on you.

- I would definitely team with others, its much more fin that way.

- I completely agree with your view of fun pvp over all out pvp.

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in game name: spartan5573

age: 16

timezone and country of residence: U.S.A. Eastern Central Time

experience with minecraft/voltz: I'm very good with the Voltz modpack. Minor trouble with particle accelerators though. Usually mess it up the first time xD

what attracts you to my idea/server: It's not a "Hey, let's all launch Nukes at this guy because I happened to pass by his house" type of server.

are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf: I prefer to group up with people.

do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp?: I believe I have a good understanding of that

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Pacific Time

I Know a lot about voltz and Minecraft, but not all ... (I know all about Minecraft not voltz though)

I am a lover of Minecraft, all the Technic Pack mods, The Feed The Beast Pack and NO GREIFING! I would love to join your server.

I hate being a lone wolf, I will join you and I would honor my superiors unless its mining cause I'm a terrible miner

I get the difference between Griefing to be mean and Blowing up each other not to be all "ha ha ha ha in your face your stuff is gone >:D" but to be like i got ur base and them going yup you got me

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-age- Im 14.

-timezone and country of residence- im in Eastern time zone (Ohio).

-experience with minecraft/voltz- I have been playing Minecraft since 2010 when Minecraft had first started getting reconized.

-what attracts you to my idea/server- Im attracted to your Idead/Server because i hate being on normal (no whitelist) servers because everybody is too mean.

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf- Im willing to group up, But, if nobody wants to group up then i guess im a lone wolf

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp?- YES I agree with you about that Its not Grief, Like there is no I in Team haha:).

-Thanks Cody_1664 Thank you for the chance.

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- age 15

- time zone GMT +01:00 England

- good experience with both minecraft and voltz

- I was searching for a voltz server where I cold team up with some one so I chose your server

- I would like to group up with other players

- I understand the difference between grief and fun pvp

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eastern pacific United States.

-I have watched quite a few video tutorials on how some of the volts collection works.

-I know the difference between stupid griefing and fun griefing from first-hand experience. I would love to find a friendly and helpful pvp server. I want to have massive battles that make up an epic war. In order to do that each side of the war has to advance and be successful. so helping each-other accomplish tasks to further our own agendas would be a very cool way to experience this multiplayer.

If you decide to invite me I would be delighted to become a part of your group.

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-age: 14

-timezone and country of residence: central us time

-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself): a few months

-what attracts you to my idea/server: its white listed

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf: both but preferably lone

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp?: yes

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Timezone-Eastern Standard (U.S.)

Voltz- Very little

I have always been more comfortable in a small and friendly mc community.

I do not mind grouping up with others, yet I typically play on my own.

Yes, I definitely understand the difference, for normally I get a lot of Grief in other servers.

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Timezone-Eastern Standard (U.S.)

Voltz- Very little

I have always been more comfortable in a small and friendly mc community.

I do not mind grouping up with others, yet I typically play on my own.

Yes, I definitely understand the difference, for normally I get a lot of Grief in other servers.

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age 18

-timezone and country of residence AEST, Australia

-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself), Beginner/ intermediate. Very good theoretical knowledge, but lacking experience.

-what attracts you to my idea/server I think its a good balance between pvp & raiding. SOunds like it could be a lot of fun.

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf I like being in a team with others, but after playing minecraft factions, I've become incredibly sceptical & distrustful of anyone. So I'm probably going to start off on my own or in a small group.

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? I definitely understand your ocncept for the server. Griefing is destructive, made even more so by the ICBM mod. PVP, such as a few conventional missiles to attack defenses (not solar panels), pranks & raiding can be fun more both players.

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My ign is thedaveman22

-age 13

-timezone and country of residence UK

-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself) I know how to use some of the machines , but i learn quickly and im eager to help

-what attracts you to my idea/server i have been looking for a small server for a long time.

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf Im better at grouping with others.

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? Yes. Greifing someone isnt nice , but Pvp can be fun aslong as its fair.

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My ign is thedaveman22

-age 13

-timezone and country of residence UK

-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself) I know how to use some of the machines , but i learn quickly and im eager to help

-what attracts you to my idea/server i have been looking for a small server for a long time.

-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf Im better at grouping with others.

-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? Yes. Greifing someone isnt nice , but Pvp can be fun aslong as its fair.

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