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What do you guys do once your quarries are up and running, pumping an ungodly amount of cobblestone (and dirt) into your storage system?

Is there a use for this junk that I just can't think of in the new Tekkit?

You could use it in a condenser before, doing away with it and converting it to useful material.

At this point, I'm dumping it in lava, but it feels wasteful. Any good ideas?


Put it in a DSU. Mass storage for a block with barely any use and a huge supply.

You could also try using it to fill quarry holes using a filler. Other than that, it's basically useless.


Other than that, it's basically useless.

I have a use for it

I throw it into lava to listen to the fizz sound without wasting anything valuable (but only when I'm THAT bored)


You can turn it into Glas, then make a Tank out of it.

You can also turn it into sand and create your personal Desert.


Use the Minium Stone to turn it into something useful. Pro Tip, automate this process with a Cyclic Assembler.

Or as Typhox suggests, use the Pulverizer to turn Cobble into Sand, then melt into Glass or use the sand with the Induction Furnace to double your ores into ingots.


Although doubling your ores that way is kinda slow, it provides a small chance of getting Rich Slag. When you smelt an ore with rich slag in an Induction Smelter (Not an induction furnace), you'll get 3 ingots instead of 2 dusts or ingots.


Yea I'd double Iron, Tin and any other ore I have in large quantities then use the Rich Slag to triple my less common ores, Gold especially.


Not necessarily better, but I've had some difficulty getting minium stone recipes to work in ME Crafting. Haven't tried the latest version, some ME Crafting seems to be working better (redstone energy cell) so I can check it out again. ME is a bit more complex, cyclic assembler might be easier for someone familiar with RP2 project tables or BC auto crafting tables.

  • 3 months later...

use advanced crafting tables to make diamonds with minium stones ms+stonesx4 > ms+flintx4 > clayx4 > ms+clayblockx4 > ms+ironbarx4 > ms+goldbarx4 = diamond takes forever... uses loads of power ... but FREE DIAMONDS!!!


Minimum stone lets you upgrade some of it. I found energy condensers to be game-breakingly OP. With an energy condenser there is so much you never have to build because you can just turn stone into whatever you need.

When I need lots more I pump it into a gold chest. When I need none I void pipe it. When I need some I set my diamond quarry pipe so some-dirt n stone go to the void and some goes to a chest. Its random how much but it works out to be about half in the long run.

You can also use it to fill in the interior spaces in your friends houses, you know, just so they are thinking about you...


just use a dsu. store it all, save it for whatever might come next. my dsu has nearly 1.8 million cobble? I dont even bother anymore. I jus place a dsu at the end of my diamond pipe instead of a void pipe and thats it.


I use it in Singularities using the ME Condenser. Requires 256,000 of any item that is destroyed.

Its basically a wireless connection for the ME system. Sorta costly though but I don't have to drop down back to earth to grab some stuff when I forget it on my space station.

I've gone through about 10,000 tin trying to build a star trek space ship in space... and I'm gonna make it self sustaining without external input.


personally i count my cobble as extra materials because of minium stone and processing, i mean what if i want to make a 5 million block glass monumenton the spur of the moment? you never know.

and I love using it (cobblestone) to build endless bridges through the nether; works great as a ghast-proof highway, especially with turtles automating the highway-building process.

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