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[1.6.x/1.5.x] Redstone In Motion (Redpower Frames) (October 8)


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They work exactly the same as the other drives, except they check for empty space instead of obstruction. Your target probably doesn't have the spot free. z The layout remains the same, just swapping so the new translocator is in the same spot relative to the old.

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I noticed something interesting about translocators. Apparently you can't summon frames currently on the other end of a pair of linked translocation. (Been messing around moving a small villager hut between three chunks or so apart, I could still see the other site from one on default.) That's gonna be interesting to work with based on what we're planning to do with these. Wireless redstone to the rescue!

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Carriage don't work with ForgeMultipart

Gee, that's a helpful and thorough bug report.

EDIT: Nevermind, though: I just looked at the github myself and he's now implemented a whole API to do what my mod does instead of hacking around it like I do now, so I'll work on implementing that in a future release.

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Survey time!

I am now beginning research into adding buildcraft power consumption. I need to know the OLDEST version of buildcraft I need to support.

I figure the people who read this thread are the ones who actually give a crap about the mod, so they're the ones who will be counted.

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Survey time!

I am now beginning research into adding buildcraft power consumption. I need to know the OLDEST version of buildcraft I need to support.

I figure the people who read this thread are the ones who actually give a crap about the mod, so they're the ones who will be counted.

I suspect that since you're using both 1.5.2 and above, the lowest version you'll need is the one currently in the latest recommended build of Tekkit. Anyone using any other modpack likely either updates to latest builds or sticks to the latest recommended, especially if they're adding mods of their own in (they could just update the pack themselves if it was behind the latest rec. build). I can't give you a specific since I don't have access to my computer, but it shouldn't be hard to discover.

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Gave the new translocators a try and successfully make a quick pumpkin carriage take me to the nether, the moon, and a space station. Only case that didn't work was a dimensional doors pocket dimension, which is to be expected (not a full dimension).

Thank you for adding this jakj. RiM has opened up so many more possibilities than RP2 frames ever could.

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Just searched for redstone in motion on the FTB forums. It seems to me like all the players want it, but the 'staff' are too politically oriented to listen to them.

Seems unfair to the FTB players to me.

If people could just swallow pride and say yes once in a while this would be a much better world.

To avoid thread shitting, if anyone wants to continue this it should be moved to another thread i.e. Kitty Jail. Wouldn't want this thread becoming collateral.

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Anyway, I've come up with a basic plan for this. I'm going to create a block that acts as an input-only battery that will accept power from any mod I choose to support, and maybe something with vanilla furnaces too. When a drive is triggered, it will search nearby for these batteries, and use the power to move if enough is there. There will be a conversion ratio from each mod's power units to mine.

Batteries, drives, and carriages will all be tiered, with increasing crafting expense.

Higher tiers of battery can hold more total power and have a better conversion ratio. You will be able to use Redstone to temporarily stop it taking power.

Each block a carriage is moving will have a burden value, maybe based on hardness.

Carriage blocks have a burden too, but also reduce the burden of non-carriage blocks around them. Higher tiers of carriage blocks have higher burden, but reduce the burden of the blocks they carry more, and have a larger effective radius.

Carriage drives have a factor that reduces the burden of the carriage blocks, better for higher tiers. They have a maximum total burden they can bear, better for better tiers.

Power consumption is the final calculated burden. Power will be taken proportionally from all nearby batteries.


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A few more tiers than just that, but basically yes. The charge will be drawn on the side, as will the Redstone polarity, so don't make the texture too busy. May want to wait until a beta is out first.

Powercube...or energizer, or something. Not sure of the name yet.

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A capacitor is used to expel all its energy very quickly...

That gives me an idea, what if the lower tier batteries fan only output so much in a movement. I.e. You have a structure that takes 50 power units to move, but the basic batteries are only capable of outputting 20 per movement. That means you would need three batteries to make the move. What the capacitor would do would be able to output as much as needed while being supplied by one battery. The trade off is less material needed, but longer waits between moves. I think this would make it more accessible start game especially if the cost to make batteries is high.

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Bottom-tier batteries won't be expensive. The lowest tier of everything will basically just be the current super-cheap recipes. I'm trying to make sure I don't accidentally encourage any annoying behavior, and if I start introducing extra cooldowns, I risk causing people to try to speed it up by breaking and replacing the drive.

Also, capacitor works because they are charged slowly over time but the power is taken by the drive in an instant. I chose to do it that way to avoid having to refactor my entire code base to support charging on activation of drive. I want to be able to still initiate movement immediately upon being signaled.

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What I was more thinking was the moment the capacitor was placed beside a battery it would start charging then be accessible to the motor as soon as it was fully charged for on-demand movement. The downside is one movement at a time till it recharges unless the power usage is less than half the capacitor I which case it could move twice between charges.

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