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Better than Wolves- Mod pack in the launcher



My idea is that Better than Wolves, yet another amazing mod, should be added to the Technic Launcher Pack. This could be used alongside 'Better then Buildcraft' and 'Buildcraft' itself to provide a new and different experience for the user

Better than Wolves has long been requested as an addition to various mod packs, however has been turned down due to it's incompatibility. This could be worked around by such a mod pack.

I hope you will agree

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it won't stop shitting on my lawn damnit! Oh wait, that's just direwolf, he's fine.....

Until he starts talking. The neighbors will call the police after about 20 minutes into a mod spotlight.

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I hate you all

One idea and you change the post completely, going so far as to get it reported

Whoever had that idea should just leave

I don't think you understand. BTW will never be in the launcher. bothering FC about it will only get you banned from his forum/IRC/whatever and laughed at. it simply isn't happening. your thread was going nowhere from the get-go so I don't really see how it has gotten any worse.

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Flowerchild is not a bad person

However, he cannot see beyond his own vain and self-obcessed views on life and so is unwilling to acknowledge the wishes of his own fans and downloaders


On the off chance that you are listening, Flowerchild, WAKE UP

The world doesnt acknowledge copyright or similar things anymore.

Everything is becoming free domain and if you don't realise that you are merely using a game which you had no part in making and so have no rights over access, then you're gonna be left behind

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Flowerchild is not a bad person

Now, hold on right there for just a minute. You truly believe that someone so truly anal retentive about exactly how a person should be allowed to play his completely free derivative works modification of a sandbox game, that he intentionally breaks everything, is NOT a bad person?

This guy is a complete twat, and deserves to be treated as such. As it stands, BTW isn't even a good mod, both from a gameplay perspective, and from the actual coding being trash. There is no reason to defend this person in any way.

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Flowerchild is not a bad person

However, he cannot see beyond his own vain and self-obcessed views on life and so is unwilling to acknowledge the wishes of his own fans and downloaders


On the off chance that you are listening, Flowerchild, WAKE UP

The world doesnt acknowledge copyright or similar things anymore.

Everything is becoming free domain and if you don't realise that you are merely using a game which you had no part in making and so have no rights over access, then you're gonna be left behind

"It's not that he's a bad person, it's just that he's a jerk and incredibly self-centered"

Great argument!

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True though Valkon

And what i am trying to point out here is that people change when acting online

We can't say that a person is truly bad until you meet them in person

But online he's a complete twat

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If I was the technic team, I would put it there just to troll him and claim all copyright of it xD

You could actually do that, as he has no copyright on it as it is.

Although, they might have some concerns over the fact that it's an addition for a copyrighted game

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"It's not that he's a bad person, it's just that he's a jerk and incredibly self-centered"

Great argument!

I need this on a poster.

And what i am trying to point out here is that people change when acting online

True enough.

We can't say that a person is truly bad until you meet them in person

Complete and total bullshit. Stay in school, kid, and I hope reality is gentle on you when it takes away your innocence.

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I remember having that naivety, then I went to college and realized that on some level everyone is a total douchebag and there are no nice people.

So fuck FlowerChild, fuck his mod, fuck his fanbase, fuck the Minecraft Forums community, hell fuck the technic community redacted. Everyone is a prick in some way, the sooner you can realize that the sooner you can get on with your life.

Sorry mods, you gals do a wonderful job we love you.

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I remember having that naivety, then I went to college and realized that on some level everyone is a total douchebag and there are no nice people.

So fuck FlowerChild, fuck his mod, fuck his fanbase, fuck the Minecraft Forums community, hell fuck the technic community redacted. Everyone is a prick in some way, the sooner you can realize that the sooner you can get on with your life.

Sorry mods, you gals do a wonderful job we love you.

Your attitude is shit, just because I haven't gotten very far in life being nice, doesn't mean I don't do it sometimes out of the kindness of my heart. Way to be a pessimist.

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Your attitude is shit, just because I haven't gotten very far in life being nice, doesn't mean I don't do it sometimes out of the kindness of my heart. Way to be a pessimist.

There is a difference between pessimism and realism. Realizing that most everyone will put themselves and their kin before all else, is not only realistic, it's also entirely understandable, as you would do exactly the same.
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I have not yet found a single major popular modder who is neither a hypocrite nor a jackass besides Krapht, so go ahead: Tell me I'm a sad and jaded man. I'll just look at you like Condescending Wonka.

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I have not yet found a single major popular modder who is neither a hypocrite nor a jackass besides Krapht, so go ahead: Tell me I'm a sad and jaded man. I'll just look at you like Condescending Wonka.

Your a sad and jaded man.

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If you're going to insult someone, at least use your grammar correctly. FTFY.

Just imagine demoncrusher as a bartender and "A sad and jaded man" is the name of a drink. Then it works.

What would a drink called "A sad and jaded man" be made of?

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Just imagine demoncrusher as a bartender and "A sad and jaded man" is the name of a drink. Then it works.

What would a drink called "A sad and jaded man" be made of?

Tears and midget prostitute urine.
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I just smell so much Try-hard in this thread, it's nauseating, we have one side going "SUNSHINE AND ROSES AND WARM WOOLEN MITTENS" and then normal people tell him to grow up, then the other side is going "I cut myself today, to see if I could feel" and then normal people are telling THEM to grow up, I just think that both sides will eventually mellow out when they get laid. The over optimistic ones will go-off prematurely.

And the other ones will have to fuck a fat chick, and then they learn that fat chicks give the best head.

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