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[3.1.2] Xeon Gaming Tekkit 3 Server, [PvE/PVP], [60 SLOT], [GREYLISTED], [ONLY ANCHORS REMOVED]

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IGN: TheL0stL1nk

Reason: I need a new tekkit server to play on.

Rules: Yes i will i myself have a server and i can stand people who break rules that you specifically put in place

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IGN: midgitjay, rocky7032, thunderworm

Have you ever been banned: we all got banned because our friend is a dumbass

What do you plan to do on the server: we need a server to live and build on

What is your experience level with Tekkit? we are all very experienced


ING: Hot_Chicken11

Reasonfor wanting to become member: i want to because there aren't many tekkit server with little amout of banned items amd this server sounds fun

Why should we accept you: because i will follow all rules and want to play on a fun server


why did i spook780 get banned for griefing i dont grief and wtf is LB proof and i thinks its imature to say at the end of this message TASTE MY BAN HAMMER! i woould like to appeal that i havent griefed and wheres the proof


IGN: ThrowStuff

reason for applying: I like to mine and craft and build robots and stuff. I mean who doesn't?

why should we accept you? I click on ads on your website? also i don't bother people and I'm told i am a great conversationalist. well I mean i imagine i would be told that if i ever talked to anyone... probly..



  "TeamXiViX said:
ow yeah and me and my friend were making vids for the server to make it more popular so i think i will remove those if im not unbanned by tomorrow

LB is log block, a plugin which keeps a log of every block that is placed or destroyed. Really, you also need permission from Kimbo before you make any videos on the server, so threatening to remove them is actually no threat at all, and more of a compliance.


We are signing up our selfs in the same account we were reccomended by kid_reject to this server.

IGN: tepig090

Reason for wanting to become a Member: I love this server and me and Kid_reject have been playing on it and i would like full access to plugins

Why should we accept you: I love helping out and i hate griefers I would never grief myself.

IGN: dorkybot

Reason for wanting to become a Member: Full access to plugins and better cooperative play with my friends Kid_reject, Beatboxchamp66, tepig090, and supercoolio1000 all of us are on the server and were recommended by kid.

Why should we accept you: I would definetly alert staff if there was anything going on and ill always give a newbie or anyone a hand (even though im kinda a newbie.)

Thanks for reading our messages!


IGN: DT_Darkness

Reason for wanting to become a member: to make everyone who plays happy to be on this server

Why should we accept you: i am a friendly and also i want to make a building to represent the server


IGN: yakuzajoe

Reason for becoming member: I like this server and I love tekkit. My friends play here and I want to play more.

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yes



Reason wanting to become member: he wants to play tekkit with me and he thinks this server is good unlike others he has played

Why should we accept you: he will follow all rules and he just wants to have fun with friends on this server


IGN: dja148

Reason for wanting to become a member?: looking for a good tekkit server to play on with people.

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yes, on all the servers i`ve played on i have had to follow all of these rules and then some.



Reson for wanting to become a member?: Looking for a server to have fun and chill with new people

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server:Yes i have always have followed the rules on many servers


IGN: stephe06

Reason for wanting to become a member?: want a new server to start up shop :)

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: absolutely i hate greifing and stealing, with tekkit i just like to build the biggest and baddest machine :)



Reason for wanting to become a member?: Found some cool people and I'd like to join!

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?:Yup!


IGN: XSwaggaXKillZX

Reason for wanting to become a member?: I want to be able to play with a larger group of people.

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yes I will!


IGN: The_doctor_0

Reason for wanting to become a member?: Just got griefed on an open server and nobody did anything about it besides say stop whining.

Will you follow the rules that we have set for this server?: Yes

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