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FC's own demise....

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Flower Child , as we all know is an a**h*** modder, will have his master-plan sunk when 1.3 comes out. As we all know, FC is a hypocrite and loathes Forge, yet he develops an API along the same lines as forge (I know this from an interview taken after he left forge, and after he took a turn to the worst). Yet, when the official API comes out, what shall he do? And, with the additional IDs, his whole plan is going down in flames. He, as usual, will roll up in a fetal position and start crying his eyes out at his "ruined life" as a modder, and how he will lose half his remaining fan-base when they see the light of his jerkiness, and how he chooses to remain as he is in light of the right conditions to come out of his shell. I can already hear him screaming, "MY AD.FLY PENNIES, WHY NOTCH, WHY DID YOU TAKE MY LIFE'S WORTH AND DISPOSABLE INCOME!? WHY!?". Now, who shares my opinion?

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FC never has used adf.ly, and only recently has taken donations. It (used to be) never about money, it was all about his ego. The dude is insane and has no idea on how to talk, deal, interact, build, or work with people, of any stripe that aren't worshiping his every word.

FC is fun to rip on and such an easy target, but you have to be true to the facts.

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I'm having problems figuring out what the second half of your post even says...

Frankly, there is no need to bring up flower child at all. Especially not in the context of speculative karmic backlash.

Plus, the modding API (which is slated for 1.4, not 1.3) changes nothing really. Minecraft modding takes advantage of the easy decompile nature of java to allow mods to alter the actual source of the game. The new API will make it easier for people to create mods by adding a standard way to inject their code without altering the base files, but it doesn't prevent someone from altering those files anyway. FC can still do what he's doing now, alter the base source and recompile, and infact could quite easily disable the new modding API when his mod is installed and keep his grip on anyone dumb enough to use his stuff.

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FC never has used adf.ly, and only recently has taken donations. It (used to be) never about money, it was all about his ego. The dude is insane and has no idea on how to talk, deal, interact, build, or work with people, of any stripe that aren't worshiping his every word.

FC is fun to rip on and such an easy target, but you have to be true to the facts.

I believe I am mixing up SirSengir with FC, but I might be wrong. I havent been on either's forum postings in a long time... (3 months)

I'm having problems figuring out what the second half of your post even says...

Frankly, there is no need to bring up flower child at all. Especially not in the context of speculative karmic backlash.

Plus, the modding API (which is slated for 1.4, not 1.3) changes nothing really. Minecraft modding takes advantage of the easy decompile nature of java to allow mods to alter the actual source of the game. The new API will make it easier for people to create mods by adding a standard way to inject their code without altering the base files, but it doesn't prevent someone from altering those files anyway. FC can still do what he's doing now, alter the base source and recompile, and infact could quite easily disable the new modding API when his mod is installed and keep his grip on anyone dumb enough to use his stuff.

I'm not a modder, although I am currently in a programming class, and I tend not to keep up with update news. I am sorry about any information I got wrong, the last I really kept up with him was before he started his ummm, insanity streak, so to speak.....

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Nice, java is similar enough that once you get the C++ basics down you can parse through java code rather easily. Though wait till your class is done, don't want you confusing the differences between the two on a test.

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We must lunch our own counter-whine operation.

We shall catch them unawares from behind.

First Cry Division shall attack their camp from behind with an artillery barrage to distract them. Meanwhile, special ops group of brainwashed Sirsengir and Flowerchild clones shall assassinate the commanders.

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Watch out, they watch our forums so they can whine about it to their lord and Master.

Actually, their lord and master watches this forum so that he can ban anyone who looks like they might actually enjoy both his mod, and this pack. It's really quite entertaining.

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I do actually play Buggering The Wall mod, but I can't stand reading just the average thread over there.

I thought I was a hippie/pinko/terrorist/surrendermonkey/commie liberal.

Plus FC has a... unique way of administering over there. Which makes me want to draw my shotgun and stab myself with it.

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I do actually play Buggering The Wall mod, but I can't stand reading just the average thread over there.

I thought I was a hippie/pinko/terrorist/surrendermonkey/commie liberal.

Plus FC has a... unique way of administering over there. Which makes me want to draw my shotgun and stab myself with it.

I thought it was called the "Bomb Throwing Wookie" mod..

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The beefucker doesn't use adf.ly either. The modders who use adf.ly but bitch about Technic are not actually the ones causing trouble, and their mods are still in. So far, the only shitnadoes that have occurred have all been by pure ego.

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