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Everything posted by plowmanplow

  1. The link you provided contains data from the server console. It would be better to provide a pastebin of the contents of the /logs/fml-server-latest.log as well as the most recent crash report in /crash-reports/ if one is being generated. Both FastCraft and OptiFine do "sneaky stuff" with rendering and optimizations. There is a higher than zero likelihood that they will conflict as they have done in the past. Use both at your discretion/peril. If you are unwilling to update your mods to be compatible with the version of Forge you are using I will be unable to assist you.
  2. You have the LiteLoader installer instead of the actual LiteLoader JAR file in your /mods/1.7.10/ folder.
  3. Any time the pack data or metadata is altered it is imperative that the pack version number be incremented. As stated before, your modpack.jar is invalid. The modpack.jar file is simply the correct version of the Forge universal binary JAR file renamed to "modpack.jar". Your modpack contains no config files. In 1.7.10 that will seldom be fatal, but the config files provide the only way to balance mod interection, ensure compatibility, and customize settings to your liking. All modpacks should contain a full compliment of config files. Some of your mod files contain "(1)" in the file name. This happens on Windows when a file is downloaded to a folder which already contains a file with that name. This is not always an issue, but it has been known to cause problems with some mods. The Forge universal JAR does not belong in the /mods/ folder. Please note that Forge 1.7.10-1180 is VERY old. You should be using a current version (1614). You have "iChunUtil-4.2.2-deobf.jar" which is only useful for mod developers. You need the release version of that mod. You have MineMenu for Forge/MC 1.8.9 instead of 1.7.10. Your ChickenBones mods are fatally out of date (CodeChickenCore and NEI). ForgeMultipart belongs in /mods/1.7.10/ not the /mods/ folder.
  4. This link should provide a clear process for converting a custom client modpack into a server. Always provide the crash-report (in addition to other relevant logs) when requesting support for a crash. Always provide the API URL or a link to the Platform modpack page when requesting support for a custom modpack. What server process are you using? Forge, KCauldron, Thermos, etc.? A little sleuthing has turned up this as the likely custom modpack in use: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/happiyshardtech.777222 . Be aware that copy.com is terminating their service in May. It is considered bad form to provide the options.txt/optionsof.txt files with your modpack archive. Doing so will overwrite any local client settings. Using FastCraft and OptiFine together is asking for trouble. Some of your mods are absolutely ancient. For example: Your RFTools version is 2.80 released over a year ago while the current 1.7.10 version is 4.22 released a couple weeks ago. You need to audit all your mods and ensure that you are using the most recent, compatible versions. Your MasterChef mod is not from a legitimate source. Any mod named in the format "ModName-Mod-1.7.10.jar" is highly suspect. Your (illegitimate) MasterChef mod is version Alpha-4.0 while the current version is Release-5.0. Step #1 in turning a custom client modpack into a server is making sure the client modpack is 100% complete, functional, and balanced. Trying to make a server out of a pack which is less than that will be a frustrating endeavor.
  5. You already have an active thread for your modpack. Do not start a new thread for the same problem as that makes it nearly impossible to provide consistent support.
  6. Requests for assistance on custom modpacks belong in Platform Pagoda. Make sure that the "Chunk Loading" option is set to "Default" and not smooth or anything else.
  7. Steve's Carts is also pretty entertaining. Failpost. Wrong pack.
  8. Always provide log data in a pastebin service and not directly in the forum post. Always provide a link to your API URL or the Platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance. Dropbox links changed to "dl.dropboxusercontent" should have the "?dl=1" removed from the trailing end. You have NotEnoughItems mod but not the required dependency mod CodeChickenCore. You have an outdated version of NEI.
  9. Supposedly Sublime Text is pretty good, but I don't use a Mac.
  10. [B#347] 2016/02/27 16:34:58 [INFO] org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated You need to update to the latest video drivers for your GPU.
  11. I'm able to successfully launch the pack and start a SSP world.
  12. To add to AetherPirate's excellent advice, except in very rare cases you should be looking in three locations for your mods: The author's website or source code repository The MinecraftForum post for the mod CurseForge If you are using any other source for your mods you are likely to get outdated, misnamed, and possibly malicious mods. This page is a great place to start looking for your mods.
  13. Always provide the API URL or a link to the Platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance. Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraftforge/fml/common/network/NetworkRegistry at weather2.Weather.<clinit>(Weather.java:42) Are you sure that the Weather mod is properly installed?
  14. This post should walk you through the process of turning a custom client modpack into a server.
  15. This link will walk you through the process of making a server out of a custom client modpack: Making a server
  16. DropBox links should be changed in the following manner in order to make them "direct" and usable in the Platform: Remove the "?dl=0" from the end Replace "www" with "dl" in the hostname Replace "dropbox" with "dropboxusercontent" in the hostname Pack analysis: You have no config files in the modpack archive. Especially in a pack this large, you should always provide a full compliment of config files in order to facilitate mod interactions and to provide balance. CoFHLib is intended for use by mod developers and should not be included in the modpack. You should have a /mods/1.7.10/ folder where mods such as MrTJPCore, bspkrsCore, CodeChickenLib (and others) should be located. Address these issues and come back here if you continue to have problems.
  17. We ill need log data (in a pastebin, not in the forms here) in order to proceed. Always provide the API URL or a link to your Platform modpack page when requesting help for a custom modpack and/or server. Are you using Forge or one of the Cauldron derivatives for your server JAR?
  18. Always provide the API URL or a link to the Platform modpack page when requesting custom modpack assistance.
  19. The gap between "it works" and "it is correct" can be wide and dangerous.
  20. When using copy.com, one must add "?download=1" to the URL to make it a direct link. Keep in mind that copy.com is terminating their service in May. Your modpack archive is in 7zip (.7z) format. All archive files intended for use in the platform must be in ZIP format only. Your /bin/ folder should only contain the modpack.jar file. All other files and folders should be removed from the /bin/ folder. It looks like you have the Weather mod for Forge/MC 1.8.9. You will need the 1.7.10 version. Same goes for Morpheus. You have some mods which are not from legitimate sources. Hats and Lucky Block are highly suspect.
  21. Hmm, I think you carried over an onChange that should be happening. When you change the first, it should change the second. When you change the second nothing should happen to the first.
  22. Solder, for whatever reason, does not default to sorting by reverse creation date. It sorts them in a way I've not bothered to run down but is definitely out of order. My DatPackRedux is an example: http://api.technicpack.net/modpack/datpackredux . The current build is 5.25.10 and the builds were created in the order you would expect (i.e. 5.25.9 previously, then 5.25.8, etc.). The order returned by Solder is quite wonky. As for the multi-select, I'm referring to a "multi" select box where you are able to see multiple options at the same time. Would be very useful since you could have the second field auto-switch to whatever you select on the first, then since multiple options are displayed the one you want to compare to should be right below (or close) to the selected version.
  23. If your DropBox link is this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9krsg4qkq80dwh/modpack.zip?dl=0 it should be altered to be like this: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/s9krsg4qkq80dwh/modpack.zip Basically: Remove the trailing "?dl=0" Change "dropbox" to "dropboxusercontent" in the host name Change "www" to "dl" in the host name
  24. One reason may be that ForgeMultipart belongs in /mods/1.7.10/
  25. It would be helpful if the select fields were: Sorted highest/newest to lowest/oldest Multi-line fields
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