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Everything posted by OmegaJasam

  1. I think a little while back I remember reading on the Beaatnode area that NoLagg was causing lag. Check for updates to it. Consider removing all your plugins to see if that helps. Dynmap I think can cause problems. I would defiantly try disabling it. If it is /very/ chunk related try to work out what it is that is causing it. Lots of low timer rp systems, eu networks, /huge/ amounts of flowing water (This caused us issues with our 64X64+quarrys which were over areas with lots of underground sourceblocks... it seemed to be struggling to do all the water calculations
  2. When you say balance, do you mean prevent EE exploits, or balance it in terms of the whole thing? If it's the later, give up, as it can't be done without removing all the key blocks. The condenser is probably the worst of the lot, followed closely by the p-table for multi-mod balance. In terms of EE balance, well, the creators themselves say it's balance is terrible for multiplayer, to the point they're trying to re-jig the fundamental systems in EE3. That said, if your going to have it on, I would also look into disabling the recipe to macerate blazepowder. blazerod -> macerate into 5 powder -> condense 3 into rod is stupidly broken.
  3. I thought the chest emmited light if there was an induction tourch in it?
  4. Aye. Tin (up to 39 blocks) to a chain of batbox 4 copper cable batbox 4 copper cable e.t.c. also works with no losses. However it can only send out a 32 eu/t, so if you have a decent number of windmils you'll need to use transformers or the energy will backlog in the batbox faster then it can send it, thus wasting a lot of it.
  5. OmegaJasam

    Howdy :)

    I run a small, whitelisted server and we ban the LV/MV/HV arrays (not the individual panels) because it messes with the balance of things. While they're great for preventing lag, they are such an easy option for power gen that they quickly become the only things used. Normally, to get 64eu from panels you need to use a /lot/ of space to place them, time to set them up and energy to move them (losses wrench). This generally makes them a LOT less practical for powering multiple quarrys or rapidly moving to new ones compared to just moving a single panel. Basically since we have the server power to process it we ban things like teleport pipes, LV/MV/HV arrays e.t.c. And instead have people build proper pipe/cart/cable systems everywhere. The end result is a lot more building with much more varied mods. Back when we didn't, it was always redpower watermil combos until they got enough electric engines and LV arrays to just run infinite quarrys forever. No one even /touched/ nucular because lets face it, who wants to bother with all that when one HV pannel output more EU/T then anythign but high end reactors. And is mobile. We even experimented with ruling out ender storage this time around. People are building much more interesting sorting systems now that they can't just carry around a dozen bags of items and teleport items straight to the bases.
  6. OmegaJasam

    Howdy :)

    Another (somewhat OP feeling) way of generating large amounts of power is using watermills + buckets + Redpower. they're rediculiously cheap to make (1 generator + some wood = 2 of them) and when they have water bucketed into them they produce 2 eu/t. You can use a retriever combined with some deployers and a filter all on a redstone timer to get 60+ of these things working at once. The end result is power exceeding most mark I reactors. Though, honestly, if you are willing to use the solar arrays (we actualy ban them on my server) those are probably the best and most convinant by FAR as you get more nd more resources. I would be tempted to set up some kind of auto crafting method (or just dump all the nessasary raw materials into a crafting table III)
  7. This happoned to me, and once there was a dohnut shape armound the centre that hit /bedrock/ the quarry never recovered (I guess the way it looks if there is stuff to do is being prevented. I 'solved' it by moving the quarry to the remianing area. Prevention I think is to make sure all the chunks being mined stay loaded. (hint: tethers don't work)
  8. At a guess, the newer versions of Forestry might not be compatible with the older version of forge tekkit is running. Try older versions. And don't forget to add it server side
  9. Did you go through the update steps between each version when you loaded your old map? Maps break between major versions unless you follow the various posts linked in one of the stikies to make sure old mods are removed and converted properly. Honestly, the new system sounds more conviniant for the most part. I'm sure with a bit of red-power wiring you could also get any older effect you wanted.
  10. 1. Yes, you can have multiple reciver pipes for one frequency if I recall right. But there is a catch. Teleport pipes have distance related loss just like other pipes. It is less then the golden pipes, but over very far distances you'll find the energy is lost entirely. As far as I am aware if you want to go /really/ far you will either need a huge amount of engines, or to use an item based soltuion (ender chests with EU crystals e.t.c.) 2. Combustion engines will not explode if properly cooled, regardless of use. 3. Not sure what your saying, but a common problem people get with teleport pipes is having to much liquid being teleported into one pipe. If you have a lot of liquid in the system, make multiple teleport pipes. 5. I am honestly not sure, but I'm pritty sure they don;t. not sure what happons to the left over liquid.
  11. They're using a different texture pack. Just find it, shove it in the folder and it should work. If I recall right, they mention the name and location of the variant they're using in the first video.
  12. You can also use the block breaker, and you can /craft/ obsidian with water and lava cells (allowing you to get it before diamonds)
  13. I would use redstone engines to pump the fuel out. Use 4. Never seen on explode. I would If you use combustion engines for anything, they need water or they will overheat and explode. They accept either fuel or oil. I would have have the lava pumped directly into the geo-thermals, perhaps with a few buffer tanks for overflow. I would then use an energy link to power the quarrys (make sure to place it directly aganst the quarry and NOT put a pipe between).
  14. Well, since you /clearly/ can't help yourself, that line must be for you.
  15. Weapons wise the Battle axes are crazy, and double as a weak shovel/axe due to the sheer damage they do. (And they break some blocks like leaves /really/ fast). I suspect an enchanted Battle axe or similar is stronger then the nano sabre. Armour wise I tend to use iorn (or sometimes bronze) with rubber boots untill I can make nano. EE2 armour is pritty much /post-game/ in terms of both power and difficulty to make, so I generaly act like the don't exist till long after the poit one would say make a nano-saber
  16. Try changing the range of chunks loaded. My first guess would be that a chunk loading/unloading might be doing it. Alternatively try deleting the chunk you lag in with a tool. There might be some kind of wierdness. Finaly, the on;ly thing that caused me problems on large scale was a /huge/ amount of dropped blocks. But that normaly has a longer range.
  17. Also, before the frame builds, the quarry deletes blocks one by one within the frame area. It might be doing that.
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing an upgrade to the energy link mod or seperate engine that had the nice effect the energy links lack of a fixced input EU / output MJ. Would be simpler then trying to limit the energy by direct placement / transformers e.t.c. If I ever get the time I'll have to look into doing so myself ^^'
  19. Before or after leather armour, find rubber, craft rubber boots. Better then the leather ones easly, unless your /really/ careful.
  20. Are you using too long a length of wire? Copper 4+ or tin 40+ (ish, been a while since I checked the numbers) would result in 1 EU loss.
  21. I used to have an amazing wooden house with a firepit when infinate fire was pre-nether style. I burnt the thing down a few times because I built the house /first/ ¬.¬
  22. Why not buy a dedicated minecraft server? I personaly have a internet connection that rule sout hosting on my own machine, so I use one of the cheaper services on beastnode (And there are many other minecraft hosts) to host my own server for 2-3 people. I've seen them in the realm of $3-6 for 2-3 people.
  23. I've had definite issues with them. They're definitely /not/ keeping my reactor loaded at times. (returning hours later with no EU gain). Was wondering if perhaps you need to F9 to 'update' where the tethers are, or reload the server. Getting very inconstant results. Will add more if I find any.
  24. As a personal recommendation, if you want to do this kind of thing, getting your own, white listed server and disabling or hevaly tweaking EE ends up a very fun way to play. (I only mention EE, as we found that we were skipping content thanks to transmutation, and especaly when you got the late game stuff, the game became too creative like for our tastes. In our 2nd server, we're actualy going as far to stop use of teleport pipes, LV/MV/HV solars, watermills(+RP tubes) and potentially ender chests so that we end up with bigger builds and actually consider using things like reactors.) I work a lot right now, but if your looking for extra players, I'm not on my own server often enough to turn down an offer if your making them ;)
  25. Some recipies auto-charge the item when created with charged items if I recall correctly. Generally, I recommend just getting the crafting bench III so you don't have to worry about NEI issues.
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