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Thats easy, but you must follow these steps:

1. kill your firstborne child

2. extract the blood and pour it on the altar of the dark goddess Jay and repeat the following:

"Mighty Jay, spare your humble servant the hellen curse of doom" 3x times

3. If your unkellered, she was in a good mood, and your all done and good to go (you can skip 4 and 5).

4. If she didnt answere, you might try to save some of that blood and use it for the altar of the All-Father Kaker

5. This is a tricky one, the All-Father doesnt like to be disturbed in His slumber, there is 50-60 chance you might get hit by a magical bag of dicks.

I dont know any other way to remove hellen curse, so good luck!


It'll be lifted when 1.) you quit acting in the way that got you Kellered in the first place, and 2.) when a mod decides to remove it. No sooner, no later.

Wait, actually Munaus' is correct. I might suggest heavy chanting and as many sacrifices as possible. Preferably fresh young virgin's blood, not that canned shit. They hate that.


Wow you guys on these forums are dicks.

Dicks like a fox. :/ Wait, that doesn't work.

This forum has the best method of moderation (and community) I've ever seen; discourage the idiots by ridiculing them. It's nice to see the mods and community bound in common purpose.

I see you have decided to aim for a ban. You may have to try harder than that here.

  • Moderators

Wait, actually Munaus' is correct. I might suggest heavy chanting and as many sacrifices as possible. Preferably fresh young virgin's blood, not that canned shit. They hate that.

Just so you wont get confused here, any type of blood wont suffice, it must be of your offspring!

A Second alternative is to sacrifice other kellered-cursed people to win the favor of the Mighty ones.


hey idiot, you got kellered the new way, not as an artifact of the forum migration. this means you get to enjoy your new fabulous user name color and avatar for at least a month.

and no, I'm not removing that.


Who dafuq is Helen Keller anyways? I offended mein Führer Jay? The Great one time (I am completely ashamed of such past actions!) and was given the rank of Helen Keller. I googled the name and it turns out to be an old deaf artist. Which makes no sense... o_O


Author, activist and lecturer. Blind and deaf. The meaning's not hard to grasp; people turn up without searching the forums or reading the rules and get 'keller'd'. If you had truely reformed a quick search would have given you the answer you're looking for.

Helen Keller was a woman that was both blind and deaf. If you fail to read the rules, you are blind. If you continue to break the rules, you are deaf. Helen Kellering is a simple way of telling "Read the rules or go away."

-posted this morning by backplague

They can, just as Ms. Keller did, overcome their crippling disabilities and become proud contributors to this forum. Take heart! All is not lost!

-posted by KakerMix on April 1st

  • Forum Administrators

Let's be honest here. The keller avatar is an improvement for you:

  • Moderators

I dont understand how so many people seem to have a problem with the kellering.

The rules of the forum are right on the top, easy to find and click.

Heck it pisses me off with these trolls acting amateurs "lolz no1 tol me were 2 post about bugs!" "how cud i knw i cnt act as dickbag???"

Seriously, i spent time lurking around these forums before i registered. I even read the rules BEFORE i registered.

And when i finally mustered the courage to log in i read the rules again, just to make sure i wouldnt be cast out, BEFORE i posted my first post.

Most of my posts or threads are half-assed or crap. But you dont see me getting Helen Kellered.

Thats how you become a professional troll, pussyfooting around a community until you stand on solid ground.


I was just discussing this on another topic regarding the prevailing idea that a kellering seems to be equal to a ban in many users minds. They need to understand that they have a second chance to redeem themselves (which is very kind in many cases)


I was just discussing this on another topic regarding the prevailing idea that a kellering seems to be equal to a ban in many users minds. They need to understand that they have a second chance to redeem themselves (which is very kind in many cases)

I find a good portion of minecrafts fan base are overly emotional and quick to lash out and react. They're also used to coddling and very lax moderation and quality control on the other MC forums. Its why when we give someone a warning here, it always somehow becomes "the last straw" even though it's also the first, and they tantrum off. So for many it might as well be a ban because they can't handle any kind of opposing negativity. Pretty disgusting really.


I find a good portion of minecrafts fan base are overly emotional and quick to lash out and react. They're also used to coddling and very lax moderation and quality control on the other MC forums. Its why when we give someone a warning here, it always somehow becomes "the last straw" even though it's also the first, and they tantrum off. So for many it might as well be a ban because they can't handle any kind of opposing negativity. Pretty disgusting really.

More or less. We can hope Kellering or warnings help them to mature or learn the rules, but really, if they react positively to a warning and learn from it, they already have a degree of maturity and most likely have had a bad experience on another forum like the MC Forums or another vile den of "GIMME GIMME GIMME! Now fuck off youz n00bz!"

Or they've never been to those, and to those idividuals I'd suggest one thing: Don't go there.


You should probably talk to the mods, there's a bug where if you were Kellered from before the forum migration you're stuck that way permanently until a mod or admin fixes it.

Not sure what you mean by 'the "old" way'.


You should probably talk to the mods, there's a bug where if you were Kellered from before the forum migration you're stuck that way permanently until a mod or admin fixes it.

Not sure what you mean by 'the "old" way'.

It's not a bug, that's just how it worked before. Those people will have to work hard to distinguish themselves and catch an admins attention with quality posting.


I was kellered on the old forums... So what exactly is the "old" way?

The old way was "You post something dumb, and a moderator or admin spent 15 minutes in the background making you look stupid"

The new way is "you post something stupid, and a moderator clicks three buttons, and you look stupid"

The biggest difference, for people who post stupid stuff anyways, is that in the old way, you hjust had to post well and hope that a mod eventually forgave you. In the new way it automatically goes away after a set period of time.


More or less. We can hope Kellering or warnings help them to mature or learn the rules, but really, if they react positively to a warning and learn from it, they already have a degree of maturity and most likely have had a bad experience on another forum like the MC Forums or another vile den of "GIMME GIMME GIMME! Now fuck off youz n00bz!"

Or they've never been to those, and to those idividuals I'd suggest one thing: Don't go there.

You know, now that i think about it, the mc forums have horrible managment.

I mean there are probably about 1,000 asshats on that forum that send you links to a virus.

heck, if you did that here, youd get bent for forever.


You know, now that i think about it, the mc forums have horrible managment.

I mean there are probably about 1,000 asshats on that forum that send you links to a virus.

heck, if you did that here, youd get bent for forever.

this is exactly why we do things the way we do.


In part because those Yogscast Forum users and MC Forum users that follow the Yogscast and watch their reviews of the Technic Pack come here, and think that not reading the rules because they can get away with it works. Obviously, it does not.

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