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[No whitelist] SilliTekkit [3.1.2][PvP][15 Slots][Keep Items on death][Nothing banned]


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If you're gonna sign up for this server dont. Go look at another one theres many more. The owner is a true bitch. I helped him with ranks for his server, showed him how it worked, later he blows up my factory for no obvious reason. Then jails me. So i quit. Please think twice before applying.

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If you're gonna sign up for this server dont. Go look at another one theres many more. The owner is a true bitch. I helped him with ranks for his server, showed him how it worked, later he blows up my factory for no obvious reason. Then jails me. So i quit. Please think twice before applying.

Dont listen to him. He griefed/stole from multiple members on the server.

You didn't set rank's up, AdiNec1 did.

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Minecraft Name: Knockturnal

Do you have any bans on record: No bans from any server tekkit or otherwise.

I would love to join this server because I am looking for a group of solid tekkiter's that I can help and can help me in creating and maintaining a bustling tekkit world! I am 22 years old and currently in college to become an paramedic and have a few months experience on tekkit.

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Age: 15

Minecraft Name: portelli9

Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned: No never, i always follow the rules and will continue to do so.

Why do you think you should join this server : I think I should join this server because I will help anyone who does not know what they are doing.Another reason why I should join this server is because I have been getting very good at tekkit. I also have been looking all over the tekkit servers to find a server like yours. The other servers have specific rules like do not give items to anyone. Which I hate because I am the kind of person that if I have anything extra (diamonds, swiftwolf's rendering gale,and tools/weapons)

I do not like to keep.The final reason is that I am a hardcore minecraft/tekkit player.

Why should we except you to this server: I am a great and funny minecraft player, My tekkit skills are getting better and better every time I play.It does not take me long to get expensive things like red matter or a power flower etc, etc.I also have spent about 30 minutes so far trying to perfect this, so I will be accepted to the server.Tekkit is a big part of my life and I would really like to be in a server like this, so hopefully you accept me.

How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? Pretty much all day everyday i live in Australia and I'm on holidays so i have all the time in the world.

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Minecraft Name: Gluon

Do you have any bans on record?: No

How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit?: Quite a bit, i am not active on any other server. No banned items means i probably won't get annoyed and quit, because i started playing in singleplayer so when things are changed in multiplayer it messes up my program.

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Dont listen to him. He griefed/stole from multiple members on the server.

You didn't set rank's up, AdiNec1 did.

I griefed the server? Ass wipe you blew up my factory with a nuke for no goddamn reason you dumb son of a bitch. You tp'd set fire to it then started placing nukes everywhere you childish whore. once again YOU BLEW UP SOMETHING I WORKED REALLY HARD ON.

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Minecraft Name:Lazyboy47

Why you would like to join the community here at SilliTekkit: This server looks fucking epic from the pictures, and its first on the list no doubt its awesome. I hope to join it soon and build cool factories and stuff.

Do you have any bans on record? nope

How long will you be able to play on SilliTekkit? ALOTTTTT. Like 2 hours. 3 on weekend

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Hmm, One little flaw. For telling me that I IP banned you, so all your alt account's can't get in

Also I reported you to the technicforums.

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