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Make it happen Holymage. Then pics

I beyond have the rescources but as we speak I am assembling a biomass system.



Also, the trees are Steve Carts farm, (It stopped for a bit so I had to refuel it.) no automatic wood processing yet, but due to be inserted into steam boiler as charcoal. (Or diamond conversion via Minium.) and then you see the MASSIVE storage of the XyCraftian Tank. Expensive-ish, but lovely-ly good. I added so the internal biomass fuels the whole setup using that engine. :D Now I have to pipe the Biomass into my base, (Gonna be a house, moving.) and then also using tesseracts for onsite quarry. Maybe liquid fueled firebox but, idk.

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Special note: Iron Plating do not work as a Multitank-compatable block. I think that might have been an oversight of Soaryn, but for future reference let's not. Inverse Lanterns do work, though. In fact, with a little forethought you can make an animal pen with a Multitank.

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... redaalloy wires can go along walls, and i think techno was reffering to the comment about inverters.

Oh, right. Well it was late when I posted that, couldn't think straight :P

I'd still have to put an inverter down somewhere. I greatly prefer just using Inverted Lamps where needed.

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Me too, even if I did unintentionally revive this thread. :P

Also, while we're on the subject of Redpower, I think Eloram (I think I may have mispelt her IGN :P) should make it so that you're able to combine blulectric cabling in bundled cable as well. It would help shrink a lot of redpower creations people make. Of course, it might have happened already, because I haven't tested it. :P

PS: Is it against the rules to embed an IRC client on this read (or any for that matter)? It's for the xycraft channel...

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I don't know, as I've never used IRC really. Also, it's Eloraam. Two a's. (I'm 86.7 percent sure it is, at least.)

It's alright, good sir.

What've you been building? (Involving XyCraft or otherwise.)

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Not very much, as it occurred to me that Xycraft wasn't installed when I tried to test the tank. I have't got around to other modpacks, as I've got school, except for one, which had a very old version of xycraft (without lamps :() But as I haven't figured out how to embed things here yet, go to http://webchat.esper.net/?nick=&channels=xycraft for the xycraft channel

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Not very much, as it occurred to me that Xycraft wasn't installed when I tried to test the tank. I have't got around to other modpacks, as I've got school, except for one, which had a very old version of xycraft (without lamps :() But as I haven't figured out how to embed things here yet, go to http://webchat.esper.net/?nick=&channels=xycraft for the xycraft channel

you can't (to my knowledge) embed things, you can however put a link in a word

you can do this by highlighting the word then clicking the link button beside insert image and the code function inserting your link in the popup box...

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