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Technic Launcher won't open after installation



When I run the TechnicLauncher.exe the first time I can install it and every thing is fine. But when I try to run the TechnicLauncher.exe after the installation it won't open. It doesn't even pop up an error dialog. When I look into the latest log file it show following error:
    > java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/awt/AWTUtilities.

I googled for a few weeks now and didn't find a solution. Sadly I didn't even found somebody with the same problem.

I currently have a java JRE 8u211 installed. previously I had some java 10 JDK but thought that would be the problem and deleted it. Since I'm not developing java on this machine I simply installed the 8u211 JRE and hoped this would fix my problem.

Since AWTUtilities is a standard java class I didn't expect technic launcher to have any issue with it, as long as the launcher can find my java installation. But as far as I know, my environment variables are correctly setup and java should be installed correctly.

I add the technic launcher error log, and some screenshots about my java installation.

I hope you guys can help me, and I hope I didn't miss one of the forum rules. Thanks in advance :)





Edited by FullMetalFerkel
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I managed to fix the problem today.

After downgrading to some compatible Java I also deleted all other incompatible Java installations from my computer. For me the problem wasn't fixed with only installing Java 8 and changing my environment variables accordingly. Technic Launcher kinda still tried to use some other Java than I wanted it to use. Completely deleting those incompatible Java versions fixed the problem for me.



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