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  "CanVox said:
And these are all awesome suggestions, so keep this stuff coming.

On the topic of replacements, do we have anything that can replace the RP2 deployer/assembler? Those allow some fantastic automations that are very difficult to do any other way.

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So, I spent 4 days trying to enjoy buildcraft, and I return UN-successful.

Oh how I miss the project table.... and the RP2 sorters... and redstone wiring...

I am finding that while I still miss IC2, I am missing the functionality that RP2 added so much more.

There is almost nothing to do in the new tekkit once you build your powersuit with the materials from your quarry.

Space is cool for about 5-10 minutes, but it gets old fast because it isnt fully developed yet.


  "CanVox said:
All three of those things have replacements in Tekkit, though. :psyduck:

Is there a crafting table that allows me to save a pattern, say a piston on a sheet of paper for example, that allows me to craft said piston out of the inventory for the table(or my own inventory for that matter), with a single click?

Yeah, i guess the sorters have a replacement, I just miss having an awesome looking warehouse that you could walk into and see all the stuff traveling to their chests. Silly self contained computer of storage just isnt as cool IMO.

If there is a replacement for the redstone wires, I couldn't find them...

EDIT: I also found the new changes to the redstone engine extremely annoying, you can't use them to power anything except maybe a pump. Cant use them on a powered furnace or a pulverizer either.


  "Tyran_Scorpi said:
Is there a crafting table that allows me to save a pattern, say a piston on a sheet of paper for example, that allows me to craft said piston out of the inventory for the table(or my own inventory for that matter), with a single click?

Yeah, the cyclical assembler is a crafting table with schematic support and an internal inventory. You can also use it to autocraft.


Yeah, i guess the sorters have a replacement, I just miss having an awesome looking warehouse that you could walk into and see all the stuff traveling to their chests. Silly self contained computer of storage just isnt as cool IMO.

Then use MFR conveyors. Or heck, buildcraft pipes.


If there is a replacement for the redstone wires, I couldn't find them...



I mean if you go into this saying, "I want everything in RP2 exactly the same way RP2 had it. That means that conveyors and ME networks aren't good enough I need tubes, rednet isn't good enough I need jacketed floor wires, schematic-based autocrafters aren't good enough I need project tables specifically."

Then at that point, it seems like you're stuck in a rut- if you want to play the same mod primarily without ever moving forward, then we have both Tekkit Classic and Tekkit Lite for that. You should play one of those, or a pack on the platform, or maybe even put your own together. But part of playing the latest Tekkit pack means experimentation and keeping an open mind, not just seeing that a mod you like is gone and throwing your hands up.


Oh, I actually looked at the Cyclical assembler, but I assumed it was roughly equivalent to the auto crafting table. It looks like it requires power to function tho, and I am guessing its not one of the items you can power with redstone engines since they can't seem to be used to power any other TE machines.

Bleh, I may have to go back to one of the older mod packs, because I still hate buildcraft, and just about everything in tekkit seems to revolve around buildcraft functionality.

OOH, I hadn't noticed those, I will have to look into them, thank you!

EDIT: this is directed @ Canvox's reply to my previous post.


It's not that bad. When you get to mid-tier power, you should be able to just chuck a conduit at the assembler from an energy cell.


Honestly, rp2 wires and cables are superior to rednet in my opinion because they don't take up the whole block like rednet cables do, allowing slightly more compact builds, but that is a difference of like, 1%, not enough to really gripe about. The thing that does make a difference for me is between red alloy wires and rednet, the red alloy wires light up when active, rednet, as far as I can tell, has no visible difference between being active and inactive. It makes it just slightly more annoying to try and debug redstone devices.


  "cerevox said:
Honestly, rp2 wires and cables are superior to rednet in my opinion because they don't take up the whole block like rednet cables do, allowing slightly more compact builds, but that is a difference of like, 1%, not enough to really gripe about.

People say this, but I don't understand the criticism. When you place red alloy wire onto a block, nothing else can go in that block. The only differences between wall wires and rednet cable are that you can walk through wallwire, and wall wires can't connect in all 6 directions, so you tend to need more of it.


The thing that does make a difference for me is between red alloy wires and rednet, the red alloy wires light up when active, rednet, as far as I can tell, has no visible difference between being active and inactive. It makes it just slightly more annoying to try and debug redstone devices.

This is a technical detail- that lighting up is one of the main reasons why timers in specific and redpower in general is known as a server-killer. If you watch that logic video I posted, wylker uses a little debugging device to see what the value of all 16 channels are at once.


  "CanVox said:
People say this, but I don't understand the criticism. When you place red alloy wire onto a block, nothing else can go in that block. The only differences between wall wires and rednet cable are that you can walk through wallwire, and wall wires can't connect in all 6 directions, so you tend to need more of it..

When I am trying to make something automated in a compact space, I generally leave a 2x1 hallway to access it, and in some of the builds I have used, not being able to walk through your wires would have meant having to make the whole assembly bigger.

Also, wall wires go wherever the wall goes, and you could run them on panels to get them anywhere a wall wasnt, so they could actually connect in any direction you wanted them to.(admittedly requiring more wires, but I think you crafted them in lots of 16, so it really didn't matter)


  "Teraku said:
Tekkit Lite was also basically one rail of IC2 tech. You were able to use other tech, but you still got wrapped up in IC2 every single time.

I didn't play tekkit lite, we had already advanced into other mods by the point tekkit lite came out and kept our old stuff as well (well most of it.) This version of tekkit is just... lacking anything interesting to do. In TC there were the high end armors to strive for, force fields, reactors, frames, etc... there's just nothing here. nothing. not even lame bee keeping. I already hit max and I'm like "uhm... yah so, bored." It lacks options and features, it's to much of a rail ride. It's not a huge deal if a pack isn't for you-- move on and we shall. I was just disappointed after tekkit classic being so revolutionary and so well put together.

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It's not a full IC2 replacement, nor is it trying to be by any stretch. It just happens to add machines that process things.6.jpg





Having wires running all over the walls and floor and ceiling wasn't as efficent as simply having them as 6 way blocks, no, but it was much cooler. You would have to slide your way down cramped tunnels with wires jammed in every which way. It was fun for its own sake. I am not talking about any loss of efficiency or anything like, I just feel like the style was more scrappy and slapdash, which fits better with most of the kludged together constructions that get made around here. I am sure some people do make neat, orderly machines, but I know for sure that all of my machines grew outward bit by bit in no ordered fashion. So, basically its about the style and appearance.

I also understand that lighting is a big deal on servers, but being able to see at a glance which wires turned on across the whole machine when a lever was flipped and which didn't, that just seems easier to debug than having to run around poking all the rednet with a tool. I do understand that server performance is a critical factor though and the loss of a fancy graphical extra is more than offset by the gain to server performance.


  "cerevox said:
I also understand that lighting is a big deal on servers, but being able to see at a glance which wires turned on across the whole machine when a lever was flipped and which didn't, that just seems easier to debug than having to run around poking all the rednet with a tool.

If you don't mind adding some extra kluges to your machine, you could attach lamps or some other little thing to the wires to display whether they're on or not? On a fully utilized cable you'd have to add one for every output of the bundle, but if you're just using it as a replacement red alloy wire you'd only need one. And if you use a glowstone illuminator you can even make it red.


  "cerevox said:
Something like an overworld<->moon portal that has a constant, very high, power draw to keep open. I can easily see factions on servers each wanting one, and because of the lack of reactor equivalents, having to build and maintain large power plants of some kind.

Thing is, you can already make an overworld<->moon portal pretty easily with Mystcraft or Dim Doors.


Not every server running tekkit has mystcraft and dimensional doors enabled (infact many disable them to save power, extra dimensions can be taxing).

And there's also the fact Tekkit isn't the only modpack with galacticraft, and not all the packs with it have those other two mods as well.


I think that those who love IC2 know why they love IC2 and use it explicitly. For those who don't, don't...however, we still need to accept the fact that some people enjoy IC2 and some enjoy other mods that can do similar things. I for 1 only cared (mostly) about how IC2 regulated/handled power...especially in the early stages. I see the argument about "You don't need that much power." or "You can't use 2048EU/t". I get that...but, not really...we also don't need 18 million cobblestone either. Why do we have it? Because we can. Or...maybe 1 day I want to make a road that raps around the world (not really - that project will probably never complete). Or, perhaps it's a comfort thing. I know that I don't ever have to worry about cobblestone ever again. Same goes with power...I don't want to have to worry whether or not I have enough or my machines will blow up etc (forgive me if there are excellent ways of handling this problem through logic etc, I played mostly with IC2 power because it was easier for me - I'm not as smart as you other guys who can setup awesome BC power arrangements and never worry). I didn't care about IC2 machines - in fact, I used pulvs over macerators the second I found out you could get more ores from them. I found out how to bridge power from IC2 to BC machines (can't remember mod, using consumer/producer/bridges)...so, I used my power from IC2 to power everything I had in the game. I enjoyed it...it was fun to setup...I used AE with it to manage everything.

I realize that IC2 is gone from Tekkit now and probably forever. Can we at least get some sort of easier way of handling power. Perhaps things that didn't blow up unless turned off ... I guess I need to play with it more...I'm just not looking forward to changing my mind on BC power over IC2 power. :( IC2 power seemed easier to setup. Perhaps I'll change some of my thoughts when I play around with it more...but, I doubt it. I love BC machines and IC2 power...so, I'm not biased on 1 mod over another...I just liked different things from both mods. Thanks :)


Try using the engines from Thermal Expansion, they don't blow up AFAIK. At least the magmatic don't-they just lock up til you wrench 'em.


Most BC and TE doesn't explode. There are only a few things that in some situations explode.

  "LightHero said:
we still need to accept the fact that some people enjoy IC2 and some enjoy other mods that can do similar things.

Everything IC2 could do, can be done with other mods. Also, whether you liked IC2 or not is becoming irrelevant because IC2 itself is dying with no updates for months. Ic2 power is no easier to set up than anything else. The only real difference between IC2 and every other power system is that IC2 has the cheapest starting battery block. That is pretty much it.


  "cerevox said:
Most BC and TE doesn't explode. There are only a few things that in some situations explode.

But those situations are ones that players are likely to encounter in early game. It's bad enough that creepers explode, but from a design standpoint, bread-and-butter power should not explode. That was a poor design decision in BuildCraft, and one of the reasons it never gained as widespread usage as IndustrialCraft.

  "cerevox said:
Ic2 power is no easier to set up than anything else. The only real difference between IC2 and every other power system is that IC2 has the cheapest starting battery block. That is pretty much it.

IC2 wiring is also much easier in early-game, and doesn't require the wide variety of materials. It's more difficult to bootstrap TE, though it's by no means impossible.


Bread and Butter power doesn't explode. Combustion engines are upper tier and you shouldn't be running them early game.

Also, didn't gain as widespread usage? BC was just as heavily used, if not more so, than IC. Keep in mind that the whole of forestry also runs off BC which is another massive mod.


And other mods run off of IC2. All major content mods that don't actively suppress interaction have satellite mods, more or less. But BuildCraft is more often used as a base for other mods than as something to use in and of itself, with the exception of maybe the Quarry. In fact, most modpacks with BuildCraft add other mods on top of BuildCraft that largely replace most of the base functionality, using only the interoperability APIs for pipes, liquids, and power.


  "cerevox said:
Eventfully, minecraft and Kerbal Space Program will converge into one thing, and the whole world will explode from the awesome.


I think that might be the single most frighteningly good idea I've heard in my life.

Btw, a big steam engine array fed by a charcoal farm based on Steve's Carts does wonders.

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