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What's with all the rudeness on the forums?


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This is something I completely on 100% purely do not understand. For quite a while now, I've seen friendly question threads and other regular threads but then I realize that there are some replies destructively criticizing the thread itself along with the user without any specific reasoning. This is insanely outrageous.

Just asking why this is happening.

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We try to help the person, but if their thread is low effort (i.e. HELP PLZ!! How do I turn on TMI????? or Teakit crashed. Plzzz help!), pointless (i.g. I can't find a way to turn off chat!!!!!!!) or rude (i.g. Technic sux. Go play MineZ), we might tell them some few choice words. It's not meant to be destructive by any means. We try to keep in the lines of the golden rule (don't be a dickbag), but we might stray and then it's the mods' job for banning and giving infraction points.

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I'd prefer a certain kind of atmosphere but unfortunately many of our users are very young. They see older and more clever posters poking fun at people who deserve it, and imitate as best they can, as often as they can :smith:. Overall because of the tough attitude on low effort posting, we have a much higher quality of discussion and intelligence around here than other minecraft forums, so that's wonderful, but it's of course a trade off. I prefer it here personally. Much less crowd mentality, sucking up (with exceptions) and unintelligible posting. Every time I go back to check up on MCF I remember why I hate it so much, and how much I appreciate this place, despite it's rougher edges.

Generally, if someone reads the rules before posting, and puts thought and effort in, they are safe from whatever idiots think they're being hilarious. If someone takes the time to get to know where things are supposed to be posted before posting them, then they won't get any trouble at all. Many people don't bother with those things, and that's why you see the rudeness. Very much an eye for an eye mentality. Rude to rude.

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Many people on these forums come from communities with... less than desirable... behavior. I am talking about SA and the various chans, mostly. Seeing as I am one of those, I do feel like there is a certain amount of self-restraint required to prevent oneself from calling others homosexuals or whatever. Not everyone is as adapt at this as me, though, so you see people getting annoyed and angry at minor things.

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Many people on these forums come from communities with... less than desirable... behavior. I am talking about SA and the various chans, mostly. Seeing as I am one of those, I do feel like there is a certain amount of self-restraint required to prevent oneself from calling others homosexuals or whatever. Not everyone is as adapt at this as me, though, so you see people getting annoyed and angry at minor things.

SA has excellent overall behavior. The fear of losing a 10 dollar account due to harsh and merciless moderation has that effect. Our forums rules and moderation are modeled after SA.

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We try to help the person, but if their thread is low effort (i.e. HELP PLZ!! How do I turn on TMI????? or Teakit crashed. Plzzz help!), pointless (i.g. I can't find a way to turn off chat!!!!!!!) or rude (i.g. Technic sux. Go play MineZ), we might tell them some few choice words. It's not meant to be destructive by any means. We try to keep in the lines of the golden rule (don't be a dickbag), but we might stray and then it's the mods' job for banning and giving infraction points.

Good point, but I'd like to ask, what about the regular average threads you see everyday that were insulted without specific reason?

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Give some examples here - it's hard to be specific without you being specific.

Personally, I try to be more helpful than rude/annoying. I know that's not the case for everyone though.

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Good point, but I'd like to ask, what about the regular average threads you see everyday that were insulted without specific reason?

A heads up, you aren't the first white knight around here, if you keep raising topics like this then you are just giving yourself a headache and likely attract real trolls, I wrote a response to theprolo, then deleted it to avoid stirring up more shit, if you want a copy then I'll PM it to you

Oh and believe me, I can do a lot worse but then I try to stay on the mods good side, not always with great success mind you, I've received 1 warning worth 2 points in my entire time here AFAIK, and I've also had a mod PM me regarding my responses to low effort server posts

And yet despite that I still keep doing what I've been doing, I picked apart your first ever post, and helped you in the same topic


There it is, you can find the original OP in my quotes

You can either accept that these forums aren't here to hold you hand and put up with the shit, or you can leave, sticking around and fighting back against the sarcasm is less productive than the sarcasm itself, the whale box is a good example

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A heads up, you aren't the first white knight around here, if you keep raising topics like this then you are just giving yourself a headache and likely attract real trolls, I wrote a response to theprolo, then deleted it to avoid stirring up more shit, if you want a copy then I'll PM it to you

Oh and believe me, I can do a lot worse but then I try to stay on the mods good side, not always with great success mind you, I've received 1 warning worth 2 points in my entire time here AFAIK, and I've also had a mod PM me regarding my responses to low effort server posts

And yet despite that I still keep doing what I've been doing, I picked apart your first ever post, and helped you in the same topic


There it is, you can find the original OP in my quotes

You can either accept that these forums aren't here to hold you hand and put up with the shit, or you can leave, sticking around and fighting back against the sarcasm is less productive than the sarcasm itself, the whale box is a good example

A white knight? See guys, look, there's another one. We've finally got somebody to post yet another sarcastic reply to end the whole question era! At the end of your sentences of your reply, does it even look like to you I "can't handle these forums" all because I give out a question regarding what's with all the rudeness going on? My good sir, with all that you say, you seem to be trying to let us know that you are yet another antagonist I say.

And my good George I tell you, one poor fellow user was banned just for somebody like you, just on your own entertainment because he had the slightest disagreement ever with these forums. I dare say, everybody has a right to question and disagree.

Do you see people committing peaceful protests and getting hung after? If yes, then you sir, are living in a country with a dictator.

(I give no offense to the forums with this post, I apologize if any of you have been offended.)

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A white knight? See guys, look, there's another one. We've finally got somebody to post yet another sarcastic reply to end the whole question era! At the end of your sentences of your reply, does it even look like to you I "can't handle these forums" all because I give out a question regarding what's with all the rudeness going on? My good sir, with all that you say, you seem to be trying to let us know that you are yet another antagonist I say.

And my good George I tell you, one poor fellow user was banned just for somebody like you, just on your own entertainment because he had the slightest disagreement ever with these forums. I dare say, everybody has a right to question and disagree.

Do you see people committing peaceful protests and getting hung after? If yes, then you sir, are living in a country with a dictator.

(I give no offense to the forums with this post, I apologize if any of you have been offended.)

Holy shit, shut up.

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A white knight? See guys, look, there's another one. We've finally got somebody to post yet another sarcastic reply to end the whole question era! At the end of your sentences of your reply, does it even look like to you I "can't handle these forums" all because I give out a question regarding what's with all the rudeness going on? My good sir, with all that you say, you seem to be trying to let us know that you are yet another antagonist I say.

And my good George I tell you, one poor fellow user was banned just for somebody like you, just on your own entertainment because he had the slightest disagreement ever with these forums. I dare say, everybody has a right to question and disagree.

Do you see people committing peaceful protests and getting hung after? If yes, then you sir, are living in a country with a dictator.

(I give no offense to the forums with this post, I apologize if any of you have been offended.)

Yes, I think that you can't handle these forums. This isn't the MCF hugbox. If you ask a stupid/obvious question, people are ENCOURAGED to give snarky and sarcastic replies, as long as they are within reason (read the needless hostility thread). Notice of how you haven't been kellered or banned yet. This isn't because you haven't actually broken any rules yet, although you are coming close to breaking the golden rule and "Don't be a Dickbag." I have also noticed of how you post things with poor amounts of effort, so you got scolded and poked fun at. That's the way these forums work. If you even read CheapShot's post, you would know that most of the actual rudeness and dickbaggery comes from what he stated. We are not being needlessly rude, we are acting how we should since you don't know how to use a search bar. You are given help in a vaguely rude manner, and then you immediately go "WOW, WHY WASN'T I HANDED HELP ON A SILVER PLATTER." That is frowned upon in most communities, and is especially here. If you really want to continue being able to post on these forums, grow a thicker skin or get out.

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Yes, I think that you can't handle these forums. This isn't the MCF hugbox. If you ask a stupid/obvious question, people are ENCOURAGED to give snarky and sarcastic replies, as long as they are within reason (read the needless hostility thread). Notice of how you haven't been kellered or banned yet. This isn't because you haven't actually broken any rules yet, although you are coming close to breaking the golden rule and "Don't be a Dickbag." I have also noticed of how you post things with poor amounts of effort, so you got scolded and poked fun at. That's the way these forums work. If you even read CheapShot's post, you would know that most of the actual rudeness and dickbaggery comes from what he stated. We are not being needlessly rude, we are acting how we should since you don't know how to use a search bar. You are given help in a vaguely rude manner, and then you immediately go "WOW, WHY WASN'T I HANDED HELP ON A SILVER PLATTER." That is frowned upon in most communities, and is especially here. If you really want to continue being able to post on these forums, grow a thicker skin or get out.

Of all that you said, it makes me confused that we are supposed to get rude answers on a question thread. I'll need a better answer on that one since my personality is a hard thing to confront and change.

So it comes to this possible conclusion: According to you and your fellow mates, I am a "dickhead" for disrespecting rudeness, is that right? If you are convincing me to become rude and snarky on the forums, sure thing.

Does anyone atleast know that I just created this account yesterday and I'm new? About close to 90% of people on forums like these who are very, very new seem to get muted or banned without notice that they are recently new. New forumers should have a word with the staff before posting, and yet the staff should realize that they are new, so don't mind them being a dickhead, but not for too long.

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Well, yes, but it's not a bad idea to rehash this kind of topic every now and then. It keeps reminding us why we perform the snark tango and who we should aim it at.

I actually had a proper post made out, but then Chape slammed his post in here. Suddenly mine felt insignificant, useless and I felt insecure about posting anything when it would be pretty much repeating every word Chaep said. So I just whipped that link up :P

A white knight? See guys, look, there's another one.

Did you even bother clicking that linky I gave? You're doing the EXACT same mistake the other guy did.

This is why Technic staff made the WB section, to show people like me and you how NOT to behave in this community

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I actually had a proper post made out, but then Chape slammed his post in here. Suddenly mine felt insignificant, useless and I felt insecure about posting anything when it would be pretty much repeating every word Chaep said. So I just whipped that link up :P

Did you even bother clicking that linky I gave? You're doing the EXACT same mistake the other guy did.

This is why Technic staff made the WB section, to show people like me and you how NOT to behave in this community

Being snarky towards a thread just because it's the same question of another thread is something I helplessly don't understand.

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Acting the same as a guy who got banned, however, is something I hope you do understand.

He's trying to help you here by warning you of what happened last time someone tried this. Different thread/different OP/same attitude/same result.

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We've finally got somebody to post yet another sarcastic reply to end the whole question era!

I'm sorry, but that wasn't sarcastic, I was completely serious, we have seen white knights on here, defending those that don't like the snarky responses, and it's them vs the forum a lot of the time, and every time it's been 1 vs the forum the 1 snaps first, turns it to a flame war, and gets punished

I'm not saying that being sarcastic is a free pass around here, what I am saying is no-one here is going to hold your hand through everything, you aren't going to change things here while the administration is allowing this, to a degree at least

Now I suggest that you go and re-read my post, without the belief that it's sarcastic

If you want to see sarcasm let's resurrect my reply to your first topic, now with 200% more sarcasm and 100% less help

For anyone reading this you will need to open this link as well so you can see what I'm quoting from


Really? You can't see the tech support section, well on behalf of the administration I do apologize, I'll go tell them to rename the Bug Report section located on the front page of the forums, clearly the fact that it's hidden at the bottom of the page where no-one will EVER look is also a problem so I'll just ask them REALLY nicely JUST for you to stop working on the pack and rearrange the website so that it's blatantly obvious where you can stick your help request

I even managed to get passive aggressive there, I'm on a roll right now




They don't need your permission, and they will likely just lock it if they feel it's out of place, which it is
Well I'm sure that all the moderators will be able to breathe easy knowing that a first time poster has given them permission, I can only feel sorry for all the times that regular users haven't said it's quite alright for moderators to do their job on here, they must have been quaking in their little ug boots at what might have happened when someone saw that a moderator assigned to his duty by the forum administration had tampered with a topic
Oh they MUST must they?
Well now, I'm sure that the mods will get right on that, because you have told them they MUST leave you a shadow link, I'm positive that should this topic be moved they will have a notice in bright neon lights just waiting to show you the way to your topic's new home
Well the rules say no one has permission to bump, lets see who wins
Oh well if YOU say it's OK to bump your topic then I'll just completely disregard the no bumping rule because if a moderator warns me about bumping this topic I'll just turn around to CheapShot and say that that moderator is wrong because I had your permission to bump this topic The rules can't hold sway over me, I have the go ahead from someone who joined the forums today
WinRAR, what makes you think you need WinRAR for this, I could remove it with notepad and my delete key...or just my delete key but the notepad method is more precise First off, launch any modpack, then check again Second, open up this file in any txt editor .technic\settings.yml You should see something like this

    directory: C:\Users\someguy\AppData\Roaming\.technic


        buildNumber: 246

    lastuser: someguy

    lastmodpack: mymodpack

    memory: 4

    permgen: true

    buildstream: stable

    buildNumber: 253



        custom: true

        directory: launcher\mymodpack

        build: recommended

        minecraft: 1.5.2


Find the Infamy Modern Warfare under modpacks, and delete it, but careful not to delete anything besides that

Save the file, but be ABSOLUTELY sure that it's spaced, not tabbed, yml files and tabs don't mix

And now go delete the files from the launcher directory


Now start the launcher and check again, scroll up and down a little to be sure


If all of that fails then make a list of custom modpacks you have installed, and make a backup of their worlds then delete the .technic directory


If all of the above fails then your problem is beyond the launcher

Is this over the top, Most likely. so I'm not going to be surprised if I get a warning for this, but it's also a prime example of how to really sarcasm and completely non-productive. IE how not to post

Anyone else see what I did there?
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Does anyone atleast know that I just created this account yesterday and I'm new? About close to 90% of people on forums like these who are very, very new seem to get muted or banned without notice that they are recently new. New forumers should have a word with the staff before posting, and yet the staff should realize that they are new, so don't mind them being a dickhead, but not for too long.

Since you used the same excuse to justify your low effort post I gave you a warning over, I'll repeat the same thing here.

Being new has never and will never be a valid excuse for anything. No one forced you to start posting before you read the rules and learned the general attitude of the forum.

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Mother of god, this thread is bewildering.

CookedMeat, this forum is by nature snarky, ribald, and sarcastic. That is the kind of person that flourishes here, in direct opposition to the "GIEF DIMONDZ N NOTCHES PLZ KTHX" hugboxing that's so prevalent on the 'official' Minecraft fora.

It's really a shame you're so caught up in your crusade for everyone to be conciliatory and oh-so-understanding of people who are incapable of making any effort whatsoever to help themselves. I suppose your motives are admirable, but they're largely pointless. As far as I can tell, newbies get one mistake before the warning points start dropping - and that's assuming they can take the sarcastic chiding they're bound to get when they shitpost.

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