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Hey all,


I enjoy playing mods and have a small private server at the moment however I feel like I want more people on it soo in light of that i decided to open it up to 10 or so lucky individuals. I am hoping to establish a small server community where we can all have fun. It will be a fresh start world and nothing is restricted of banned, however please remember that this is my private server and if you do screw around too much (i.e just grief the hell out of something for no good reason) you are likely to be banned and I may take the entire server down altogether. This may seem harsh but I will be paying for the server so that we can all have fun and if this is to happen then it becomes a waste of my money.


Now that's out of the way here is how you may apply to get on, reply to this post in the next week or so with:


Your minecraft username


One interesting fact about you


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious)


Best thing you have built using mods


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.)





Username: Field_mouse


Interesting fact: ukulele player/learner lol


Best vanilla build: Boom in a box TM (if you get in I will show you)


Best modded build: rube Goldberg machine


Minecrafting style: Redstone




Please bear in mind not all applications will be successful since I will be hand picking the people. Finally if you feel like you have anything extra to say in your application it wont hurt to through it in at the end, also if this goes well I may open it to more people so don't feel bad if your application doesn't make it through its not the end of the world.

Posted (edited)

UserName: Coocla33 & brambob


Interesting fact: we are 12 and we are from holland


Best vannila build: Melon farm 21k melon per hour


Best modded build: Infinite power


Minecraft Style: Automatic


P.S. please Whitelist me and if you do that please please please whitelist my fren (brambob) to.

P.P.S. I need a ip :P Send it on skype: Coocla33

Edited by Coocla33

UserName: Coocla33 & brambob


Interesting fact: we are 12 and we are from holland


Best vannila build: Melon farm 21k melon per hour


Best modded build: Infinite power


Minecraft Style: Automatic


P.S. please Whitelist me and if you do that please please please whitelist my fren (brambob) to.

Posted (edited)

Username: Ginma

Interesting fact: I am 20 and I'm more or less talented at drawing :D


Best vanilla build: I built a complete Japanese Edo-period palace, complete with a gorgeous garden and a decently sized temple and pagoda


Best modded build: My compact base which was a great cosy commodity

Minecraft style : detailed in-depth building

Edited by redgrave303

Your minecraft username: RedstoneCove


One interesting fact about you: I'm an extremely kind person!


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious): I built a large 25x25 Redstone themed fountai nfor the creation of this account! (Took me so long though xD)


Best thing you have built using mods: I've built this epic "evil" base using a lot of the evil themed blocks!


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.): I think of myself (in vanilla) a builder, but with mods, I'm more of an adventurer!


Thanks so much for reading this!

Posted (edited)

Your minecraft username: ProMCGamer_


One interesting fact about you: I always try new things and I experiment a lot( I found how to duplicate anything in AotBT with my experiments)


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious): Villager Breeder with 9 slots that can breed a lot of villagers in 1 hour. (Will be broken after 1.8 :P)


Best thing you have built using mods: A house using Chisel and Carpenters blocks mod.


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.): Builder and little bit technical

Edited by ProMCGamer_
Your minecraft username: TylerMiller843
One interesting fact about you: Im a very friendly person
Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious): I built a GIANT castle with working drawbridges and gates
Best thing you have built using mods: Evil Witchery Castle
what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.): I like building, technical, and a Very good miner.

Your minecraft username Aschi3


One interesting fact about you i am 19 and i love to play cs:go and Dayz


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious) Hotel took me about 10 days to finish


Best thing you have built using mods i dont know...first mod pack that I played


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.)  adventurer


Your Minecraft username Supermantrt


One interesting fact about me Am ok at redstone 


Best thing you ever built i have built a spawn and mingame


Best thing you built in a mod Nothing 


What kind of guy are you am a redstoner adventurer and builder


P.s My skype is Supermantrt




Interesting fact: I`m 14 and love learning new things 


Best vannila build: A peacefull cabin 


Best modded build: An awsome micro block tree


Minecraft Style: Decoration 

Posted (edited)

Your minecraft username: schnauzer23


One interesting fact about you: I'm 19 and I'm studying Chemistry at collage ^^


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious): In a server I used to play with a group of friends we built a massive MASSIVE town but with that sense of community, with Towny. It had enormous crop fields, wood farms, and grinders, was awesome.


Best thing you have built using mods: Well, I think the best thing I ever built was on the first Technic Pack. Was an automated Advance Solar Panel crafting system using buildcraft, redpower 1 and EE. It was SO big hahaha


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.): I am more a tech guy, with complicated machinery :)

Edited by Schnauzer23

Your minecraft username: Angelfish11


One interesting fact about you: I want to go to college to study forensics/criminal psychology


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious): Nether hub for a server


Best thing you have built using mods: A large witch's tower


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.) Builder


Additionally, I have experience with being an admin on past servers, I don't have the heart to break rules lol. 

Username: cielly
Interesting fact: I own and can ride a longboard which I love to death 
Best vanilla build: I made Howl's Moving Castle once!
Best modded build: Finished a spa in space the other day, complete with a working solar farm.  
Minecraft style: builder and collector 


Your minecraft username: Vegeta_RES


One interesting fact about you: I have a PhD and still prefer gaming over that accomplishment LMFAO XD


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious): Well, I didn't stay too long in vanilla before moving to mods, though nothing has changed lol, I started mc march 2013 I would say my Battle Tower with hidden piston doors (it took a little bit getting use to redstone and keeping them hidden!)


Best thing you have built using mods: My hidden bases using the SecretBase Mod oh and my crazy chocobo farm/village when I was in Hexxit.


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.): I'm probably the crafter/builder. I like to craft things from different mods and put them together, I don't do very large builds but I still try to have a theme to my buildings, so not just a square wood hut that just gets bigger, but a tower maybe with a building that has at least the shape of a house.


It's probably worth adding in that I've been playing AotBTeam since release and have really enjoyed it, and so I want to start my first YouTube LP series focussed on AotBTeam, so if it is allowed I would love to record while using your server. I found it boring trying to record on a single player so yes I would like to interact with a tight community and record some LPs :)




Username: NadiaYasmin


Interesting fact: I am your girlfriend.


Best Vanilla Build: The pirate ship, or hogwarts.


Best modded build: Making your rube goldberg machine look presentable.


Minecrafting style: Building



Your minecraft username: TwistedShotz (real name is Joshua)


One interesting fact about you: i have been playing minecraft since alpha and i know alot about it :P


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious) Well i only do play survival, i never play creative so the best thing i have made is my 2x skelly spawner plus a natural mob spawning room and it produces lets just say, alot of mobs :P aha 


Best thing you have built using mods: hmm now i hope this doesn't put you off but i wish to learn as i go :P i have just started to get into AotBT and ill learn as i go :D it will make a more rewarding time


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.) Im a builder and technical guy :D i like to build technical things that are useful to me and also creative ways to use alot of the mods out there in AotBT


Additional information:

Skype: yes

Mic?: yes

Age: 16


Your minecraft username - Niqraz


One interesting fact about you - I am human.


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious) - Eiffle Tower, replic my town.


Best thing you have built using mods - Galacticraft, my epic base on Mars.


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.) - redstone, builder



I want play there with my friend MinecraftHibix.


My Minecraft Username (IGN):

An interesting fact about me:
I like to discover new things, come up with ideas, or listen to other's ideas.
My favourite subjects of all are Chemistry, Biology and Physics,
I would love to get a job involving those 3 subjects later on.
Besides that, I personally don't think there are any more interesting facts about me.

Best thing you think you have built in vanilla:
Well, I think the most impressive structure that I've built in Vanilla pretty
much that big Medieval style village is (No images, built it once on a server).
I am quite a builder, so if you need somebody to help you build (whatever it is), I'm your man!

Best thing you have built using mods:
Erm, this one is quite hard to answer, since I haven't built huge projects using modpacks,
but if I would have to pick one, I would say some machinery that makes you able to fly (using movable blocks),
kinda like with the Metaworlds mod.

What kind of minecrafter are you?
I'm mostly the technical, redstone guy, that loves engineering and building!






Your minecraft username


One interesting fact about you

I built my computer that I use everyday

Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious)

I once built a medieval house that looked pretty cool. 

Best thing you have built using mods

I don't really play with modpacks that much, but one I built a cool sorting system.

what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.)

I love redstone, but I'm not very good at it. I also like to adventure.


Username: dragonlord54321


Interesting Fact: I can't sit around other people without my eyes constantly scanning my surroundings.


Best Vanilla build: A medieval castle with an under-ground sewer leading all over the world to my other homes.


Best Modded Build: A tower up to the sky limit with walls that could change color. (each color would open a new door)


My Minecraft Style: Builder/Adventurer.


Username: xXSlikumariXx


An interesting fact about me:

I am very good at witchery!


Best thing u have build in vanilla:

I have built a 50x50 castle the was 6 lvls tall. In Survival.


Best thing i have built in modded minecraft: 

I made a simple villager house into a mansion using carpenters blocks.


What type of minecraft play are u:

I am the type of player that would sit there making a tree made out of fully microblocks for hours!

I love building.


Your minecraft username



One interesting fact about you

23, gaming, sports, music, Photoshop... Surely one of those is interesting lol


Best thing you think you have built in vanilla (doesn't matter if you haven't played much I'm just curious)

The previous server I was on I had a pretty awesome base going. Upstairs was a nice modern house with stained clay, but as you got lower I had a nice farm with water flow, a "natural" feeling cow farm, auto brewing station, and auto melon farms. Had plans for sugar cane and more but the server reset. 


Best thing you have built using mods

Not much. My TC smeltery in my hidey hole lol


what kind of minecrafter are you (redstone/technical guy, adventurer, builder ect.)

Just looking for enjoyment, different days I wanna do different things. One day I might make some kind of redstone contraption and the next day I'll wanna build around it to make it look nice.


Hello again,


For right now I am no longer taking applications to the server, I have PM'd those who got in and I'm sorry if you didn't, I may let more people in at a a later date.


Thank you

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