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Posted (edited)


Welcome to "Wolverism" a small attack of the b team community

Basic information


I have not yet "bought" the server itself as i want to be sure it is worth my money, I will accept people already and let you know the ip when i have it. Also i already know what the server will be like (stuff like the uptime, max people, lag, etc.) don't worry about that it will handle very well. The minimum age for the server is 16+ however i will accept younger people too as maturity comes in many ages BUT i also know that some older players would find it awkward playing with younger people for example 15 with 30 years old (I can go as young as 13 if i see you as mature however do keep in mind you might have a lower chance and don't be saddened if you aren't accepted the last is for everyone)



1: No griefing. (you can prank people BUT don't destroy peoples buildings and stuff though)

2: Use common sense with language, simple swearing is allowed but keep it at a minimum.

3: Don't build too close to spawn.

4: Choose wolf at last question of the whitelist application so i know you read the rules.

5: You can pvp, but the opponent has to give you permission first, also don't take someones items if he dies.

6: Witchery is also allowed but if you are going to kill someone with it follow the rule above.

Whitelist application:

Your IGN:

What is your age? (there ain't no shame :))

Why do you want to join this server?

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter?

What do you expect from this server?

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted)

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe)

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn)

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack?

[edit new question] How active will you be?

Wolf or lion?

Banned mods:

Not yet banned but might be soon (poll)

Archimedes ship's mod as it is known for crashing servers.

The "Oven" out of mr crayfishes furniture mod for the same reason as above.


Website: (work in progress)

PMC: (work in progress)

and more to come..

Accepted for Wolverism:


































                                  Wish you luck, my fellow wolf!

Edited by DatSickWolfy
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Your IGN: Angelfish11

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 16

Why do you want to join this server? I enjoy being a part of whitelisted servers because of the community aspect, and I've had the itch to play on a modded server :)

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Builder, but I enjoy all three

What do you expect from this server? A fun server I can play around with mods on and be a part of a close-knit community

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) No

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) Depends

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) Yes, I built a nether hub on the last server I actively played on, I'd love to help out with a spawn design. 

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? The basics

Wolf or lion? Wolf, yes I read the rules :P


Your IGN: ryanbodkin

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 16

Why do you want to join this server? want to start playing with others

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? explorer/crafter mix

What do you expect from this server? just to meet some new people and have a good time

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) no

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) hm possibly, depends on a lot

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) Not particularily if im honest

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? a decent amount just from playing single player

Wolf or lion? wolf


Your IGN:I_Da_Best

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :))14

Why do you want to join this server? have fun and play with others.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Im all of them.

What do you expect from this server? People who don't discriminate by age.

Are you going to record? No.

Are you willing to donate?  Maybe.

Are you good at building? Yes I've built some spawns in the past.

How much knowledge do you have about this mod pack? 7/10 knowledge

Wolf or lion? wolf


Your IGN: UndoubtedKhaos

What is your age?: !9, goin' on 20

Why do you want to join this server: I absolutely LOVE Attack Of The B-Team, and have been hard pressed to find a server to suit my needs. This server you are planning seems to be perfect ^^ A small, community based server, where I can get to know the players and work in conjunction with them.

Are you an Explorer, Builder, or Crafter?: About 50/50 with Builder and Explorer. I build, but I need to explore to find all the greatest materials FOR building ^^

What do you expect?: A small, friendly server where I can play without fear of grief or unlawful players 

Are you going to record?: Not as of yet. My current computer cannot handle it, but in the future, I might, when I have a new computer.

Are you willing to donate?: When I have more money to throw around, probably ^^

Are you good at building?: I think of myself as a good builder, but you might have to just see for yourself ^^

Modpack Knowledge: I'd give myslef a 7.5-8, but learning is the fun part!

Lion or Wolf?: Lions are kind of NOT COOL, so wolf ^^


Your IGN: andrew89876

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 15 almost 16

Why do you want to join this server? mostly to have a good time. also want to have a reliable server to play on and no cheating(spawning things in)

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter?explorer or crafter but i also like building

What do you expect from this server? I expect it to have little to no lag and friendly

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) no

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) probably not

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) i would say i am a creative guy who can come up with good ideas

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? Ive been playing some single player and watching Bdoulble0, gennyb, and chimneyswift

Wolf or lion? wolf, 1 it said so in the directions, and two wolves are awesome

Posted (edited)

Your IGN:



What is your age?

14 going 15 but mature

Why do you want to join this server?

To play in a good community and to be away of all the newbs playing on non-whitelisted servers .-.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter?

Builder and Explorer but mostly a Builder

What do you expect from this server?

A server whit a community where everybody knows eachother.

Are you going to record?

I would like to but I can't

Are you willing to donate?


Are you good at building?

Yes! I would like to help build the spawn.

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack?

From 1 to 10 I would say 7

Wolf or lion?

Wolf (shhh it's a secret to everyone!(I have read the rules(hehehe)))

Edited by Flyery2

What is your age? 15, but 16 this year

Why do you want to join this server? I whant to play with nice people that dont grieff.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Crafter 

What do you expect from this server? nice people. maby like the mindcrack server

Are you going to record? No I do not, but i am thinking about it.

Are you willing to donate? If i like the server and the people

Are you good at building? I am not bad

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? 1-10 maby 7

Wolf or lion? Wolf duh


Your IGN: TimaFKRN (i am not premium so i dont know if i can play)

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 16

Why do you want to join this server? i like comunity servers, where i know when i build something no one will grief

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Builder (but i know crafting)

What do you expect from this server? Fun, creativity

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) no

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) no 

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) Yes i am so good

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? I know everything

Wolf or lion? wolf

i am also a very good designer so i can help with website, i also work in C4D and sony vegas so i create 3D videos

-sorry about bad eanglish-


Your IGN: KnightZeta

What is your age? 20

Why do you want to join this server?

playing modded minecraft isn't as fun on single player. and i wanted a small community server to have more fun with the mod pack andother people as well.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter?

i would say im explorer and crafter. but i want to get into building

What do you expect from this server?

a good community where we can play together and know eachother and have fun with the server.

Are you going to record? yes, there is a good chance ill be recording.

Are you willing to donate? not sure, i might from time to time.

Are you good at building? i would consider myself intermidiate builder, but i would like to helo as much as i can.

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack?

i played with Tinker's construct, advanced genetics, enhanced portals, and a little bit with factory reloaded. so ithink ill be an intermidiate player in this server.

Wolf or lion? Wolf


Your IGN: Mr_Cassell

what is your age:15, I'm mature

Why do you want to join the server?

Because this server feels right for me and I love this modpack

Are you an explorer, builder, or crafter?

mostly explorer but i can build decent things

What do you expect from this server?

My expectations are very high and great for this server

Are high it seems like everyone would get along and

know each other.....like Mindcrack

Areyou going to record?


Are you willing to donate? 


Are you good at building?

Well I am at certain things

How much knowledge do you have about the modpack?

Just a little but it would be a great learning experience

Wolf or Lion?






What is your age? 15

Why do you want to join this server? I want a nice, small community with a server that isn't always down.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Explorer/Builder

What do you expect from this server? Like I said above, a mature community, and a reliable server.

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) Nope

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) Possibly, though I'm pretty broke

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) I'm pretty decent, I guess. I need other people's opinion though. 

How much knowledge do you have about this mod pack? I've played for quite a while now, so I've gotten into a few mods.

Wolf or lion? Wolf, it beats lion any day.


Accepted IGN's: ElderBow, Mr_Cassell, KnightZeta, andrew89876, UndoubtedKhaos I_Da_Best and Ryanbodkin


TimaFRKN sadly i can't accept non premium as i am using a hosting company that doesn't support that :(


Flyery2 and NaCCeLinO33, i would love to accept you guys but i don't have your IGN hehe


Your IGN: schnauzer23

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)): 19

Why do you want to join this server?: I like to play in small servers where there's no need of plugins for protection

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? a builder

What do you expect from this server? a nice place to play modded MC, maybe even some awesome community building 

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) No

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) Sadly I can't (My country has stupid international rules for mney)

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) I consider my self a decent builder

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? I know almost every mod in the modpack, plus I watch bdubs and gb :P

Wolf or lion? wolf


Your IGN:Chrisdaman417

What is your age? (18)

Why do you want to join this server? looking for a nice community that isn't too big. (greifers hide in big servers)

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? explorer and builder

What do you expect from this server? a fun active community to play with 

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) I might start recording soon. but I might not im not to big on the sound of my voice.

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) If i like the server i might be willing to donate.

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) I think im ok but i have to have a good idea.

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? Im fairly familiar with the pack. not good with witching though.

Wolf or lion? Wolf


Your IGN: aedanpizza

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 14

Why do you want to join this server? I want to join this server because I have always liked whitelisted servers because there are no jerks that make you want to rage.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? I am a mix between a explorer and a crafter.

What do you expect from this server? I expect a friendly community who loves to play the game, just like me.

Do you record? I might, frame rate is bad on modpacks.

Are you willing to donate? Yes I am!

Are you a builder? Too tell you the truth I am an underground builder, so no. xD

Any experience with the modpack? I've been playing on this modpack since it came out, loving witchery and tinkers construct.

Lion or wolf? Wolf


Your IGN: aco909

What is your age? 15

Why do you want to join this server? Minecraft is better played with a community

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? mostly builder, a little bit of all three though

What do you expect from this server? A nice, small community to hang out with in my free time

Are you going to record? Most likely not

Are you willing to donate? If my experience on the server is enjoyable perhaps

Are you good at building? yup

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? limited, I hope to learn more while playing on the server

Wolf or lion? wolf 

Posted (edited)

Your IGN: Reqhz

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 15

Why do you want to join this server? Looking for a nice community. Want to figure out the new possibilities in multiplayer.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? explorer

What do you expect from this server? A community that is willing to help eachother if needed.

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) No

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) No, sorry.

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) I'm not good, but i'm not bad either.

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? I've watched alot of the modpack on youtube and i know quite a lot.

Wolf or lion? Wolf

Edited by MrReqhzz
  On 3/15/2014 at 6:49 PM, DatSickWolfy said:

Accepted IGN's: ElderBow, Mr_Cassell, KnightZeta, andrew89876, UndoubtedKhaos I_Da_Best and Ryanbodkin


TimaFRKN sadly i can't accept non premium as i am using a hosting company that doesn't support that :(


Flyery2 and NaCCeLinO33, i would love to accept you guys but i don't have your IGN hehe

I've edited my post. :)


Your IGN: jessicasuperstar

What is your age? (there ain't no shame  :)) 13, but very mature.

Why do you want to join this server? I love this modpack but I hate griefers on public servers. A whitelist server is the best option for that! I also prefer small communities.

Are you a explorer, builder or crafter? Explorer any day

What do you expect from this server? I expect a nice, friendly community who are willing to accept a younger gamer.

Are you going to record? (this doesn't affect your chance of getting accepted) Sadly, no.

Are you willing to donate? (also this doesn't affect it, just curious hehe) It depends, if this server is as awesome s it sounds, most likely.

Are you good at building? (If you are and want too you can help on spawn) I'm the type of person who comes up with great ideas, but is bad as executing them. But, I'm quick to learn. Just show me what you want built, and I can do it!

How much knowledge do you have about this modpack? On a scale out of 10, I would say a 7 1/2

Wolf or lion? Wolf, all day every day!



Age:13,but mature

I prefer small servers HATE griefers and hackers, And want to make friends.

I would say Builder and Explorer

Nice People, Nice community, friends ect

no im terrible at recording

If I had money

im ok at building

Im a 7 and wolf



Btw sorry for my bad grammer/spelling im dyslexic


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