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i began working on an industrial parlour myself after seeing yours but i cant get the big screens updating correctly, i wanted to look at your code but it says those files are private...

could you fix that plz?

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  "Backplague said:
No its not that, i do have the software required. Its just that i cant force myself to do what i dont feel like doing.

Honesty is the best policy: The design does look pretty easy to replicate from the images, and basic to boot. The only technical aspect is the CC programs and redstone feeds, all of which are wireless to the device.

  "The_DarthMoogle said:
RP2, definitely... My drawn up plan should make it's way on here in drawing form in a few days.

I'd be interested to contribute any help if you'd like, or just to see the design plans first hand. I never give a chance up to learn a better technique, and I'd like to get a peek at FORTH firsthand rather than see theoreticals.


I also have no idea how to make the video. With my voice, it will be very easy; i just write down a list of things i need to tell and just start recording. With text, it will be more like a slideshow of images with text planted on. The voice part would suck because i dont like my voice, it is too high pitched for what i want it to be.


And Then I Was A Noob Sitting Here and just watching.................. Holy S**t!

How Long Time Did This Take you and your friends? 1000 Years? Thats What it would have taken if i had done it...................

Ohh And Add NUCLEAR POWER!!!! WITH ENEREGY OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

Just Nice Work!


wow haha this is so complex even for my mine haha i just restarted i just gave me all my stuff from my old world that i had cause it decided to crash every time i tried to play that world. :( luckily w/ the power of mericuls tool i rebuilt my base in no time and some other stuff right now i just gotta get my solar array,MFE,LV transformer,and my IC2 machines then my crafting table 2,and getting the transmation tablet and and i'll be back got my power plant and my 4 quarry's going got my Establishment made got my DM collecters and relay up w/ the klein star after drei ~forgot name of it~ and yeah i'll post screenshots of my thing later when everythings back up and running :D


This is amazing, there are really not enough words that mean good in the English language to describe this, i wish i could build something like this. but i have one question, why did you flood the quarries?


He flooded his quarries so that way when they get to diamond level and there's a lava pool well quarries will stop mining when there's lava and easy way to solve that is by putting water falls and making obsidian.


  "Backplague said:
They are Energy Links. They convert BC energy to IC2 energy and vice versa.

Thank you. Yeah, those will help compact my machines. Also, does it only power wooden pipes, or does it power machines as well? I looked on the wiki, but it said it only converts IC2 to BC, so I'm not sure if I can trust it :|


This is probobly a very nooby question, but I was wondering how you actually set up the computers to run. I have tryed starting them up in different orders, but they all get stuck waiting for message, I also attempted looking at the code. So I guess I'm screwed unless I can get some help here. Thanks, if anyone can help.

  "Chimæra said:
Thank you. Yeah, those will help compact my machines. Also, does it only power wooden pipes, or does it power machines as well? I looked on the wiki, but it said it only converts IC2 to BC, so I'm not sure if I can trust it :|
Powers both wooden pipes and machines.

  "ReallyAwesomeName said:
This is probobly a very nooby question, but I was wondering how you actually set up the computers to run. I have tryed starting them up in different orders, but they all get stuck waiting for message, I also attempted looking at the code. So I guess I'm screwed unless I can get some help here. Thanks, if anyone can help.

You have to change the IDs inside the programs or the computers are trying to reach an computer which doesnt exist. For example the programmed id of the 2. Auth Server is 100, so you have to change the id 100 to whatever the id of your 2. auth pc is in every program. Do this for every Server which is used and it will work.


Well I've gone ahead and done that, made sure the wires are plugged into their corresponding, and actually opened all the sides for rednet, but it just won't send anything. I even double-checked the the ids for both computers, but it just won't work.

P.S. Using computercraft on Tekkit 1.3.


In regards to you wanting to know how to build a nuclear reactor...

Best nuclear reactor (in my opinion):

1. Assuming you have EE on, make a small energy condenser (can even be an MK1 array) to generate ice

1.5. If EE is not on, I believe you can cage in some snow man and use RP block breakers to get snow balls. From there all you have to do is pipe the snow into a compressor to turn it into ice.

2. Using an RP filter with pneumatic tubes, pipe the ice into the reactor

3. Chuck in as many uranium cells as you want into the reactor so long as there is 1 block of space for ice and your condenser can replenish fast enough

4. Use RP logic or CC computer and an item detector to turn off the reactor in the off chance there is an error in the ice feed

5. Profit.

Kudos to you though, your creation is pretty cool. Gotta love Computer Craft for all the shit it can do, even if it's only lua.


How did you lay out the redstone engines? I tried to do a similar thing and they dont generate any power, do you have an engine powering an engine, or is it just one on a pipe? Help me dude!


  "ReallyAwesomeName said:
Well I've gone ahead and done that, made sure the wires are plugged into their corresponding, and actually opened all the sides for rednet, but it just won't send anything. I even double-checked the the ids for both computers, but it just won't work.

P.S. Using computercraft on Tekkit 1.3.

You have to do it with Modems, which go to the left side.


Interesting. The only changes I would make is changing the electric furnaces to DM furnaces. Then you could also get rid of the macerators and run them straight off energy converters. They're faster too. The other thing would be to exchange the mass converters to energy condensers. This is however because I am an equivalent exchange man. However that is unless you can't exchange the target with energy condensers?

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