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Got it around Beta 1.2 and played with it occasionally ever since, with more interest when I discovered mods around B 1.7, with my some periods more intense depending of other games.


I was actually Pre-alpha. I first took notice before the In-Dev version came out.

I still think the most fun i've ever had with it was back in infdev, when multiplayer had just been added.


  "Jay? said:
I was actually Pre-alpha. I first took notice before the In-Dev version came out.

I still think the most fun i've ever had with it was back in infdev, when multiplayer had just been added.

How many bugs/glitches did it have back then?


  "Smurfkiller9000 said:
How many bugs/glitches did it have back then?

many. The multiplayer was terribad for a long time. Early minecarts had a tendency to clip into something and go flying off at high speeds.


  "Jay? said:
many. The multiplayer was terribad for a long time. Early minecarts had a tendency to clip into something and go flying off at high speeds.

Reminds me of the good old days of the boosters-before-the-boosters-were-added.


Oh yes, they were fun. I only started in 1.4_01, and got into mods shortly into 1.5. Buildcraft was very different back then.

And I've owned it since just before 1.0 was released. I trialed it, and then waited to see if I could somehow get it for free. It was worth a shot.


I started way back in the first stages of Alpha (I don't know the exact version number, 1.0.3 or something) but I didn't start using mods untill about halfway through beta, BTW I think was the first mod I used.


i was playing it for a long time in classic, then i got 1.0 as an early cristmas present 2011 , exactly 366 days ago,on the 17th of december just after lunch... it was a beautiful day


I've owned MC since... well i dont know what patch it was. i do know that mobs in multi player didnt do dmg whn my friends bought it aswell.


  "The_DarthMoogle said:
I can't remember what version it was, but I remember you had to boost minecarts by having another minecart run alongside it.

Redstone hadn't been implemented then, I think.

Redstone was implemented by then there just was only 1 kind of track. btw you had the oven cart who could push an other one but way to slow :)


I bought the game in early alpha but was playing it before that via the free creative servers that were available on the minecraft page. Those were fun times where you were trapped into a small few chunk area with everyone else on the server building/destroying anything you saw fit.


Now that I think about, the two major problems with Multiplayer back then was that inventories were clientside and health didn't work at all. This caused you to be able to toss your near-broken pickaxe on the ground, pick it back up and it would be repaired. Also, any sane person disabled monsters because no one liked being stalked by countless skeletons and zombies you can't kill and they can't kill you.

Boats and Minecarts were incredibly screwy because they couldn't get damage either.


I got it back in Beta 1.3, so I can relate to most of the things people say about "the good ol' days" when bugs were rampant and there were no booster rails etc..

I actually only got into modding at all around Minecraft 1.1, after my friend/server host/Tekkit guru linked me to a Tekkit video and told me that the server was going Tekkit(I had no choice in the matter, it was already Tekkit by the time I got on). Before that, the closest I ever got was MCEdit.


2 year ago I think?

No clue what version, I just putted around till I got bored and tried making a bukkit server. After a couple months of that I got bored again and was about to quit until that mine little pony tekkit video was released.


I played classic for... an indeterminate period of time. I recall actually buying the alpha game shortly after the time Winter Mode went in... whenever that was.

I believe I first fiddled with modding back in 1.7.3 with that one pack of mods the Painterly pack endorsed, and then completely forgot about modding until I discovered Technic. And then... well, here I am I guess.

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