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  "havocx42 said:
Yes, that is as intended. if you do not specify a damage value (as in your first line) it only matches on block ID and ignores the damage value.

for your example you would only need to do

213 -> 453

and it would change all blocks with an ID of 213 to an ID of 453, ignoring damage value.

If you want to specify specific translations for only some damage values you will need to enter all 16 damage values 0-15 e.g.

213:0 -> 453:0

213:1 -> 453:2

213:2 -> 453:1

213:3 -> 453:3

213:4 -> 453:4

213:5 -> 453:5

213:6 -> 453:6


I think you may have missed the fact that you can do 213:0->453:0


Yes I have missed teh fact that I can do 213:0

I will updadate the patch.txt as soon as possible

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Thx for the help, I have gotten :-)

I have found some more Block ID, which I had to change in my world:

194:1 -> 4092:1

194:5 -> 4092:5

181:1 -> 2491:1

1258 -> 5574

1257 -> 5581

And i think these needs to be changes to (hasnt been tested yet):

4301 -> 4289

4300 -> 4288

And now to my new questions ;-P

Most of my pipes have gone invisible, but is still there.

It is transport pipes like iron, diamond, gold, stone, wood and copplestone and some more :-P

Do anyone have an explanation for that?

The block Ids havent changed and I can see, they still exists... So I got no clue :-P


  "Linda said:
Thx for the help, I have gotten :-)

I have found some more Block ID, which I had to change in my world:

194:1 -> 4092:1

194:5 -> 4092:5

181:1 -> 2491:1

1258 -> 5574

1257 -> 5581

And i think these needs to be changes to (hasnt been tested yet):

4301 -> 4289

4300 -> 4288

And now to my new questions ;-P

Most of my pipes have gone invisible, but is still there.

It is transport pipes like iron, diamond, gold, stone, wood and copplestone and some more :-P

Do anyone have an explanation for that?

The block Ids havent changed and I can see, they still exists... So I got no clue :-P

The ID 181 is exactly the same in both edition

thanks for the rest i tested it and fixed it to the patch.txt

All Pipes now transform well, but the placed pipes are invisble and I don´t know why, sorry. Does the Pipe´s Id change when thy were set ?

  "1800Allen said:
After converting I get and error on join with these block IDs:

343 - Cart Furnace

342 - Cart Chest

328 - Cart Regular

The Ids are the same in both versions. I don´t know why you get an error


  "lw_spartan said:
I really can't figure out why I can't get it to work and others have, is it possible for to upload my save somewhere and someone else could convert it for me?

yes I could try it upload it on a filehoster or to dropbox and send me the link to your world8private message)


  "Linda said:
Thx for the help, I have gotten :-)

And now to my new questions ;-P

Most of my pipes have gone invisible, but is still there.

It is transport pipes like iron, diamond, gold, stone, wood and copplestone and some more :-P

Do anyone have an explanation for that?

The block Ids havent changed and I can see, they still exists... So I got no clue :-P

I have the same problem it only seems to be buildcraft pipes the redpower ones are fine. Unfortunately most of the player on my server have very complex

sorting systems that use buildcraft pipes. So for me this is a fairly major bug I'd like to get ironed out.

  "darkhoernchen said:

All Pipes now transform well, but the placed pipes are invisble and I don´t know why, sorry. Does the Pipe´s Id change when thy were set ?

I noticed a error on the server saying something about Buildcraft and a addon for it and a -1 value for the pipes. sorry I can be more specific I'm out of town atm and won't be able to give the exact error (which I know would probably be a lot more helpful) till I get home on Friday. Perhaps if there's another person with a server that is trying the conversion that could report the exact error here so we can try and fix it


I tried making a quick single player game and used all the buildcraft pipes in it and the placed pipes switched over in it just fine. Is it just the server's that have the pipe issue?


  "Alfwynn said:
I have the same problem it only seems to be buildcraft pipes the redpower ones are fine. Unfortunately most of the player on my server have very complex

sorting systems that use buildcraft pipes. So for me this is a fairly major bug I'd like to get ironed out.

I noticed a error on the server saying something about Buildcraft and a addon for it and a -1 value for the pipes. sorry I can be more specific I'm out of town atm and won't be able to give the exact error (which I know would probably be a lot more helpful) till I get home on Friday. Perhaps if there's another person with a server that is trying the conversion that could report the exact error here so we can try and fix it


I tried making a quick single player game and used all the buildcraft pipes in it and the placed pipes switched over in it just fine. Is it just the server's that have the pipe issue?

I get exactly the same errors and I have a complex sorting system too.

The errors I get - and they come, when I log in, not immediately after the server has been started:

"2013-01-08 20:21:41 [WARNING] [iC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntityCentrifugeExtractor@1776447 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

2013-01-08 20:21:42 [WARNING] [buildcraft] Detected pipe with unknown key (-1).Did you remove a buildcraft addon?"


  "Linda said:
I get exactly the same errors and I have a complex sorting system too.

The errors I get - and they come, when I log in, not immediately after the server has been started:

"2013-01-08 20:21:41 [WARNING] [iC2] API ERROR: ic2.advancedmachines.common.TileEntityCentrifugeExtractor@1776447 didn't implement demandsEnergy() properly, no energy from injectEnergy accepted although demandsEnergy() returned true.

2013-01-08 20:21:42 [WARNING] [buildcraft] Detected pipe with unknown key (-1).Did you remove a buildcraft addon?"

The API error is a bug by IC2 or AM (in the ic2 Forum many users have this error)

I found the following: After changing the Pipes ID the Pipes will turn into ghost pipes!

Nothing new I know but I am trying to fix it


my input for this thread after converting an extreme world save. (over 1,5, gigs.)

change interdiction torches to normal torches or be prepared for huge amounts of stone blocks

129 > 50

and make sure all forcefields are off. I just deleted all forcefield cores in my world to be sure.

the active forcefields give me an "immibis.ars.projectors.*********" block error.

this is resolved when all forcefields are off before converting.


I'm having an issue here. I start up mIDas, I add my savegame, and I load the Patch.txt, yet when I press start, nothing happens except for an error message saying:

"An error has occurred and a log has been created."

However, there is no log to be found, so I can't figure out what's going wrong.

Can somebody please help me with this? As I am trying to convert the world that my friends and I play on, and I really don't want to lose our massive quarries and other things.


I've checked and double checked that I am selecting the world folder and not the individual files, and I have re-updated java just to be sure, yet I am still getting the error messages. It's no big deal, we can just give ourselves back our items, but we worked hard to build some of our structures. The only real fallback would be losing those.


Following the instructions given on this page, no matter which world I try to convert I recieve:

"An error has occurred and a log has been created."

Can't seem to locate an error log to find out what the issue might be. I realise I could recreate the server world as I have the seed but we've built up so much I really don't want to start over. The Seed Spawns an NPC village and the player default spawn point is at the village center with an abundance of resources and what seems to be a jungle so thick that mobs that usually only hang out at night survive at all times of the day right on its boarder making a good atmospheric feature, I really don't want to lose this. I even tried to use MCEdit copying over the work we have done but this seems to generate an error for all external connections. Can someone let me know what might be causing the issue?



  "Laphtiya said:
Following the instructions given on this page, no matter which world I try to convert I recieve:

"An error has occurred and a log has been created."

Can't seem to locate an error log to find out what the issue might be. I realise I could recreate the server world as I have the seed but we've built up so much I really don't want to start over. The Seed Spawns an NPC village and the player default spawn point is at the village center with an abundance of resources and what seems to be a jungle so thick that mobs that usually only hang out at night survive at all times of the day right on its boarder making a good atmospheric feature, I really don't want to lose this. I even tried to use MCEdit copying over the work we have done but this seems to generate an error for all external connections. Can someone let me know what might be causing the issue?


  "Kankri.Vantas said:
I'm having an issue here. I start up mIDas, I add my savegame, and I load the Patch.txt, yet when I press start, nothing happens except for an error message saying:

"An error has occurred and a log has been created."

However, there is no log to be found, so I can't figure out what's going wrong.

Can somebody please help me with this? As I am trying to convert the world that my friends and I play on, and I really don't want to lose our massive quarries and other things.

  "lw_spartan said:

This is my first post on these forums which I've been lurking for a while now, but I'm heavily medicated due this..plague thing/flu that I have, so bare with me. I've only ever played tekkit on single player, with the intent to join a server at a later date. I've found that from what I've heard of most servers it would probably be better to stay playing by myself, and because of that have found myself attached to my very small and humble little tekkit volcano home.

Now, I've downloaded midas, selected my world from tekkit classic, and loaded the patch that you linked. When I load the patch.txt file it tells me that, "Source ID (insert numbers) is already being translated." I must then click ok to continue, a large portion of clicks later it ends, and I click start. When I click Start however it simply says, "An error has occured and a log has been created." I have no idea what I would be doing wrong in these few simple steps, and I'm unsure of where the created log went to find out. Any help at all is appreciated. Thanks for your time.

Can you all give me:

Your OS, OS version, and whether it's 64 or 32 bit.

Your version of java(You must open command line and type "java -version" DON'T guess, or tell me the version you just installed or tell me "the latest version").

The version of Tekkit you are converting from.

If all of you give me this info I may be able to fix this problem, thanks.



I found the Pipe´s Block IDs it is = 166

but this ID is in both editions the same so I don´t know why the pipes are broken ?

The damage value could be changed but I don´t know how to figure this out. Any help is welcome



Windows Vista 64Bit Ultimate edition SP2(All up to date with latest windows updates).

Java: 1.7.0_10 (Latest version downloaded it and retried world conversion before making this post).

Tekkit: 3.1.2 minecraft build 1.2.5

If you need anything else let me know



buidcraft pipes allways give problems.

making all pipes invisible and gives errors on the server console:

1: when you open a world in singleplayer and later via server in multiplayer.

2: when using mIDas

3: when using your favorite rollback tool

4: when there is a crash on your server and you get it back up again. (sometimes)

5: when a black cat walks by

buildcraft pipes are seroiously bugged this way. last time I had this problem I just went to all locations my server console told there were bugged pipes and fixed it by hand. after that I told everyone to look into redpower tubes and never had this problem again.

redpower tubes are much better.

this weekend I'm doing the big migration to tekkit lite and only have to change 10 buildcraft pipes by hand.

I've looked my ass off for a solution by the way. there is none to be found. If someone really finds a solution please post it here. you're probably the first one with a solution and need a special top of the list sticky post in every buildcraft related forum.


@ havocx42: when using worldedit schematics, buildcraft wooden pipes sometimes reverse. but this is really the only problem. maybe those guys know something we all dont.



i wrote a script to convert IDMap Dumps to mIDasGold patch file format.

To create an IDMap Dump:

login to Game --> Press "E" --> Click on "Options" (left bottom corner) --> Click on "Block/Item ID Settings" --> Activate "Dump BlockIDs" and "Dump ItemIDs" --> Click on "Dump ID Map Now"

that's it.

You need this from the OLD and the NEW Tekkit version.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Name this files: "IDMap dump NEW.txt" and "IDMap dump OLD.txt" (<-- these are my dump files)

OK now you need my Program: Download here

If you don't trust me download the AHK file here or copy the code there:

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

savetext = Patchfile.txt ; Patch file

OLDText = IDMap dump OLD.txt ; Text file with old ID's

NEWText = IDMap dump NEW.txt ; Text file with new ID's

OLDTemp = temp/OLDTemp.txt

NEWTemp = temp/NEWTemp.txt

IfExist, %savetext% ; Check if Patch file already exist


    MsgBox, 4,, File already exist! Do you want to override?

    IfMsgBox, No


    FileDelete, %savetext%

    FileDelete, %OLDTemp%

    FileDelete, %NEWTemp%


FileCreateDir, temp



    FileReadLine, line, %OLDText%, %A_Index% ; Read 1. Line from Text file with old ID's

    if ErrorLevel ; ERROR then break



    IfNotInString, line, Unuse


        IfInString, line, ic2


            StringReplace, linenew, line, .common

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .core

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .block.,.

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .personal

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .wiring

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .generator

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .machine

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .item.,.

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .tool

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, shedar

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .mods

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .nuclearcontrol

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .advancedmachines

            FileAppend, %linenew%`n, %OLDTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file




            FileAppend, %line%`n, %OLDTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file






    FileReadLine, line, %NEWText%, %A_Index% ; Read 1. Line from Text file with old ID's

    if ErrorLevel ; ERROR then break



    IfNotInString, line, Unuse


        IfInString, line, ic2


            StringReplace, linenew, line, .common

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .core

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .block.,.

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .personal

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .wiring

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .generator

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .machine

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .item.,.

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .tool

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, shedar

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .mods

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .nuclearcontrol

            StringReplace, linenew, linenew, .advancedmachines

            FileAppend, %linenew%`n, %NEWTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file




            FileAppend, %line%`n, %NEWTemp% ; Save new Line in Patch file






    IDfound = 0 ; do not change


    FileReadLine, line, %OLDTemp%, %A_Index% ; Read 1. Line from Text file with old ID's

    if ErrorLevel ; ERROR then break



    IfNotInString, line, Unuse



        StringSplit, splitline, line, : ; Split the String into an array


        Loop, Read, %NEWTemp% ; Read the Text file with new ID's and Loop


            line2 = %A_LoopReadLine%

            IfNotInString, line2, Unuse


                IfInString, line2, %splitline2% ; Check the lines


                    StringSplit, splitlinetwo, line2, : ; Split the String into an array (each ":")

                    StringReplace, split, splitline3, %A_Space%,, All ; Replace space with nothing

                    StringReplace, splittwo, splitlinetwo3, %A_Space%,, All ; Replace space with nothing

                    FileAppend, %split% -> %splittwo%`n, %savetext% ; Save new Line in Patch file

                    IDfound = 1



                if ( IDfound = 1 )







        if ( IDfound = 0 )


            StringReplace, split, splitline3, %A_Space%,, All ; Replace space with nothing

            FileAppend, %split% -> 1`n, %savetext% ; Save new Line in Patch file




FileDelete, %OLDTemp%

FileDelete, %NEWTemp%

MsgBox, The end of the file has been reached or there was a problem. `r`nThis file was created by Kai K. http://www.game-server-germany.eu


; This file was created by Kai K.  http://www.game-server-germany.eu

Now copy the file in the folder where the IDMap Dump files are and Run it.

Now you have a File with a view bug's... fix it ^^ (here is my FILE)

  • You can delete standard MC ID's (like: "1 -> 1" ...)
  • 124 is Redstonelamp ON and the Program try to convert it to 123 Redstonelamp OFF (delete standart items)

Please report new BUGs thx ^^

Sorry for MAC and Linux Users...

All Links that i Posted:

IDMap dump NEW.txt

IDMap dump OLD.txt




I hope you can understand it ^^ (sorry, my english)


  "Sai said:

i wrote a script to convert IDMap Dumps to mIDasGold patch file format.

To create an IDMap Dump:

login to Game --> Press "E" --> Click on "Options" (left bottom corner) --> Click on "Block/Item ID Settings" --> Activate "Dump BlockIDs" and "Dump ItemIDs" --> Click on "Dump ID Map Now"

that's it.

You need this from the OLD and the NEW Tekkit version.

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Name this files: "IDMap dump NEW.txt" and "IDMap dump OLD.txt" (<-- these are my dump files)


All Links that i Posted:

IDMap dump NEW.txt

IDMap dump OLD.txt




I hope you can understand it ^^ (sorry, my english)

I created a python script to do the same thing:

import operator


def patchFiles(oldFileUrl, newFileUrl):

    oldMap = dict()

    newMap = dict()


    for line in open(oldFileUrl, "r"):

        parts = line.split(":")


        # Unused block ids split into 2 parts, used block ids into 3

        if len(parts) == 3:

            oldMap[parts[0] + parts[1]] = int(parts[2])


    for line in open(newFileUrl, "r"):

        parts = line.split(":")


        # Unused block ids split into 2 parts, used block ids into 3

        if len(parts) == 3:

            # Block identifiers may overlap.

            # If already present, don't overwrite

            # As parsing file in ascending ids, it uses lowest id

            # TODO: Find proper solution

            if parts[0] + parts[1] not in newMap:

                newMap[parts[0] + parts[1]] = int(parts[2])


    mappings = dict()


    for blockName, blockId in oldMap.items():

        if blockName in newMap:

            if blockId != newMap[blockName]:

                mappings[blockId] = newMap[blockName]


            mappings[blockId] = 1


    sortedMappings = sorted(mappings.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))

    for oldId, newId in sortedMappings:

        print "{} -> {}".format(oldId, newId)






patchFiles("IDMap dump OLD.txt", "IDMap dump NEW.txt")


I still didn't get it right, but it seems you are missing a step:

Dismantle your nuclear reactor(s)

Alblaka of IC2 says the reactor inner workings were completely changed, and that players should dismantle them before updating, or else there may be some trouble.

Am I doing it right? When I load the world that is to be converted, I still get the exact same problem as simply pasting my 3.1.3 world into the lite saves folder (I get stuck at building terrain).

What I'm doing is copy the world I want to convert to the tekkitlite saves folder and use midas with the files there. Does that work at all? I've tried every translation patch in this thread and still got the same problem, stuck at the same place.

Also, is there some trouble with microblocks? Cause I use to build houses out of them...

One more thing: There is a new vanilla ore (which is completely unnecessary if you ask me. We could use gold nuggets or craft them into coins for trading), possibly some new mod ores and a new biome. That means changes in the world generator, wich means a wacky transition between old chunks and the new ones being generated. The seed of my old world results in a completely different map already.

I guess the best thing to do is start over. Use NEI to give me items from the old world, sorta like pack up and move somewhere else, and build it all over again. Until the next update.

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