angryemu Posted July 26, 2013 Posted July 26, 2013 damn that took me ages and i finally got a real account
angryemu Posted July 26, 2013 Posted July 26, 2013 I personally apologise for any loss of items and i will try to replace them but i'm not happy the state of my house it is in ruins with a ton of stuff gone
angryemu Posted July 28, 2013 Posted July 28, 2013 Right this time it wasn't me who crashed the server?
angryemu Posted July 29, 2013 Posted July 29, 2013 it is down. no what will I do now D: I mean it wasn't even me who did it
dude 1430 Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 Why can't I log in right now? It says the server is up, but I keep getting end of stream.
dude 1430 Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 so johndav or whatever his name is, is starting to become an issue. He built a huge town that he couldn't possible claim and now when people take stuff from it, he whines about it then expects someone to just give it all back to him. Then, when he doesn't get what he wants, he turns it around and pretends that he is the one being treated unfairly. YOU CAN'T EXPECT TO BE GIVEN EVERYTHING FOR FREE!!!!! So just a heads up to every mod, admin, and gen, watch out for him. He is sneaky and will do everything he can to get what he wants. Don't let him talk you into giving him stuff. He is a swindler.
RavenHGX Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 wow andarden abusing power keeps on kicking me out of server what a MOD
Generictag Posted August 2, 2013 Author Posted August 2, 2013 Raven, if you have issues with my staff you are welcome to send me a message. Last i had heard you were being removed for griefing and i never have seen anything to the contrary. If you have an appeal, again send me a message directly. Same to all players with a grievance. Updates: Another weekend has arrived, and with it comes server changes. I will be changing server restarts from every 6 hours to every 4 hours in an effort to keep the server lag down. I have changed the chunk loaders (again, sorry) we will now be using Chicken Chunk's Loaders. These ones use an enchantment table to craft, making it harder for people with malice to leave them about the server causing harm. Also, these loaders have a higher limit of chunks loaded 25 now from 9 with the anchors. But, and there is always a "but" in life, they will remain loaded only when the owner is online. I may change this to allow Donors to have theirs loaded at all times as they are supporting the server. Spawn might have some changes as I plan to "rent" squares of land for people to build ornamental buildings to make spawn look nice. Admins will have final say over what stays and what is remove. These will be turned into admin claims and the creator(s) will have their names listed. This will be decorations not houses or stores. To my staff: I have been notified that some of the commands are not working. Please let me know in a message here on the forums. I will try to get all commands working this weekend, already Grief prevention commands have been fixed. General: To my players in general, staff and public alike, I only receive a few times a weeks to actually play the game. When I am on don't barrage me with a million issues, post them here in a message. I am a player just like all of you and would like to play some minecraft. Emergencies are obvious exceptions, I am the head admin and I will help if able, just dont ask me petty questions as soon as I log. As usual, thanks everyone for playing on the server, I hope it is enjoyable for everyone who wants to play with the community.
dude 1430 Posted August 6, 2013 Posted August 6, 2013 here is a helpful link so that you don't have to ask if the server is down.
Rathkeaux Posted August 6, 2013 Posted August 6, 2013 I, for one, enjoy this server and the people who frequent it, but to everyone complaining about crashes and server shutdowns, remember that you can donate to this server for upgrades, etc. Generictag pays monthly so that we can enjoy this game in a non pvp/grief environment and everything that we give helps him do this. He plays this game the same as us and wants to be able to enjoy it in a friendly atmosphere that doesn't assault him with a thousand suggestions every time he logs in; with enough donations he can rent a bigger better server, but it is OUR responsibility to enable him to do this, not his. Generally we have around 15 players logged in at a given time if each of donated 10 dollars a month, which honestly is not that much, $0.33 a day that would help enormously. (This was not directed at you Trodag, you know that ;)
Rathkeaux Posted August 6, 2013 Posted August 6, 2013 also gen the glowstone sale box in the spawn shop is giving out Lapiz lazuli not glowstone. . .
Sirennea Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 I have been having some fairly annoying issues with the mine world and machines. I built a quarry a few days ago and have nothing but trouble in the mine world trying to run it. Seems every 4 hours when the server shuts down something goes wrong with the quarry. Yesterday I spent all day trying to run one quarry, as every time I would leave it and return, the golden transport pipes were no longer attached to the chests I was pumping in to. At least 4 times I attempted to reset things with the pipes, quarry, and engines to no avail. I have a screenshot of the last time logging in and seeing the pipes once again not attached to anything. Not sure how to attach that here but I could email it to you if need be. ( I also left the quarry in this condition so you could SEE it for yourself. It hit bedrock yesterday and I left it there but removed what little materials I got from it and took them to my base already. It is not far from the portal in at minehere_2. Yesterday is not the first incident where I have had issues with the mine world. This is a consistent problem from what I have gathered that really needs to be addressed for my continued play on the server. Gathering resources is, as you know, of utmost importance in MC and I don't have the playtime to sit and babysit a quarry all day. I also am aware I am not the only player having these problems. Also, yesterday I was making my first LV solar array in my basement at my base with my machines and crafting tables. I had all the materials on me to make 7 solar panels. I hit the ? on my regular crafting table and the items auto crafted. The problem is I only received 4 solar panels not the intended 7. I complained immediately in GC and asked andaren to help me out. He ported to my location almost immediately (thank you for promptness) and I explained the problem. Now I fully understand that your mods deal with an insane amount of people trying to get something for free or griefers just about daily but the response I got was, "I highly doubt a regular crafting table would rip you off." Well, unfortunately it did and I most certainly do not appreciate the insinuation that I was lying or trying to get free stuff. I don't ask for free things, nor do I expect them. However, I do expect my complaints about lost items due to server issues to be met with an open mind and a fair resolution in mind. Leaving me hanging with no ideas on what to do about it other than use my very LIMITED resources to make 3 more solar panels was an unacceptable solution in my mind. andaren please do not take offence as I know you are over run with requests constantly and I appreciate all the help and answers you have provided previously in my short time on the server. But this incident really peeved me off. I know being a new player to Minecraft and TL some of the issues I am having could be user error. But the afore mentioned things I am quite sure are not. I await your response Generictag to determine if I continue to play on your otherwise lovely server. Thanks, Member Sirennea
dude 1430 Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 The reason "Sirennea said: I have been having some fairly annoying issues with the mine world and machines. I built a quarry a few days ago and have nothing but trouble in the mine world trying to run it. Seems every 4 hours when the server shuts down something goes wrong with the quarry. Yesterday I spent all day trying to run one quarry, as every time I would leave it and return, the golden transport pipes were no longer attached to the chests I was pumping in to. At least 4 times I attempted to reset things with the pipes, quarry, and engines to no avail. I have a screenshot of the last time logging in and seeing the pipes once again not attached to anything. Not sure how to attach that here but I could email it to you if need be. ( I also left the quarry in this condition so you could SEE it for yourself. It hit bedrock yesterday and I left it there but removed what little materials I got from it and took them to my base already. It is not far from the portal in at minehere_2. Yesterday is not the first incident where I have had issues with the mine world. This is a consistent problem from what I have gathered that really needs to be addressed for my continued play on the server. Gathering resources is, as you know, of utmost importance in MC and I don't have the playtime to sit and babysit a quarry all day. I also am aware I am not the only player having these problems. Also, yesterday I was making my first LV solar array in my basement at my base with my machines and crafting tables. I had all the materials on me to make 7 solar panels. I hit the ? on my regular crafting table and the items auto crafted. The problem is I only received 4 solar panels not the intended 7. I complained immediately in GC and asked andaren to help me out. He ported to my location almost immediately (thank you for promptness) and I explained the problem. Now I fully understand that your mods deal with an insane amount of people trying to get something for free or griefers just about daily but the response I got was, "I highly doubt a regular crafting table would rip you off." Well, unfortunately it did and I most certainly do not appreciate the insinuation that I was lying or trying to get free stuff. I don't ask for free things, nor do I expect them. However, I do expect my complaints about lost items due to server issues to be met with an open mind and a fair resolution in mind. Leaving me hanging with no ideas on what to do about it other than use my very LIMITED resources to make 3 more solar panels was an unacceptable solution in my mind. andaren please do not take offence as I know you are over run with requests constantly and I appreciate all the help and answers you have provided previously in my short time on the server. But this incident really peeved me off. I know being a new player to Minecraft and TL some of the issues I am having could be user error. But the afore mentioned things I am quite sure are not. I await your response Generictag to determine if I continue to play on your otherwise lovely server. Thanks, Member Sirennea Hi there, Andarden here, The reason I said that was because I looked at your inventory and you still had the materials for more solar panels. I was in no way implying that you were lying. Don't come after me because I don't have the ability to give out items, only admins can do that. People need to understand the limited powers of the Mods. We can't do everything. As for the quarry problem, I would have to see the setup. Show me next time I am on the server and I would be glad to help (although figuring our your machine setups does not technically fall under my job description.) But I do like to help people from time to time, when I am not too busy playing the game myself. [Edit] Please don't make me out to be the bad guy here. I like you sirennea, you are nice and you are thankful for our help (unlike many others who just expect it). I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. Next time maybe make it clear to me that you are upset, rather than going off in a post on the forum. I am sorry about that.
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