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Attack of The B-Team Whitelisted Server 5 new slots open!

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Had 5 spots open up on my server due to inactivity now accepting 5 new members! You will be kicked if you are inactive for more than 2 weeks unless you notify me. Server IP is 


Minecraft name:


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting)


Why you want to join:


Your greatest Minecraft strengths


Your Minecraft Weaknesses


How often you will be on


Good luck!

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Name: xdurantula


Age: 17 years old. One month til I am 18


Why you want to join: I am looking for a mature server to play on and meet new people!


Your greatest Minecraft strengths Building, mining, tinkers construct, and helping


Your Minecraft Weaknesses Witchery mod :o


How often you will be on 2-3 hours daily!

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Minecraft name: Whitestar_23


Age 18


Why you want to join: Been looking for a small community to join! I love this mod pack!


Your greatest Minecraft strengths: Helping others and helping with builds.


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: PvP. Never really kill others.


How often you will be on: If im not at school, or with my girlfriend. Ill be on.4-5 hours daily if i dont have GF Aggro.

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Name: Svergheim

Age: 18

Why I want to join: Love the modpack, but don't like the crowds of public servers, and on top of this, my

last server that I was on has been down since the update.

Strengths: Exploring, building, and automating things until I have anything at the touch of my fingertips (at which point, I usually set up a shop or two).

Weaknesses: *over* exploring is all I can think of. I'm pretty good at the game, however, I do tend to just get off task and just spend an hour exploring the nether, or things like that.

For the most part, I will be on for *at least* 1-2 hours a day. On saturdays, I tend to spend more time.

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IGN: Ferrety


Age: 18


Why: I really like the modpack But there is no real cool servers to play it on, and I also don't really prefer singleplayer.


Strength: Being creative and funny and just fun to be around.


Weakness: Knowing how to make something look good? 


Often: Well I plan to be on quite often, as long as there's other people on too, Weekends maybe 6-7 hours each and weekdays 4-5 hours depending on activities.



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Why you want to join: Been looking for a aotb server thats whitelisted and fun and yours looks like the one :D


Your greatest Minecraft strengths I know the game in general well so I'm able to recite  crafting recipes and facts and stuff about minecraft and my attack of b team knowledge grows larger every day! 


Your Minecraft Weaknesses Umm well I'm working on my  building so I guess building, but it's starting to get better.


How often you will be on I will be on as often as possible, but I do plan on working this summer so when I have free time I'll be online :)


And my in game name is: Avenged_Miner


Age: 17

Edited by Avenged_Miner
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Minecraft name: XBlackRav3nX


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting): 21


Why you want to join: I've been looking to play Attack Of The B-Team on multiplayer for a while and I was looking for a mature community of players.


Your greatest Minecraft strengths: Well, I'm good at co-opping with other players. I can help with builds if anyone tells me what and how to do it. I like to explore Minecraft too.


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: Redstone and building. I'm pretty noob at building. But I'm learning more and more everyday.


How often you will be on: I'll try to be on everyday at least for a while.

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Minecraft name: CoalCookie


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting): 14 (I don't mind swearing although I wouldn't)


Why you want to join: It'd be fun to play on a server.


Your greatest Minecraft strengths: I'm know the vanilla stuff really well.


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: Redstone building.


How often you will be on: Probably everyday.

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IGN: TheCharacter25

Age: 17 (about to turn 18)

Why you want to join: Would like to play with some people, I don't like crowded public servers

Your greatest Minecraft strengths: Exploring, pretty good at some mods in this game now

Your Minecraft weaknesses: PVP

How often you will be on: I'll try to be on everyday, for a few hours

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Minecraft name: f34i2prodigy
Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting)
Im 17. Leaving for college in the fall.
Why you want to join:
The server I play on is going downhill. The owner is not keeping up. I really enjoyed playing and being part of a community and doing things together. We had a lot of fun PVP events and building projects together. 
Your greatest Minecraft strengths: My strengths are my learning curve when it comes to mods, tinker's construct, PVP.
Your Minecraft Weaknesses: I haven't messed with the Witchery mod. 
How often you will be on: Every other day for at least 2 hours. 
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Minecraft name: Cadalea


Age: 21


Why you want to join: I'd like to play some modded Minecraft in Multiplayer. I dont like crowded 200 slots servers, i just would like to play small whitelisted mature servers with respective pvp, pranking and stuff. 


Your greatest Minecraft strengths: Caving. I love caving. I can go thousands of blocks away from my home caving, hunting on the way, making torches, even making armor on the way. I do not return home unless i have full inventory of stuff.


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: I tend to get bored of my current home and making a new one. I kinda finish it quickly, and move to the next project to soon.


How often you will be on: I'll be online every day for few hours.

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Minecraft name: ZeBennett


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting): 21


Why you want to join: I like playing multiplayer, checking out other peoples builds and showing my own


Your greatest Minecraft strengths : building


Your Minecraft Weaknesses : Grinding and farming


How often you will be on : Most days 2-5 hrs

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Had 5 spots open up on my server due to inactivity now accepting 5 new members! You will be kicked if you are inactive for more than 2 weeks unless you notify me. Server IP is 


Minecraft name:


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting)


Why you want to join:


Your greatest Minecraft strengths


Your Minecraft Weaknesses


How often you will be on


Good luck!

hey, i would like to join your server, im looking for a little not crouded server where the players can comunicate easily without griefing or destroying other ones houses / bases.

Im 19 years old and i played this modpack for 2 weeks now (I love it).

Im very good at building, exploring, helping other players, redstone and stuff. but my greatest weakness is that i am addicted to minecraft ;).

i will be on every day i can for 2 hours minimum.


I hope i can join your server as quickly as possible


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Minecraft name: Ophelious


Age 28


Why you want to join: I've been searching for a whitelisted server for adults for ages! And I love the ATB modpack. I hope you have all the mods fully enabled.


Your greatest Minecraft strengths: making awesome workshops to make whatever I need


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: not much of a builder, I go for function over form but I'm going to work on that when I find a server to settle down on


How often you will be on: Mostly weekends but some evenings throughout the week as schedule permits. 


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Minecraft name: alex2710xela


Age 17


Why you want to join: I want to play Bteam with people instead of on single player. i also want to start a series.


Your greatest Minecraft strengths getting a job done when i say ill do it


Your Minecraft Weaknesses Building above-ground houses


How often you will be on couple hours on week days and like 2-4 on weekends

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Minecraft Name: n8bugs20


Age: 19


Why I wish to join: I wish to join because I want to play with the Attack of the B-Team modpack with a close-knit, and mature group that will respect one another and have an enjoyable time doing so.


My Greatest Minecraft Strengths: Resource gathering, the ability to adapt to my current situation, and basic building are my greatest Minecraft strengths.


My Minecraft Weaknesses: My weakest skills in Minecraft include creating and utilizing more complex redstone mechanisms and very detailed decoration and aesthetics.


How Often I Will Play on the Server: I plan on visiting the server 5 to 7 days per week and I plan on playing 2 to 4 hours per session. Over the summer My session time may drop to 1 to 2 hours per  weekday session, as I plan on working during the summer.

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Minecraft name: GroinPains


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting) 20.


Why you want to join: I'm looking for a nice, calm, dedicated attack of the b-team server to play on.


Your greatest Minecraft strengths - Redstone, building.


Your Minecraft Weaknesses - Lava?


How often you will be on - Daily, hopefully.

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Minecraft name:Loopoo_93


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting) : 18 and 3 months


Why you want to join: I would like the experience of join on to a whitelisted server and I would like to pal on a server that isn't crowded


Your greatest Minecraft strengths: Um, maybe Building or Gathering resources. I am also good at creating creative ways of getting power


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: Cheating on single player :(


How often you will be on: almost everyday defiantly the weekends 



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Minecraft name:verotal2000


Age (preferred 18+ as mature language is allowed on the server, as long as it is not insulting):15


Why you want to join: i want a good whitelist server that i can play with nice people in!


Your greatest Minecraft strengths:building, exploring, 


Your Minecraft Weaknesses: dying a lot...


How often you will be on: every day or two


Good luck!: you too :)

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In-Game Name: daboss57
Age: 16
Why do you want to play on this server: I have been playing on public servers, but i want to find a server to make my youtube videos on.
What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): Build Building is what I love to do
What DON’T you like to do: I don't know i just really enjoy minecraft and hanging out.
Experience with modpack (1-10): Ummmmm well I know tinkers very well and I'm guessing 7 based on other knowledge.
What is love: Playing minecraft of course :)
Squirtle or Pikachu: umm Pikachu Why because he is a boss
Time spent: at least a couple of hours
Thanks for reading I hope I will be able to play on your server. Have a great day
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