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In-game username: Lisleby14

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT+1

Why do you want to become a moderator?:

I want to help keep servers completely free for cheaters and bullsjit - whether it be murdering griefers or helping new player out, I just want it to be a fun time.

What makes you the best candidate?:

I'm well-knowledged in Tekkit, and I don't punish people lightly. I'm less interested in the more godmode-ish aspects of moderator, I prefer to play legit and watch people from a normal point of view - in every other server I've moderated on, I quickly got bored of godmoding all the time. Generally, moderators can't really play with the 'normal' players because of their benefits, be it item spawning or god mode. I'm also a pretty laid-back guy, despite the hyper-seriousness of this application. Not prone to raging, either. (antitroll. <3) I also have experience with PermissionsEx and permissions in general, but I refuse to use GroupManager because it's a disgusting, terrible, child-killing plugin and whenever I see it on a server I feel like eating my own face. Also have plentiful knowledge of plugins and how to use them.

Do you have previous experience moderating?:

Lots of servers, actually. All back on crappy old vanilla minecraft, which I don't plan on returning to. Do offer tech support once every while, though, if they need it. I have lots of contacts on Skype. :P

Do you have previous experience with Tekkit?:

I can use BC, IC and EE to their full extents, and can sort-of use RedPower, but I do learn pretty fast - generally, when I need an item, I just look to NEI for support. :P

I enjoy building things on an enormous scale. I also know vast amounts of redstone machinery and piston-related stuff, from my adventures back on vanilla minecraft. (2x2 sliding door which retracts into the floor FTW!)


Here, the protection says that when you place your first chest it is protected 9x9, but that isn't mentioned on the protection tutorial on tekkify.com. Could you please confirm if they both protect, or the chest doesn't protect?



  "Nightduck2129 said:
Here, the protection says that when you place your first chest it is protected 9x9, but that isn't mentioned on the protection tutorial on tekkify.com. Could you please confirm if they both protect, or the chest doesn't protect?


Your first chest will protect a 9x9 protection which can be resized using a golden shovel. Anything in-game will always be more up-to-date than threads/forums/sites.


"ComputerCraft - This is disabled mainly because of the malicious code that can be written. This can cause damage to the environment, protected areas and other parts of the server."

LOL! clearly you dont know computercraft.

anything "malicious" i can do with CC i could do just as easy without it.


  "Trollsama said:
"ComputerCraft - This is disabled mainly because of the malicious code that can be written. This can cause damage to the environment, protected areas and other parts of the server."

LOL! clearly you dont know computercraft.

anything "malicious" i can do with CC i could do just as easy without it.

As I said on another thread, I haven't used ComputerCraft to a great extent, it's only what I've heard and as a security precaution. If someone can prove to me it's safe, I'll happily allow it. Until then, it'll remain banned.


We were just solving some issues. It appears a few of the top Tekkit servers are being attacked, we are doing our best to prevent it. Expect further crashes.


  "Nentify said:
As I said on another thread, I haven't used ComputerCraft to a great extent, it's only what I've heard and as a security precaution. If someone can prove to me it's safe, I'll happily allow it. Until then, it'll remain banned.

most people are paranoid about the "access the internet" aspect of it. understandable, I could see why people would question some random persons mod having the ability to access websites outside the game.

....luckly that is off by default, and any server that wants to use it has to edit the mods config to turn it on.

aside from that, it is basically an extension to redpower. yes, someone could use it to grief, they can also use a mining laser, or reactors, or pickaxes, or there fist.... the difference is where it takes mere seconds to get everything set and go when griefing with all the other tools listed, to do so with computercraft takes hours of tedious coding. anyone dumb enough to hand type out the code needed to use computercraft for griefing instead of just looting somone pickaxe and plowing through that way is a tool and will likely do something else stupid to get banned before they get the first "if" statement done.

but if you are still worried, just blacklist the turtles, and it is 100% harmless to the server. the extent of destruction then is deleting someones program.... and well since theres floppy discs, thats no big deal. just install it on a disc, pop in a computer, presto! install program again.

Summery (TL;DR Version):

in the computercraft mod... the only thing that can have any environmental effects are turtles. computers themselves can only run internal code, or toggle red stone states on and off.... IE, Its a big purdy high tech lever.

Although the potential for internet access is there, it is not active unless you manually set it as so, and it is basic at best. (its used simply to upload and/or install code from paste bin. so people like me that make more than a 10 line code can drop the horrendous in game interface and do all the coding externally via programs such as notepad++)


  "Stian Johannessen said:
In-game username: Lisleby14

Age: 16

Timezone: GMT+1

Why do you want to become a moderator?:

I want to help keep servers completely free for cheaters and bullsjit - whether it be murdering griefers or helping new player out, I just want it to be a fun time.

What makes you the best candidate?:

I'm well-knowledged in Tekkit, and I don't punish people lightly. I'm less interested in the more godmode-ish aspects of moderator, I prefer to play legit and watch people from a normal point of view - in every other server I've moderated on, I quickly got bored of godmoding all the time. Generally, moderators can't really play with the 'normal' players because of their benefits, be it item spawning or god mode. I'm also a pretty laid-back guy, despite the hyper-seriousness of this application. Not prone to raging, either. (antitroll. <3) I also have experience with PermissionsEx and permissions in general, but I refuse to use GroupManager because it's a disgusting, terrible, child-killing plugin and whenever I see it on a server I feel like eating my own face. Also have plentiful knowledge of plugins and how to use them.

Do you have previous experience moderating?:

Lots of servers, actually. All back on crappy old vanilla minecraft, which I don't plan on returning to. Do offer tech support once every while, though, if they need it. I have lots of contacts on Skype. :P

Do you have previous experience with Tekkit?:

I can use BC, IC and EE to their full extents, and can sort-of use RedPower, but I do learn pretty fast - generally, when I need an item, I just look to NEI for support. :P

I enjoy building things on an enormous scale. I also know vast amounts of redstone machinery and piston-related stuff, from my adventures back on vanilla minecraft. (2x2 sliding door which retracts into the floor FTW!)

Please, PLEASE don't let this kid get moderator.


All crashing issues and connection issues are finally resolved! We thank you greatly for your patience and cooperation during these difficult and frustrating times. We hope to see you all back in-game soon! The issues were basically the DoS we had attack triggering a few security precautions at the datacentre which caused some issues. A user also had a corrupt data file, so the server crashed whenever logged in. Both of which are now sorted and the server is stable!


I require some hand here.

For some reason i cannot, for the life of me, enter the forums of Tekkify.

The error displays at anything beyond homepage, won't let me log it even.


  Reveal hidden contents


I can log in to the server just fine thou :s

In case of need, IGN is mohrad, forum nick is the same.


  "Rainbow Dash said:
Please don't forget to add the fact that you have banned half the mods in tekkit... Good job. :\

half? Hmm i count

  • Equivalent Exchange
  • ComputerCraft

and tekkit has about 18 mods ?

wait lets do the math! 18 - 2 = 16

2 = 16 ? Trollface.jpg

EE is a sucker mod thats only good for fast gameplay in Single player! it ruwens iconomy and just gets you bored of playing withing 1 weak since you have everything by then

Computercraft Is a thing you need to be carefull with since you cannot limit what players do. You can script or you cant. So you cant prevent players from writing a viris, infenet loop ... and et the end damage the server and make you have to wait untill the server is up again...


EE ruins the Tekkit experience, the author also stated it's not suitable in a multiplayer environment. We are slowly working to bring back some EE and CC items for experienced users which have some use, like the computer itself and alchemy bags for example.


In-game username: 12packer

Age: 16

Timezone: U.S Central

Why do you want to become a moderator?: I want to help poeple with problems on the server and help find a greifer.

What makes you the best candidate?: Im the best candidate because im a friendly guy on servers and always helping people.

Do you have previous experience moderating?: Yes im a op on my friends server and helped him with stuff.

Do you have previous experience with Tekkit?: Yes i played tekkit for 6 months and i know how to make the mechines.

I hope you like my application thank you.


fine, fine, I was having a bit of whine with my cheese. I'll admit that. The one thing I was looking for was a computercraft server and this was like the sixth server I came across where it was banned. *Sadface*

Great server, im sure, so im sorry for the negativity in my post. :3

Can't all have great days. n_n;


  "Rainbow Dash said:
fine, fine, I was having a bit of whine with my cheese. I'll admit that. The one thing I was looking for was a computercraft server and this was like the sixth server I came across where it was banned. *Sadface*

Great server, im sure, so im sorry for the negativity in my post. :3

Can't all have great days. n_n;

We are looking into re-implementing ComputerCraft as a permit. For example, if you're the trusted rank, you can purchase a ComputerCraft permit for $10,000 in-game to place computers for 24 hours. (Just an example).


[Need Beta Testers] Tekkify - [Tekkit] [Protections, EE/CC Disabled & More!]

In-game username: Kwadrat098

Age: 14

Timezone: Ireland

Why do you want to become a moderator?: To help people or to help people who got greift

What makes you the best candidate?: I can code plugins, and I'm great with other plugins.

Do you have previous experience moderating?: Yes, several servers.

Do you have previous experience with Tekkit?: Yes, I've been playing tekkit for 4 months.


Re: Tekkify - [Tekkit] [Protections, EE/CC Disabled & More!]In-game username: Santoogg

Age: 15

Timezone: est

Why do you want to become a moderator?: i love tekkit and im a good person to ask for help

What makes you the best candidate?:will help enyone in a pinch

Do you have previous experience moderating?: no

Do you have previous experience with Tekkit?: yes i have played on both single and multiplayer


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