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Everything posted by Munaus

  1. you should probably add that it is obligatory to put links to each and every mod the user wants. Unless you want the stress to look for them yourself... just a tip
  2. post issues on the Tracker, not here. Use a pastebin site like pastebin.com or paste.ubuntu.com for the error log and post the link on your report in the Tracker
  3. The Arcade Non-Minecraft game chat
  4. with so very few mods you can make them into a modpack yourself, there's a modpack making guide on Platform Pagoda if you wish to upload it to the Platform. Tekkit Classic will remain as is, there wont be any further updates from that modpack by the team. But I bet you can find an updated one on the Platform on Modpacks tab and "Browse Modpacks" if you look hard enough. If it will have those mods that you requested is a different story
  5. I very much suspect this is the wrong place. Modding is making mods, not a launcher. maybe cafe lame? We'll see... can I ask why make a launcher at all? what's wrong with what the community has to offer now: technic, FTB, Atlauncher, magiclauncher?
  6. You mentioned forestry, I've heard of a certain bee species that can cause lightning. There's also Thaumcraft, but I haven't delved in that mod anymore so I don't know what side-effects it can cause nowadays. Don't sign your post with your name.
  7. What technic account? The account for the forum? You are using one right now. If you mean the Technic launcher, well you don't use a technic account on that. You use your regular minecraft / mojang account as Technic launcher connects through Mojang's authentication server to verify that you have bought the game.
  8. I've never heard of Yogscast argarthian sky pack before. I have heard of Agrarian skies by jadedcat of FTB. Is that what you meant?
  9. without a link to your pack and a pastebin link of the technic log nobody can do anything for you well that's not entirely true. We could give you a pat in the back...
  10. this one speaks wisely
  11. Please post issues on the Tracker / Bug Reports. Follow the Tracker Rules and Guidelines. Don't spill a log on your report, use a pastebin site and post a link instead.
  12. This belong in Let's play Pavillion. Let me help ya with that... *SHAZAM!* there ya go!
  13. I didn't know such a list existed. Thanks for that!
  14. Hack/Mine is not developed anymore. Please don't post issues on a frozen project
  15. You know when you found out a kitten, but then the kitten went and got itself killed? That's how I feel about this game... Developed by a team led by a former 3D environment artist from Biowares Star Wars: Old Republic and co-founder and lead 3D environment artist of Chivalry, you can pretty much guess what this game was going to be. A first person hack-and-slash based around the 1400th century Europe and the Black Death plague that terrorized it. With massive hordes of zombies! This was gonna be a single and co op game with amazing scenery of England and Italy, followed by gruesome decapitation of zombies. This was first developed in Unreal engine 3, but later developed through Unreal 4. It had so much promise.... lets hope it may come back one day. Kickstarter http://deadcrusade.com/2014/04/kickstarter-canceled-and-farewell-video/
  16. We don't post issues here. Post them on the Tracker / Bug Reports. Follow the Tracker Rules and Guidelines and please follow the Bug Report Template when creating the report instead of a wall of text. Makes your report easier to read.
  17. 1) we post all issues on the Tracker. Even though this is an issue you're causing yourself with a texturepack, post it on the Tracker anyway. That's what it was meant for! 2) 15GB allocated to minecraft will make it crash. This is not Skyrim, this is minecraft, it works a bit different than the other games you're familiar with. Any and all modpacks require only 1-3 GB, not more nor less. 3) Don't sign your name on your post. I can see your name below the title topic and above your avatar.
  18. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> don't ignore pinned threads
  19. Like Drake said, all issues belong in the Tracker. We have a pinned thread from Sct explaining where: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  20. You guys, we should totally join his "friendlier" community!!
  21. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> don't ignore pinned threads on sections
  22. Please use the Tracker for posting issues. your java is outdated. The current is java 7u60, you have 7u07
  23. All issues belong in the Tracker. Follow the Tracker Rules and Guidelines
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