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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Pastebin a log, and paste a link to it here.
  2. Go to the launcher, the pack you were having issues on, ModpackOptions->Open. Go into the folder config, and open the file forge.cfg. You'll see two lines, one with removeErroringEntities and one with removeErroringTileEntities. At the end, they should both say false. Change false to true, and save. Try running the pack and world again, and see if that solves the issue.
  3. pastebin a log, or go to the Technic Discord
  4. make sure your modpack.jar is not named modpack.jar.jar Did you fix your modpack.zip folder structure?
  5. Install 64 bit java http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
  6. 1) Your zip should contain three folders: Bin, Mods, and Config. Your zip should unzip directly into these folders, not a sub-folder 2) Use forge 1614 3) Almost all your mods are from content-scraping garbage sites. Re-download from curse or curseforge, or author's website. 4) For your dropbox link, change dl=0 to dl=1
  7. 1) Do not allocate 10GB, reduce that to 2-3GB 2) post a link to your dropbox
  8. Try this older java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  9. Attachments do not work here, use Pastebin Also, try disabling your firewall / AV and try again
  10. Your modpack.jar is named modpack.jar.jar, either remove the .jar extension, or turn on View Hidden File Extensions. Also, get your mods from curseforge, not content-scraping garbage sites.
  11. Some of your mods do not look like they came from legitimate sources. The ones named modname-mod-1.11.2 were obtained from content-scraping garbage sites. Get the real versions from curseforge.
  12. provide a dropbox link to your modpack
  13. Start by doing these things: Automated Response(https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/104898574747185152/339149477069848597/techniclauncher_2017-07-24.log): Problem #1 You're allocating 1gb of ram. The minimum amount of ram to allocate is 2gb. The maximum amount of ram to allocate is half your maximum ram or 4gb. Whichever is smaller. ,Problem #2 WARNING: This is an experimental detection. This may not fix your issue(it probably will)! Your graphics card seems to be having issues with Stencil Buffering. Please goto the launcher Options(top right) Then click on the tab called "Video Settings" Then disable the option called "Stencil Buffer" ,Problem #3 You're running a 32bit Java version on a 64bit Operating System. This will prevent you from allocating more than 1GB of ram to the Technic launcher. In order to update to Java 64-Bit, please follow these instructions: 1.) Close the Technic launcher. It should not be running! 2.) Open http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp in your web browser 3.) Download the version that has 64-bit in it for you operating system. If you're using Windows download the one that says Windows Offline (64-Bit). 4.) After the download is complete. You must install it. You can do so by double clicking on the icon to run it. 5.) After it installs start up the Technic launcher again. 6.) Click on Launcher Options in the top right of the screen. 7.) Click on the tab called Java Settings 8.) Click on the dropdown called Minecraft Java Version and select the option that says Latest 64-bit. 9.) Click the dropdown called Memory and select an option that's between 2 GB and 4 GB. Do not select an option higher than 4 GB! next time you have issues, visit the Technic Discord
  14. those versions of stellar sky and its dependency look old get the legit versions from: https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/stellar-sky/files?filter-game-version=2020709689%3A4449
  15. it works for me.
  16. Update your Nvidia driver http://www.nvidia.com/Download/processFind.aspx?psid=101&pfid=816&osid=19&lid=1&whql=1&lang=en-us&ctk=0
  17. Please press WindowsKey + R, copy and paste then click Ok or Run. dxdiag /dontskip /whql:on /t %UserProfile%\Desktop\DxDiag.txt then post the contents of the dxdiag
  18. Try this older Java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  19. Get 64 bit Java In order to update to Java 64-Bit, please go to the link below and download the version for your computer. If you're using Windows, please use the version Windows Offline (64-Bit). After downloading the updated version of Java. Please click on the installer to install it. http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp
  20. pastebin a new log, or go to the Technic Discord, https://discord.gg/tanWRjC
  21. Just to be sure, you ran the installer for Java after you downloaded it, right? Then try right-clicking the launcher and choose to open with java
  22. backup your world, remove the Dim Doors mod, /fml confirm when asked, stop server, re-add the mod, restart If this is just a single player game, consider not re-adding Dim doors.
  23. Make sure your client and server versions match exactly, both should be 3.1.2
  24. You probably do not have 64 bit java In order to update to Java 64-Bit, please go to the link below and download the version for your computer. If you're using Windows, please use the version Windows Offline (64-Bit). After downloading the updated version of Java. Please click on the installer to install it. http://java.com/en/download/manual.jsp Afterwards, allocate more ram , try 2GB If this does not help, pastebin a log.
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