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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. In Hexxit? Not that I know of, my prior workaround was in a custom modpack that was built off Tekkit. (It involved Thermal Expansion.)
  2. Could be an anti-griefing measure still active. I've had the same problem before filling the smeltery tank, turned out Forge Essentials was configured wrong. Shame Neowulf took it out, /home was very useful.
  3. Lethosos

    Planetside 2

    Don't tempt me, you harlot.
  4. Well, that's good and all for rooting out the quacker, but you'll need a way to keep future ducks out. I peffer to stick a budgie in there because they're mortal enemies and sound better.
  5. Still no. I forget who writes it, but there's still bad memories with Railcraft. Please don't ask them again.
  6. If you just want a faster furnace, try Metallurgy. The Core metals will do just fine, and the Crushers included is a good early alternative to the powered versions.
  7. Argh. Now you better hope time travel is invented between now and roughly within the year 5000 to 6000. Of course, we could be dead by then.
  8. I heard a pinch of luminous aether will do the job.
  9. No, no you've got it down pat.
  10. Honey Boo Boo is secretly an alien. Seriously.
  11. May I point out that all textures on the top of all blocks follow the same cardinal drawing direction? I suggest grabbing some random resource pack, and mutilate one texture (say the iron block,) so that the top edge is some bright color. Then load MC and that resource pack, go Creative, and place iron blocks.
  12. The basic Java IDE for Eclipse will suit your needs. Should be the second one on the list.
  13. The Moonquest series, with Simon, Lewis, and Duncan. Can't recall offhand the specific episode, but it's one in the 20 range.
  14. Check for Forge Ore Dictionary compatibility. Usually extra ores are not an issue, but you can look into disabling ore spawns for all but one instance of each ore, and slightly bump up the frequency/amount. I recommend looking at CoFH to do this, it's what Big Dig uses for ore redistribution.
  15. Later versions of TC allows you to change the order of molten material by clicking on them in the Smeltery interface to bring the selected one to the top. I don't know if Hexxit has a version with that feature installed, though. Give it a try. You can always draw off the excess by making ignots or putting them into a seared tank.
  16. Or fire pigs. There's a mod, Trailmix, that does that.
  17. On top of that, as long as it's a private pack, everyone won't care. ( Thaumcraft is a prime example; Azanor does care if it's public, but you can get away with it if it's ptrivate.)
  18. But that means we'd have to laugh at Honeydew more often. And I do respect that man, despite his voice.
  19. I've seen the Yoglabs video. ("Robot Rebellion" for the interested.) Strongly reminds me of the Drawbridge in Tinker's Construct.
  20. If you can scrape up 100 bucks, you can change out that card for a better mid-range GPU card. I recommend a Zotec Nvidia card, possibly a 270 Ti at the least, of which I have. It does 64bit just fine; as a third party product they always have to support most OS in action.
  21. But is it scaleable for those running various chicken server farms? Or even those bright sparks attempting to build Beowulf turkey clusters?
  22. Before Blizzard added the glyph system and I was able to slap on a Orca glyph, I had a macro that made me say a cheesy sentai line when I changed. It went like, "Druidic Powers Activate! Form of Shaved Bear, Go!" I would use it sparingly because I kept breaking people's minds with it.
  23. It's all those feathers and bird poo that causes eventual board failure and a tendancy for attracting more ducks over time.
  24. I had to stop and really read what you did, Jay. That's good trolling, right there. Just to note, 22/3 inches would significantly lower your blood pressure when at full mast.
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