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Everything posted by Jay?

  1. You're late to the party, we already had that argument. They're great for hipsters, old people, stupid people, and the small handful of people who have a legitimate need for high quality artistic computing.
  2. Jay?

    The Truth

    OH shit guys, someone on the internet might try to spam us! how will we ever cope with such a high tech strategy!?
  3. Torezu was right, you need to run the server with Java 7. You can google how to call for a specific version of Java in a .bat
  4. Don't post memes. Also, dont ask for ETAs or status updates, there's a git that you can use if you want to check the most recent comitted changes, but anything beyond that, and you'd just be asking for information that doesn't exist yet.
  5. Yeah, that's a pretty well known thing. Thanks for posting what you did to get it working though, nothing is more irritating than people popping in just to say that they fixed it, and not telling anyone how.
  6. Jay?


  7. Just a note, hokie, the mods aren't tech support, we're forum support. Some of us are knowledgeable about the workings of java and minecraft and whatnot, but mostly we just spew the established troubleshooting solutions. We help when we can, but it isn't actually our role. OP: Have you tried clearing out your java and making mac reinstall it? it sounds like you have a wonky java version.
  8. Bullshit, you specifically told people to go to their forum to make them make a tekkit version of their mod. That is absolutely harassment. Just the fact that this thread still exists is evidence that i've gone really easy on you, if you had used the search feature you'd have seen that not only has this been suggested twice a week every week for a year, but you'd have seen it several times on the SUGGESTION THREAD, which you chose not to use.
  9. In that case, it's still ugly, and definitely not enough content to warrant a new modpack. notice that every build available makes a full conversion of minecraft, essntially turning it into a whole new game. What you're suggesting would just be minecraft with trucks.
  10. Yeah, but they're not going to add things to the Rec. build while they're working on the next version. that would be silly. Also, yes, it is totally ugly.
  11. I highly doubt that. While we don't share many views, Direwolf isn't an idiot. He knows he has no legal ground to ask for a pack to be taken down, and as a public figure, he doesnt even really own his name. Also, the DNS guys are pretty small, of course direwolf knows that there are people out there making modpacks to function with his LP. If they didn't come on here to harass us occasionally we wouldn't have even known about them.
  12. Or possibly because he has no idea that it exists at all. Direwolf has made it pretty clear that he doesn't approve of modpacks at all.
  13. Actually, religious morals are based on already preexisting morals determined by society. Remember, the majority of the religious absolutes in the bible actually tell you to do things that are TERRIBLE. For instance, if a married woman's husband dies, and she refuses to marry his brother, the town is supposed to get together and STONE HER TO DEATH. Just the fact christians cherry pick so much of the bible is evidence of a functional (and more effective) morality outside of religious belief. In fact, i'd go so far as to say that "morality" due to a fear of punishment or desire of reward isn't even really a morality, just self preservation. The people displaying morality are the ones who seek the improvement of the world around them with no regard to belief, reward, or punishment.
  14. Just a hint, you can change the font to something that looks better when enlarged.
  15. NO. Do not harass mod makers in our name, seriously. Flan knows people want it to be forge compatible. all your harassment is going to do is sap energy and drive.
  16. I dunno, i think it's particularly relevant to religion, mostly due to "i have no proof, but you should believe me anyway, and if you don't then you must be an evil creature from hell who's only purpose is to confuse and damn poor innocent religious people like myself" Most other things, when brought up in public result in real discussions. (politics only results in real discussions at about a 50/50 basis), but religion only ever ends up being an argument between evidence and the strict refusal to acknowledge that evidence is important when assessing a worldview. Classifying atheism as a religion is kinda like classifying sitting as an exercise routine.
  17. I would be the one flying that fucker, and screaming profanities.
  18. Oh no, it's a download underneath that. That's the ad for free malware.
  19. Really? i saw it. It was just a screenshot of some stupid thread where somebody said that macs were good for gamers and programmers, then some guy flipped out, and OP spouted a meme. literally no value of any kind.
  20. It isn't worth the time it took you to read that it isn't worth the time it took you to read this.
  21. Yeah, except that it takes less than half a second to generate one piece of cobble, and this machine expands infinitely. And also it's much cooler.
  22. It's certainly much better, but imo it's still lacking a certain something i can't quite name. As usual though, I'll be leaving the deluxing to a redname. Also, asking for deluxe will never ever get you deluxed.
  23. I actually did like having my grinding ability limited. It always weirds me out when people in games are faced with some kind of prophecy, or enemy plan or something that should be progressing, but it only progresses as long you're pursuing it. I could never get into persona 4 though.
  24. it's the program that the launcher was built off of. Just dont let it update if it prompts you and see if that changes anything.
  25. it's the program that the launcher was built off of. Just dont let it update if it prompts you and see if that changes anything.
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