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Well i think its elementary my dear men. I have written a poem for this special occasion.



At Minecraft forums,

We don't give a $hit about you.

Any questions? Good now lets get on to a real topic. OMG WhO Eles haz sen Hungur Games!!!!!!!

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Heh, I remember when I first posted there because I was too stupid to google "Technic Forums"

I was quickly shot down by this one guy saying that my minecraft should burn because I was using mods, and apparently the vanilla MC is all he needs. Of course man, 'cause you're so hardcore....

;) I pretty much like all the discussion boards I've encountered for Minecraft, because they always give me a chuckle. The Technic board by far however, has to be the funniest, hell you guys even state at the top of the board index mostly a bunch of asshat prima donnas. I love you all xD



Heh, I remember when I first posted there because I was too stupid to google "Technic Forums"

I was quickly shot down by this one guy saying that my minecraft should burn because I was using mods, and apparently the vanilla MC is all he needs. Of course man, 'cause you're so hardcore....

;) I pretty much like all the discussion boards I've encountered for Minecraft, because they always give me a chuckle. The Technic board by far however, has to be the funniest, hell you guys even state at the top of the board index mostly a bunch of asshat prima donnas. I love you all xD

well... You know our secret, now we have to banish you to forever lurk on the icanhazcheeseburger network.

MCF is an okay place if you stay out of super hot topic and take it in moderation. Some people just take MC to seriously. Like I had heard some people saying that didn't like the mods in NOW because most of them "broke" the illusion of minecraft (basically you are a lone person left to defend yourself as you build your own Eden from only the earth's resources) by adding things like guns, towers with bosses in them, and Norman villages. But I'm kind of amazed someone would say your game should burn for using mods though (for using the technic pack would make since it is seen as "that illegal modpack" by some).

Really you have a site as big as MCF and the shit will hit the fan and get in everyones mouth. It is huge and the mods seem a little scared to tighten up on enforcement because their will be a collective "getting their panties (or manties) in a bunch" because MCF finally decides that posting "OMG FIX PLEASE" for the 5000th time is a waste of bandwidth. Plus you got all the factions in their too: Yognaughts, Pirates, Modders, Drama Llamas, Trolls, Pirates, Anti-modders, Cult of Herobrine, various internet factions that all hate each other. No offense to yognaughts with that, I am referring to the kind that say "Add jaffa cakes" and "[sarcasm] It's like a whole new game. [/sarcasm]".

Technic is a fun place. Helps to blow of steam by making fun of kellers after attempting help all the illiterate users on MCF.


The x$ that has been spent on my account on SA to upgrade it with every feature, plus all the avatar changes, has been the best x$ I've ever not personally spent. I've had good times on SA. Got my name out. Did my favourite creative project on there.


xD lol'd at that post. People that think Cheapshot should make everything magically work for them is amazing, hell I really want to give you guys a donation. '_'



Okay, this question may make it seem like I'm internet retarded. What is SA?

Something Awful

It's a paid-membership Forum. I've contemplated getting one before, but in the end im hesitant to buy access to a forum, when there are plenty of free forums...


Why the hell would you ever put a price on a forum? That's like taxing people for breathing air, or for using their fingers. Why would you buy something for money when there are literally shit tons of other forums that are free. Like how people are selling beta keys for DOTA 2. DOTA 2 is going to be F2P anyway, so why pay for something that is free in the first place?



Why the hell would you ever put a price on a forum? That's like taxing people for breathing air, or for using their fingers. Why would you buy something for money when there are literally shit tons of other forums that are free. Like how people are selling beta keys for DOTA 2. DOTA 2 is going to be F2P anyway, so why pay for something that is free in the first place?

Well, SA has costs and is actually rather large, so i can see the charging. It's also a function for keeping the youngsters out. (as well as instilling a sense of value)

As for Dota beta keys: Meh. Scalpers gotta scalp.



Well, SA has costs and is actually rather large, so i can see the charging. It's also a function for keeping the youngsters out. (as well as instilling a sense of value)

As for Dota beta keys: Meh. Scalpers gotta scalp.

The DOTA key thing is because it is a beta, it is something not everyone can get into. Kinda like how people sell first batches of systems for like 5000 dollars on eBay. People will pay to say they where one of the first to own it. Plus you might get a few tester perks or a badge or something.


the charge for SA membership is pretty much as Jay? said. primarily a filter for idiots, morons, and children and a motivator to not do something stupid and get banned. sure there are plenty of free forums out there, but how many are the same quality as SA?



The DOTA key thing is because it is a beta, it is something not everyone can get into. Kinda like how people sell first batches of systems for like 5000 dollars on eBay. People will pay to say they where one of the first to own it. Plus you might get a few tester perks or a badge or something.

The thing about the perk or badge thing is the fact that Valve doesn't work like that. In fact, most game companies don't give you a benefit for being a tester. I didn't get anything special for being in the Cataclysm Beta for WoW, I haven't gotten anything from being in the Closed Super Monday Night Combat Beta yet, and I'm probably not going to get anything for being in the Tribes Ascend Beta either.



The thing about the perk or badge thing is the fact that Valve doesn't work like that. In fact, most game companies don't give you a benefit for being a tester. I didn't get anything special for being in the Cataclysm Beta for WoW, I haven't gotten anything from being in the Closed Super Monday Night Combat Beta yet, and I'm probably not going to get anything for being in the Tribes Ascend Beta either.

Pretty the only thing you get for being in the beta is usually the experience. If it's multiplayer you can go and floor-wipe with some non-beta noobs. If it has a leaderboard, then you have a better change of getting and staying high, earlier.



The thing about the perk or badge thing is the fact that Valve doesn't work like that. In fact, most game companies don't give you a benefit for being a tester. I didn't get anything special for being in the Cataclysm Beta for WoW, I haven't gotten anything from being in the Closed Super Monday Night Combat Beta yet, and I'm probably not going to get anything for being in the Tribes Ascend Beta either.


Pretty the only thing you get for being in the beta is usually the experience. If it's multiplayer you can go and floor-wipe with some non-beta noobs. If it has a leaderboard, then you have a better change of getting and staying high, earlier.

Ahh, thanks for letting me know that, I just know some games used to give you some cheesy little cosmetic item so you could say "Look I got to play it first and I have proof" and feel like you had a massive e-peen. Basically like some games do with "exclusive pre-order content" where they give you like a DLC skin and maybe some other crud that is really only for showboating. (Kinda thinking of Portal 2 with that, didn't you get something like the rolling cage outfit for multiplayer and a companion cube pen for TF2 or something?)



Ahh, thanks for letting me know that, I just know some games used to give you some cheesy little cosmetic item so you could say "Look I got to play it first and I have proof" and feel like you had a massive e-peen. Basically like some games do with "exclusive pre-order content" where they give you like a DLC skin and maybe some other crud that is really only for showboating. (Kinda thinking of Portal 2 with that, didn't you get something like the rolling cage outfit for multiplayer and a companion cube pen for TF2 or something?)

The thing about the skins and items for Portal 2 is that it's almost a direct parody of the item thing TF2 has. Also, there has to be some kind of incentive to buy the pre-order, like a cosmetic benefit or some sort of sale, otherwise the consumer will just buy it when it comes out, especially when there is no reason to worry about it getting sold out, as it is a digital version of the game instead of a limited hard copy version of the game. TF2 players getting items from pre-purchasing has almost become the norm for it, and the fact that Portal 2 pre-purchasers got pins (people who bought and played all the Potato Sack games for at least a very small time also got the Resurrection Associate Pin which was simply a re-name of the Portal 2 Pin) was never really a surprise, especially because it's also a valve game, and that's just the thing they do. Sure, that fits with the hole getting a benefit for something exclusive, but it's not the same as getting some sort of gameplay advantage, no matter how small, for something exclusive.

However that is something completely different than what we are talking about, which was paying for something that is normally free, which was also a deviation on the fact that MC forums is bat shit insane.


But then, there are some games that gave you stupid bonuses for preordering.

For some reason, Kingdom of Amalur, Space Marine and some game that TB did a video about (it gave you spiky glove things that could one-hit most early-midgame enemies) come to mind. Wasn't there something up with ME3, as well?



But then, there are some games that gave you stupid bonuses for preordering.

For some reason, Kingdom of Amalur, Space Marine and some game that TB did a video about (it gave you spiky glove things that could one-hit most early-midgame enemies) come to mind. Wasn't there something up with ME3, as well?

Yeah... it was a weapons pack that had a Flash Bang grenade or something they even claimed in the description was "an essential weapon". Never did like when people with cash or people with cash enough to purchase in advance get stuff that gives them a large advantage of people who play free or didn't have cash enough to preorder.


-Snippity snip-

Yeah the whole Portal 2 preorder thing was most just an example of getting cosmetic items for doing something that have no effect on gameplay but let people know "Hey this guy preordered!". Like those minecon capes for minecraft, completely useless but tell people "I had the time, money, and dedication to go to minecon". An actual example of a reward for being a beta tester is that I have a "Beta Badge" on The Nethernet (formerly PMOG). It has no effect other then saying I played during the beta period. Few game will actual give you some sort of actual advantage (I do think I saw one where BETA player did receive some moderately powerful "thank you" items don't remember which or if that is even right. My memory is a jumbled mess at times) but really that just POs most players since it unbalances the entire game.


The moment they stop charging for SA is the moment it falls apart. There are "plenty of free forums out there" but that's the point. They're all god awful. Only reason this place survives is because of how hard we police it, and because it's not nearly on the same scale as SA. SA is like the safe haven of the internet and is the only forums like it that I know.



The moment they stop charging for SA is the moment it falls apart. There are "plenty of free forums out there" but that's the point. They're all god awful. Only reason this place survives is because of how hard we police it, and because it's not nearly on the same scale as SA. SA is like the safe haven of the internet and is the only forums like it that I know.

One, you're totally right. When they stop charging, who knows what'll happen to them.

Two, I love your illustrations and your little creeper pic. :D


Sometimes I think I only check these forums twice+ daily in hopes of seeing the little creeper animation, It makes me smile.

I've looked at some of SA when there was read access, and had a few friends with accounts. From what I've seen it doesn't have a lot of the low end spam/rubbish e.t.c. But it /has/ got a larger chunk of the undesirable elitist types.

Some of the content on there is incredible though. Some of the original Dwarf Fortress pass around lets play things started there, like Boatmurdered, and it's successors.



We here at Technic Forums are pretty bad, but in a kind of fun way. MCF is just kinda stupid and whiny, not everyone but most the players seem to be. From the hearsay here it sounds like a few of the more knowledgeable members, the modders, are drama queens.

I have brake down of the MC community:

MCF = Drama Queens~ (I SUE YOU, PikachuLover25!)

Yogscast Forums = Goons? (I haven't been on SA since they mentioned my green balls so I don't know how today's goons are.) and yognaughts (Yogscast quote here).

Technic Forums = Asshats!!! (You know you are. ^_^)

MPGH/OLGH MC subforums = Griefers D8 ($5 for my greifing client with free porn.)

The current SomethingAwful composition has gotten to the point in the past year or two where GBS makes slightly more sense than D&D but is still a dumb place.

You can tell of its quality by looking at grover's house.

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You can tell of its quality by looking at grover's house.


The fact that Grover is a mod is the largest black mark against SA's forums I've ever seen.

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