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Insane lag spikes - Unplayable


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I'm experiencing insane lag spikes every 5 seconds in my single player world, it's literally making it unplayable! Before you start replying saying I need to allocate more RAM & install optifine, i've already done that.

Allocated RAM: 4GB


I'm playing on a mac, though i'm getting around 40 - 60 fps whilst playing on the mod pack, lagspikes bring it down to 0 - 5 fps. *sadfaic*


So yup, if you guys are or have been experiencing something like this and know a fix, PLEASE reply as I love the mod pack but am unable to play due to the lag spikes.


Lag spikes should be killed. Whoever created them should be lag spiked to death.


Oh, YES I am on the latest version of java. 

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Drop your RAM to 2 or 3 Gb, allocating more can cause lag as java attempts to perform garbage collection

Beyond that we can't suggest anything without more info, logs for example

and how are you supposed to drop your RAM?... instructions would be nice. not like everyone knows how to do that. i could look it up but who has time for that lol.

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Drop your RAM to 2 or 3 Gb, allocating more can cause lag as java attempts to perform garbage collection

Beyond that we can't suggest anything without more info, logs for example



ok... dropping the RAM doesn't make sense. how's that going to help? i have 6GB RAM. dropping your random access memory would only make more lag in theory so i'm not seeing how this would help.

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It's a Minecraft oddity, asking Jeb is probably the way to go if you want details but it's easy enough to prove by adjusting the amount Minecraft can use.  I think it's down to the more RAM you have the less often it clears up, and whatevers in memory gets checks run on it (movement prediction and redstone) so the CPU eventually gets overloaded regardless of how powerful it is at a certain point.


A good rule of thumb for minecraft is the greater the RAM that's assigned the more stable it is, the lower the faster (to a point, too low and it starts to slow down again, this only applies if the amount you're assigning is already enough).  That's why Maxis010 suggested 2-3GB, that's typically a good amount for a client.


You set the amount of RAM a java program can use when it runs, in the case of the server on minecraft it's the -Xmx (max assignable memory) -Xms (initially assigned memory) in the batch file, and in the case of the Technic launcher for you client it's the convenient little gear in the top right, pick your pack, click the gear, set a value from the dropdown and hit save.

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That's why Maxis010 suggested 2-3GB, that's typically a good amount for a client.


in the case of the Technic launcher for you client it's the convenient little gear in the top right, pick your pack, click the gear, set a value from the dropdown and hit save.


I'm using the technic launcher and i clicked the gear but the max i can set it to is 1GB then 768MB and 512MB. The suggested is 2 to 3 GB as you say but that's way above what it will let me set. I know i have 6GB of ram so idk why it wont let me set it higher.

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I'm using the technic launcher and i clicked the gear but the max i can set it to is 1GB then 768MB and 512MB. The suggested is 2 to 3 GB as you say but that's way above what it will let me set. I know i have 6GB of ram so idk why it wont let me set it higher.

You are running on 32bit java, install 64bit java and if you still don't see options above 1 Gb uninstall 32bit java

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Just to summarise what has already been said and some insights:


1) Minecraft (and therefore most or even all its mods) are written in Java and are therefore run with a Java Environment. Java has very specific methods on handling certain things, including the allocated RAM. As a user you can allocated/dedicate RAM to Java (and its "Server" in which it runs the code/programm so to speak). Usualy one would think "the more, the merrier". In Java, however, this is not necessarily the case as Java is checking the RAM regurarly for unused objects and removes them. That particular process uses up ressources (mostly CPU time) and therefore may cause lag to all other programs (including the code that runs in that java environment -> minecraft)

This is why people suggested that you may not want to allocate all the available RAM to Minecraft, even though it makes sense in the first place to do so. With less RAM, Java is less inclined to do those sweeps and, more importantly, those sweeps of the RAM takes less time (as there is less RAM to be checked).

Please bear in mind that this explanation is very basics, I am sure there are tons of details and other things I have left out that Java programmers and intense users would need to know. So do not take it too literally, just as a start to understand.


2) As pointed out, the Launcher gives you a chance to allocate how much of your (usually free) memory you want to use for minecraft. The amount that is offered in this drop down menu is very much dependend on two things: Your PC architecture (including software) and the amount of RAM you actually have.

While it is obvious that you can not allocate 12 GByte of RAM if you just have 4, the first thing maybe a little more difficult to grasp.

A computer running on Windows (or linux for that matter) that is "designed" for 32bit operations or has Java installed that is only designed for 32bit will not (easily) be able to address more than 3.6 GByte of RAM. The Launcher wil therefore offer only 1 GByte (or maybe 2) as the most RAM you can allocate.

To avoid this you need an operations system for 64bit and Java for 64bit installed. Make sure that your CPU can handle it (if your computer is not more than 5 years old, it will be able to run 64bit).

If the Launcher correctly finds the 64bit Java installation, it will offer more than 1 GByte of RAM.


3) It was pointed out in another thread ('?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>) that for some reason the configuration in the Launacher has been overwritten. While the launcher said it would be using 4 GByte RAM, only 1 GByte was used in reality.

It had something to do with Windows environment variables. I will try to find the thread -> EDIT: found it



best regards


Edited by Roversword
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I have the same problems. Minecraft needs about 40 seconds to load and then I can barely move Steve or even look around - 5FPS max.

I already tried changing the allocated RAM - from 1GB to 6GB - no difference what so ever.

In the debug screen of MC it shows that MC is allocating only 35% of what it could.

The technic launcher is recognizing the right java installation.


My specs:

Intel Core i7-2670QM 2.2GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M Cuda 2GB


Windows 7 64-bit

Java Version 7 64-bit


I checked point 3) of Roversword's post. I have no such variable.


Hope anyone knows what's causing this, since there are a lot of people out there who have this problem - and then there are those who haven't :-)


Thanks in advance.

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I'm experiencing insane lag spikes every 5 seconds in my single player world, it's literally making it unplayable! Before you start replying saying I need to allocate more RAM & install optifine, i've already done that.

Allocated RAM: 4GB


I'm playing on a mac, though i'm getting around 40 - 60 fps whilst playing on the mod pack, lagspikes bring it down to 0 - 5 fps. *sadfaic*


So yup, if you guys are or have been experiencing something like this and know a fix, PLEASE reply as I love the mod pack but am unable to play due to the lag spikes.


Lag spikes should be killed. Whoever created them should be lag spiked to death.


Oh, YES I am on the latest version of java. 


I have no experience with mac. But if it has graphical drivers try to update them.


Aslo for 


I have the same problems. Minecraft needs about 40 seconds to load and then I can barely move Steve or even look around - 5FPS max.

I already tried changing the allocated RAM - from 1GB to 6GB - no difference what so ever.

In the debug screen of MC it shows that MC is allocating only 35% of what it could.

The technic launcher is recognizing the right java installation.


My specs:

Intel Core i7-2670QM 2.2GHz

NVIDIA GeForce GT 555M Cuda 2GB


Windows 7 64-bit

Java Version 7 64-bit


I checked point 3) of Roversword's post. I have no such variable.


Hope anyone knows what's causing this, since there are a lot of people out there who have this problem - and then there are those who haven't :-)


Thanks in advance.


My specs are.


Windows 7

Rating:              5.9 W.E.

Processor:         Intel® Core i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz  2.50 GHz

RAM:                 6.00 GB

System type:     64-bit Operating System



does that help any?


Do you have the most recent driver version of your graphics card?

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Again from the other thread (trying to keep it in one place to make future searches for people easier)


You were right. i downloaded Java 64-bit and i can now select more GB. But doing so didn't fix my problem. In fact i think it just made it worse. Upping the GB to 2 or 3 made the lag spikes more frequent.


More frequent is a surprise, can you run task manager (right-click on taskbar and pick it), go to the performance tab so you can see CPU usage, then play B-Team in a window and watch to see if the CPU usage spikes with the lag spikes, and how high it goes (does it top out).

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i5-3210M CPU

This part is critical.  It means you have a laptop.  Please see (even though it turned out he didn't have a dedicated card).  All you really have to do is this:


When I start the game with NVIDIA high performance processor - I can opt this option to the context menu of programs from the NVIDIA system panel - it runs ok/fine.
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More frequent is a surprise, can you run task manager (right-click on taskbar and pick it), go to the performance tab so you can see CPU usage, then play B-Team in a window and watch to see if the CPU usage spikes with the lag spikes, and how high it goes (does it top out).


64% to 72% cpu usage is the highest it gets. and it stays around there.

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That's good, we can pretty much rule out CPU bottlenecking you then which points to the graphics like Torezu is suggesting.


The integrated graphics on the 3210M is the Intel HD 4000, and if you're using that then this kind of thing is inevitable on a large modpack unfortunately.  You said you'd tried lowering the view distance and things like that before - can you give that another shot now?  Don't switch to Max FPS - leave that on balanced, but make sure you've got the view distance on tiny, graphics on fast, smooth lighting down or off and turn particles to minimal.


This is just for testing, not to leave it like that - try that with 2GB set in the launcher and see if it's any different than when we started this.

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What happens if you run a local server then connect, rather than it happening through singleplayer?


I mean if you grab the server from here;


then run it and connect through multiplayer in the launcher (connect to


This should point to some other bottleneck (like disk writes from the worldgen) if it's the same deal, or some other bug if it's OK (something specifically in the singleplayer stuff).

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That definitely should be powerful enough to run without any issues, Ajlio, can you describe the problem any more?  No effect when you turn settings down and it behaves fine on other peoples servers, things like that?

look at this. This is my video i took of it.

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Oh, I responded to your PM, here's the response seeing as you posted here too for everyone else;

Hi, you've got your RAM for the pack set really low (512MB) and it's running at the max limit constantly and having to clear it every couple seconds to make room for more stuff.


Click the cog at the top right of the launcher and then increase RAM to at least 1GB but preferably 2GB (no higher than 3GB if you feel you must go higher though, you'll run into more problems if you do)


Like this;





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