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Hey guys, and, I know that there are a lot of mods that people want added, but, what are some PRACTICAL and POPULAR mods that you think need added? Now, I'm going to post 4 that I think may be useful. Tinkers' Construct; This is probably one of the best mods out there, who agrees? Tinkers' Mechworks: C'mon, you gotta admit, this would be useful beyond reasoning. Thaumcraft 4; It adds so much content! Plus, it is one of the best mods of all time. MetaWords Mod; Archimedes' Ship Mod is just outdated, so is Redstone in Motion! C'mon, this would prevent crashes, which means a lot less fixing for the modpack assemblers. Do you guys think there should be more(Better?) mods? Reply to my post what you think, and try to make this post popular for the Tekkit guys to see!




Posted (edited)

I would like to see ExtraCells for liquid storage. It would be cool to see a mod that adds light sources with a large radius (like greg's lighting, but in a circle, not a line :P ).


  On 3/21/2014 at 4:18 PM, HeatHunter said:

as far as I know, theres a mod-folder in your tekkit installation folder.

Feel free to add mods there as you like :)

I don't know how many times a day I respond to this in IRC when that's people's solutions to my issues, install/update a new mod. I run a public server, I can't just add mods at a whim. I just rely on the tekkit team in their good judgment to add awesome mods and fix bugs/issues. :)

Edited by Gorian

I would like to have Railcraft back. The main thing I was looking forward to when playing the old Tekkit was updated Railcraft, and then it was just removed. I have no idea why they did it, but they probably had reasons. The one thing I miss most are steel tanks, but I would also love to build myself a train station.


I heard that some newer additions to Railcraft are quirky and prone to crashing servers and clients, so I do unterstand if it remains out for stability reasons.

  On 3/21/2014 at 4:14 PM, UnknownShifter said:

Thaumcraft 4; It adds so much content! Plus, it is one of the best mods of all time.

Thaumcraft used to be in the Technic pack back in the Minecraft 1.2.5 days, but it hasn't been in any of the packs since Thaumcraft 3 due to the more restricted modpack policy (i.e. permission for public packs was only given to a few select ones, and Tekkit wasn't one of them). Azanor has recently changed his terms to be more pack-friendly, though, so who knows. Maybe it'll be in one of the packs in the future.

MetaWords Mod; Archimedes' Ship Mod is just outdated, so is Redstone in Motion!

MetaWorlds has some incompatibilities with NEI and the PowerCrystals mods (i.e. MineFactory Reloaded and NetherOres), so that may be an issue. On another note, while the functionality of MetaWorlds/Archimedes' Ships and Redstone in Motion frame systems do overlap, in that you can make airships with the frames, Redstone in Motion is useful in its own right for things that neither Archimedes' Ships nor MetaWorlds could do quite as well; automated mobile bore-type quarries and large frame doors are two such uses that come to mind.

  On 3/21/2014 at 5:41 PM, Curunir said:

I would like to have Railcraft back. The main thing I was looking forward to when playing the old Tekkit was updated Railcraft, and then it was just removed. I have no idea why they did it, but they probably had reasons.

It was removed because the mod's author, CovertJaguar, asked to have it removed.

  On 3/21/2014 at 7:15 PM, iM_KanadiaN said:

Optifine would do wonders... Hard running on 20 fps sometimes 15

The makers of Optifine do not like their mod in modpacks, if you want to use it, just put it in yourself, because it's a lot less stress on the Tekkit guys trying to get permission. So, just look up a youtube video on how to install it, it ain't hard.



I know your time is precious, but I just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to offer an answer to the various questions posted. Very helpful!

  On 3/21/2014 at 7:15 PM, iM_KanadiaN said:

Optifine would do wonders... Hard running on 20 fps sometimes 15

Part of the problem was it didn't help everyone.  On my particular machine it did nothing.

Posted (edited)

If we really want to talk about Mods that belong in Tekkit as it currently is...Mekanism is a definite choice...just because of its variant powergen options. The addition to Osmium to the worldgen is a little problematic but...largely it does fit the needs of higher end high/tech industry and its power generation systems are very suited towards being smaller, but effective for providing legitimate power on non overworld bases. Its not super effective to haul a ton of resources to the Moon unless you're willing to go into Mystcraft to deal with the travel...I personally think its kinda cheating and prefer the more industrialized method of doing things and sending up supply rockets, but thats expensive to do and trying to send up enough supplies for a BR Reactor or Atomic Science reactor is pricey.


Overall if you wanted to do a trade off. I'd trade out Mystcraft, Dimensional Doors and qCraft...largely because of the additional stress they put on a server with all the pocket dimensions and ages that can get generated, and qCraft...which while cool, really isn't anything more than a technical demo of a scientific concept and doesn't functionally do anything for the modpack other than be there....and I'd like to get Mekanism, ICBM and Gascraft because to be honest I feel they serve a more functional purpose in this branch of Tekkit than I feel Mystcraft, DD and qCraft do.


Only main problem is...I can get Mekanism working with the current version, but not ICBM...which is stupid because they have the exact same pre-req's, I haven't tried Gascraft because I use it instead in my Resonant Rise SSP game that I'm checking out. But overall I prefer the simplicity in functional interoperability of the mods Tekkit uses, rather than the more cluster bomb style packs that just have every mod they can jam together in them.


So yeah overall, Mekanism, ICBM and GasCraft...not specifically "new" mods, but mods that definitely fit Tekkit as it stands better than Mystcraft, DD and qCraft do.


Really, in all fairness, Tekkit needs to just consume Voltz and they can be one gigantic science based tech pack together, that would definitely make the Mars Express run a lot more fun. And a lot more convenient for the guys I'm working with and...a lot easier for players to just grab on to, install and play. And in the end what really makes a mod pack good is the ability for lots of people to share the same experiences in their own way.

Edited by SemiPr0
  On 3/21/2014 at 9:44 PM, SemiPr0 said:


Overall if you wanted to do a trade off. I'd trade out Mystcraft, Dimensional Doors and qCraft...largely because of the additional stress they put on a server with all the pocket dimensions and ages that can get generated, and qCraft...which while cool, really isn't anything more than a technical demo of a scientific concept and doesn't functionally do anything for the modpack other than be there


Noooo...... ! qcraft is the only mod to come along in tekkit that'll let you teleport to a RIM/MFFS moving machines after it's moved! dimdoors, linking books, /home, etc. all of those methods use the coords at which they were made/the command was run. I don't really care about dimdoors, and while mystcraft would be missed, is hard to get not-intensive on a server. But you aint' taking my qcraft!

  On 3/21/2014 at 11:28 PM, UnknownShifter said:

I also forgot to add about the Thaumcraft 4 topic, there are really no decent modpacks with that mod.

Well, come on.  I know we're not real big fans around here, but FtB is at least decent, right?


  On 3/21/2014 at 11:53 PM, Gorian said:

Noooo...... ! qcraft is the only mod to come along in tekkit that'll let you teleport to a RIM/MFFS moving machines after it's moved! dimdoors, linking books, /home, etc. all of those methods use the coords at which they were made/the command was run. I don't really care about dimdoors, and while mystcraft would be missed, is hard to get not-intensive on a server. But you aint' taking my qcraft!

I use qcraft for the same reason. And dimdoors can be used to make a doorway from one dimendion to another. For example the overworld to mars.

Mekanism is at the top of the list of mods to add for me too. I specifically like the way its processes are tiered and easily upgradeable for most operations, especially ore processing.

Posted (edited)

Okay lets keep qCraft and dump EE3 then. I mean seriously, who's using that stuff anyways?


Anyways we don't really get to decide on this process but its nice to field opinions about it just the same.

Edited by SemiPr0

hah, I am. I got through crazy amounts of iron, I just end up transmuting a stack of diamonds until I need more :P and, it's also one of the few ways to get a usable amount of ender pearls :P

  On 3/22/2014 at 1:15 AM, SemiPr0 said:

Okay lets keep qCraft and dump EE3 then. I mean seriously, who's using that stuff anyways?

There was a rumor that Pahimar was going to get x3n0ph0b3 to open source EE2, but apparently that didn't come through, which is a shame.  I wonder if EE3 in all of its open source glory could be used as a base to recreate EE2 if Pahimar doesn't flesh EE3 out a bit more before he leaves.

Posted (edited)
  On 3/22/2014 at 1:15 AM, SemiPr0 said:

Okay lets keep qCraft and dump EE3 then. I mean seriously, who's using that stuff anyways?

I do!

Built myself a process chain that will yield diamond blocks from lava input with a few minium-stoned Cyclic Assemblers. An Ender-Thermic Pump in the Nether will feed that for days, so I am slowly turning the Nether oceans to stone now, and craft diamonds in the process. Also, excess material from quarries fits nicely with minium stone conversions, although I make an exception for dirt, cobble, sand and gravel... because those can be compressed via Extra Utilities recipes.


It's not the same as EE2, but it enables me to do things that would be needlessly complicated otherwise. Like mass-produce ender pearls and diamonds with a few clicks.

Edited by Curunir
Posted (edited)

ExtraCells as it adds fluid management to ME systems and I heard of a MFR addon that helps with the ender lily seeds. Both are addon mods for allready existing tekkit mods.


And perhaps MOCreatures just to spice up the world with more life.

Edited by Gigeran
  On 3/22/2014 at 12:13 AM, dwwojcik said:

Well, come on.  I know we're not real big fans around here, but FtB is at least decent, right?

Well, FTB usually tends to have a magnitude more mods than Tekkit, and some people (Like me) cannot run FTB on their PC.


  On 3/23/2014 at 4:59 AM, UnknownShifter said:

Well, FTB usually tends to have a magnitude more mods than Tekkit, and some people (Like me) cannot run FTB on their PC.

Neither can I (and I'm not really interested in trying either) but they do technically have Thaumcraft 4.

Posted (edited)

Definitely, I would like to implement ICBM as counterpart to MFFS.


Also, Mekanism or another mod bringing more eco-energetic options to the game, like hydropower generator or solar panels. 

Edited by Durgainzas

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