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[1.0.10b] Join Club Zebula, the perfect small, whitelisted community!

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Today, I am happy to announce the successful Minecraft server Club Zebula has expanded its network to include a brand new Attack of the B-Team server! Like its sister server, it also runs Bukkit for additional enjoyment and peace of mind. Dolphins. If you are mature and want to be a part of a small community, in which to learn, record, or simply relax, fill out the following application. If your application is accepted, you will be added to the whitelist.


Our IP is bteam.clubzebula.com





Minecraft Username:


Are you a YouTuber?

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious)

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? 

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer)

Dolphins or Dinosaurs?



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Minecraft Username: Le_Joueur

Age: 48

Are you a YouTuber? I'm not any kind of tuber, not even a potato.

Are you willing to donate (doesn't effect your chances, just curious)? If things work out, definitely.

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? Never tried it before.

What type of player are you (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer)? I'm a quiet artist looking to settle down somewhere conspicuous (Builder / Redstoner).

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs since I was 8.

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Minecraft Username: iTryHardPuggies

Age: 16

Are you a YouTuber? No way, I like enjoying playing games without the stress of videos.

Are you willing to donate: Uh, if the server needed it I most likely would try.

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? I'm ok, I have 5 hours or so on it.

What type of player are you? I love building, terrible at redstone, but i make up for it with pzazz! (Exploring is a blast too!)

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs are probably my favorite, the mod-pack ones are VERY buggy. I'm a dog kinda guy though.

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Minecraft Username: NexusBolt

Age: 14

Are you a YouTuber? No

Are you willing to donate? I MIght

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? I know most of the Mods 

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) Builder, Explorer

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dinosaur

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Minecraft Username: Jofootballo

Age: 15

Are you a YouTuber? I am not

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? I would be if I find that this server is exactly what i am looking for, which it seems like it is

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? Been playing since it was released to the public and I know just about everything about every mod except maybe MFR or Witchery

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) Definitley a builder at heart <3

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? DOLPHINS FO EVA!!! :wotwot:



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Minecraft Username: WackMyBeaver

Age: 16

Are you a YouTuber? No

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious)  If the server is a good server and I stay long time I will.

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? I been playing for awhile. 

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) Explorer. 

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs 

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Minecraft Username: Redvirusz


Are you a YouTuber? no

If yes, how many subs? 

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) maybe

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? a little

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) explorer/builder

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? dinosaurs

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User: Scienceguy2002


Age: 14


Youtube: No, might make a channel tho ;D


Donations: Maybe, i'd have to really like your server.


EXP: Almost none, But i played Hexxit so fermilliar with alot of these mods, been exploring it for a few days


Player: I am a builder, i love building :D



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Minecraft Username:Mon43
Are you a YouTuber? Ish  don't really record much. My channel is IamMon43
If yes, how many subs? 6
Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) If i had money xD
How much experience do you have with this mod pack?  Good deal I'm not a complete expert on everything but i can do a good deal.
What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer)Mad scientist/Builder/Explorer
Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dolphins Aqua horsies all the way 
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Minecraft Username: cod4killer29

Age: 13

Are you a YouTuber? Yes, I Have A Small Channel TheNationalMc

If yes, how many subs? 16

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) Not really but maybe if i have a lil extra mulla

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? Some Experience But On of the reasons i wanna play here is to learn more and have fun with the commmunity

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) All Of The Above I love exploring caves and building houses and also love making new redstone creations

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? DINOSAURS

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Minecraft Username:FatAlbert8MyKFC


Are you a YouTuber?No, but I want to. I need more RAM in my computer, which i just ordered.

If yes, how many subs? N/A

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) It depends on how well the server works with my internet.

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? 7/10

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) Redstoner

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dolphins

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Minecraft Username: zerk187

Age: 25

Are you a YouTuber? Nope

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) Yes if I really enjoy the server

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? I've been on 2 servers so far and have played the mod pack quite a bit. I'd say I'm about a 9/10 in terms of familiarity with the mods.

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) I'm mostly a redstoner, but if I'm inspired to build something then I'll do that.

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dolphins

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User: BabyDoll0117

Age: 24

Youtuber: Not yet

Donate: Will try if I like the server.

Experience: I have been playing for a while and know most of the things but can't say all of them yet.

Player: Explorer, Gardener, and a Builder

Dolphin or Dinosaurs: I like dolphins :)

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Today, I am happy to announce the successful Minecraft server Club Zebula has expanded its network to include a brand new Attack of the B-Team server! Like its sister server, it also runs Bukkit for additional enjoyment and peace of mind. Dolphins. If you are mature and want to be a part of a small community, in which to learn, record, or simply relax, fill out the following application. If your application is accepted, you will be added to the whitelist.


Our IP is bteam.clubzebula.com





Minecraft Username: mineknight103


Are you a YouTuber? new to the youtube world

If yes, how many subs? 209

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) i am willing to donate but nothing more than $50 (unless its a holiday)

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? ive been playing it for around 7 weeks and ive played all the mods on the pack on different mod packs

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer)im a little of a jack off all trades but id say i do really well with Redstone and building put together  

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? what of course its gonna be dinosaurs haha the bigger the pet the more fun of a ride it is 



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Minecraft Username:RaspberryCaft


Are you a YouTuber?nope

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) I will if the community is good 

How much experience do you have with this mod pack?  id say im 8/10 in experience 

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) Its between redstone and building i explore very rarely becuase when i find a place i do most of my work there

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs :D

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Am i willing to donate: I would but I'm pretty broke.

How much experience do i have of the mod pack: 8.5/10

What type of player am I: Builder/Explorer

Dolphins or Dinosaurs: Dolphins

If you need anything else just ask :)

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Minecraft Username:Zeke_098


Are you a YouTuber?no, but i would love to try it.

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious)If i get invested in it its likely

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? ive played most of the modpacks on the launcher+ some feed the beast.

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) im more of a builder

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dinosaurs, they could eat the dolphins.


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Minecraft Username: MiningPro

Age: 21

Are you a YouTuber? Not really, all though I have the stuff to start youtube if I really wanted

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) Yes, if it works out

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? around 5/10 not really got into all mods yet

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) explorer

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? DINOSAURS

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Minecraft Username:sawjacgr


Are you a YouTuber?not yet but im seriously thinking about it. 

If yes, how many subs?

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious)not for the moment sorry

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? im very experienced with this modpack .iv been playing like crazy

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) i like all of these three. im more of an explorer but i do like to do some redstone and make my place look neat.

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? im gonna go with dolphins since i saw it written somewhere on your topic about the server.

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Minecraft Username: MrSquidon

Age: 24

Are you a YouTuber? Nope

If yes, how many subs? 0

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) Possibly

How much experience do you have with this mod pack? Know pretty much everything.

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) Builder/Explorer

Dolphins or Dinosaurs?  Cephalapods

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Minecraft Username: NoobyDBL

Age:14 (people say I'm kinda mature. I do pranks sometimes (not with things like tnt or water hate those)

Are you a YouTuber? Yea!

If yes, how many subs? 10

Are you willing to donate? (doesn't effect your chances, just curious) maybe 2$ in a few months :P

How much experience do you have with this mod pack?  Some, but not with things like witchery or magics.

What type of player are you? (Builder, Redstoner, Explorer) A bit of everything.

Dolphins or Dinosaurs? Dolphins. LOL so many people saying dino's!

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