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[64X] Sphax PureBDcraft [Tekkit 3.1/Technic 7.2] (Balkoon's weapons)

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Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

you can disregard what I said, I was thinking of dpi even though I know better. I haven't done any graphic design for awhile.

something I do know though, is 64x is technically 1/4 of 128x not 1/2.

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Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

All of Minecraft's images (the ones at issue, anyway) are 256x256, which is either one GUI screen or 256 16x16 textures. No matter the size of the image in question, Optifine just divides it into the same 256 pieces and plugs it in just as expected. The only difference between an AxA and a BxB texture pack is the size of the images.

64x is technically 1/4 of 128x not 1/2.

Only by area, which is a nitpick because it's generally understood that "shrink an image by 50%" means "reduce an image's height and width by 50% each".


Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

yes please, i want to know where in the pack to put the trxtures

Ok, so the trick to those textures is that Kinniken, the creator of Millénare, wants his mod to automatically switch to HD textures when using an HD texture pack. So he ships two sets of textures for everything, a 16x version and an HD version. He only adds the texture switching code when he has the HD textures for it, so some of your textures will require a prefix to overwrite the HD texture instead of the SD texture.

Open the .techniclauncher/technicssp/mods/Millénare.zip file and match what textures you have to the names of the files in that .zip. Then place the SPHax textures you have into the same place and give them the same name in your texture pack, so that your texture pack overwrites the Millénare texture files when it is used. Like I said before, you want to keep an eye out for those textures that have HD alternates, as you will have to name it differently in order for it to show up.

If you have any more problems, or of I was unclear, let me know. I've been maintaining Soartex for ages and know my way around this stuff.


Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

Does anyone know if there are currently plans to convert this to Tekkit 3.0

its almos done


Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

Did that help, Leddy?

yes it did, all the textures i got now works in the pack, but they are not in the beta, i have a better version ready now.



Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

Leddy with the beta pack for tekkit 3 the gui for Crafting bench 3 is bugged or you already know this ?

edit: typo


Re: Texture Pack [128x] Sphax PureBDcraft [(REAL)Technic 6.0.7 / Tekkit 2.1]

Leddy with the beta pack for tekkit 3 the gui for Crafting bench 3 is bugged or you already know this ?

edit: typo

alright I have the fix ready, thanks for reporting, we need more people like you :)


Hey, i really love using this texture pack with tekkit but i have one problem that is only recently occurred. For some reason the apetite is shown with the default texture pack. This is really annoying so could you please help? Thanks ^-^


Apatite is part of Forestry. As of Tekkit 3/Technic 7, Forestry is no longer included in Technic or Tekkit, so texture packs customized for Tekkit/Technic no longer support Forestry.


Hey, i really love using this texture pack with tekkit but i have one problem that is only recently occurred. For some reason the apetite is shown with the default texture pack. This is really annoying so could you please help? Thanks ^-^

Yeah, get this texture pack. Go here and find the mod patch for what you're looking for http://bdcraft.net/forum-bdcraft-mods-support-patches

You're probably looking for http://bdcraft.net/forum/x128x64-forestry-v1442-v06a

Put the files from the patch into the texture pack the same way you'd add something into your modpack.jar (in other words, open both in winzip and drag the patch into the texture pack).

In all likelihood, that's how this pack was built because I had to make my own texture pack for my modded version of Technic 7.

It's not that hard but it may take a little trial, error, and testing to get it to work properly.


I have the full on texture pack (minus thumcraft, working on it) in 64x, Ill put a link up here for everyone when thumcraft is done 103 files to resize!

should be an easy process. unless you're using paint, you should be able to automate that.


FYI, to MadMonkey, in case you don't know how: http://www.adobetutorialz.com/articles/861/1/Photoshop-Action-and-Batch-to-Resize-Images

I believe you can apply it by percent too but it's been awhile since I opened Photoshop.

Ah but, not all files are the same size, for example, some files are 2048 px and then some are simply 128 px. Ive been going through GIMP's "Scale Image" function just to make sure I get it right :) For anyone thats wondering, I may do a 32x version IF I can be bothered :P I'm gonna try and message Leddy231 to see if he can send me a list of every file added, so I dont have to resize everything again in the next update :P


Ah but, not all files are the same size, for example, some files are 2048 px and then some are simply 128 px. Ive been going through GIMP's "Scale Image" function just to make sure I get it right :) For anyone thats wondering, I may do a 32x version IF I can be bothered :P I'm gonna try and message Leddy231 to see if he can send me a list of every file added, so I dont have to resize everything again in the next update :P

I'm pretty sure I remember being able to adjust by percentage. If that is true in the version of Photoshop you may be using, you can just set that to 50% of height or length with aspect ratio locked.

However, if you're using GIMP and it doesn't offer that as a programmable function (haven't used GIMP) then the good old method of elbow grease is the best bet for making sure it gets right.

Thanks for your work though, I know what a pain it is to handle that many images.


Did anyone else notice a huge performance drop from the previous version to this?

30% FPS drop here. When I added MineColony my game was nearly unplayable. I can still do alright with 128x and all the mods but, yes, the performance drop has been pretty significant. I may actually try out that 64x once the poster a few above me re-sizes it to boost back over 60.

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