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Tekkit/Technic girls wanted ! Guys too actually...


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And I play NBA for chicago bulls.....

Really ? Cuz i seriously just made that up right ? check my fucking FB asshole. You DONT fucking know me. Like I said, if THIS is everyones reaction to ONE person wanting to play with the opposite sex, it REALLY shows the level of maturity on this forum. If you'd all read it, it says GUYS TOO. EVEN IF i wasnt engaged to someone i REALLy care about and have known since i was 14, why on FUCKING EARTH would I attempt to meet a chic on THIS WEBSITE of all gd places !? JUST because you are still a virgin doesn't mean I am. Everything I said was true. Unlike some people I actually HAVE a life outside talking hit on someone I DONT even know just because I think its funny and its easy when they are miles and miles away.
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@sigma: Settle down. Reread your original post and see if you can figure out how it might have been taken the wrong way by any female who might have been thinking of playing on your server or on another server with you. Then edit it if you wish (although it may be too late). This thread is comedic in nature, after the first page anyway. This is especially true with your angry, rambling responses.

@Yuriy: No. She's mine. I just wish she would get the building bug every once in a while.

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I tend to play ALL of the packs the Technic Launcher has and I wanted to find some girls to play with, and i just realized how itd be nice to just have some MC friends in general, none of my friends play MC and itd be cool to have some new ones to go from server to sevrer with

Yeah...okay, i wanted to find som girls to play minecraft with. Thats absolutely clearly a sexual innuendo. Whatever i can see MAYBE why someone would MAYBE think "wtf, why's he wanna play with chics" UNTIL i remembered i said GUYS TOO, im not bi-sexual damn. AND "IT"D BE NIC TO HAVE SOME MINECRAFT FRIENDS IN GENERAL>>>ITD BE COOL TO HAVE SOME FRIENDS TO GO FROM SERVER TO SERVER WITH...I didnt specify "a hot horny dumb slut to cyber with as we go server to server on MINECRAFT" FOD GODS sake, what do I have a fucking lego fetish or somethin people. YES IF and that is a HUUUUUUUGE I-F, someone WAS trying to pick up chicks through MINECRAFT, they either are even more addicted than I am, have NO life WHATSOEVER or do indeed have a literal pixel/block/lego fetish....UNFORTUNATELY, I really am engaged AND fighting for cutody, and hoping my first wife will be a DISTANT fucking memory SOMETIME VERY SOON, my fiance JUST got back from a 2 week trip and I got SO many relationship related problems, even the IDEA of any new ones is completely ridiculous, let alone the ONLY time and place I can get away from all that, for some douchebags to assume im some degenerate loser who doesnt know how to talk a *shiver* g-g-g-ggirrrrl....well, Im sorry, but that pisses me off. On top of ALL of that, I have been friends with females more my entire life, and I am SICK of people acting like THIS, which is WHY most chix prob DID think I was some fucking loser, HOWEVER, my first post ALONE, if u REALLY read it, is NOT in ANY way absurd. Like u have NEVER been on a server and thought GOD why r all these DUDES arguing over NOTHING, its a macho douchbag thing where none of us can be wrong, and playing with females, for WHATEVER reason doesnt seem to end up that way. Every one of us need ta grow up a lil I think. This thread IS ridiculous, despite my inetentions, the reactions were absurd either fuckin way...I guess like evryone else, I will have to just accept that i have NO RIGHT to play with the opposite sex without people assuming Im trying to get in their pants via the fuckin internet. Just like I will probably never be able to have female friends IRL either or else it will mean I want to date them too right ? And I suppose if a chic WANTS to say...play a sport with me its ONLY because shes a lesbo and IM trying to rub up against her right ? THIS IS RIDICULOUS
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Yeah...okay, i wanted to find som girls to play minecraft with. Thats absolutely clearly a sexual innuendo. Whatever i can see MAYBE why someone would MAYBE think "wtf, why's he wanna play with chics" UNTIL i remembered i said GUYS TOO, im not bi-sexual damn. AND "IT"D BE NIC TO HAVE SOME MINECRAFT FRIENDS IN GENERAL>>>ITD BE COOL TO HAVE SOME FRIENDS TO GO FROM SERVER TO SERVER WITH...I didnt specify "a hot horny dumb slut to cyber with as we go server to server on MINECRAFT" FOD GODS sake, what do I have a fucking lego fetish or somethin people. YES IF and that is a HUUUUUUUGE I-F, someone WAS trying to pick up chicks through MINECRAFT, they either are even more addicted than I am, have NO life WHATSOEVER or do indeed have a literal pixel/block/lego fetish....UNFORTUNATELY, I really am engaged AND fighting for cutody, and hoping my first wife will be a DISTANT fucking memory SOMETIME VERY SOON, my fiance JUST got back from a 2 week trip and I got SO many relationship related problems, even the IDEA of any new ones is completely ridiculous, let alone the ONLY time and place I can get away from all that, for some douchebags to assume im some degenerate loser who doesnt know how to talk a *shiver* g-g-g-ggirrrrl....well, Im sorry, but that pisses me off. On top of ALL of that, I have been friends with females more my entire life, and I am SICK of people acting like THIS, which is WHY most chix prob DID think I was some fucking loser, HOWEVER, my first post ALONE, if u REALLY read it, is NOT in ANY way absurd. Like u have NEVER been on a server and thought GOD why r all these DUDES arguing over NOTHING, its a macho douchbag thing where none of us can be wrong, and playing with females, for WHATEVER reason doesnt seem to end up that way. Every one of us need ta grow up a lil I think. This thread IS ridiculous, despite my inetentions, the reactions were absurd either fuckin way...I guess like evryone else, I will have to just accept that i have NO RIGHT to play with the opposite sex without people assuming Im trying to get in their pants via the fuckin internet. Just like I will probably never be able to have female friends IRL either or else it will mean I want to date them too right ? And I suppose if a chic WANTS to say...play a sport with me its ONLY because shes a lesbo and IM trying to rub up against her right ? THIS IS RIDICULOUS

My eyes! Oh god my eyes! In all seriousness, a little investment in grammar goes a long way.

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Girls also tend to put more in to little things like decor of the house

No, not really, in my experience. Women tend (on average) to simply have an overall greater attention to detail (and greater attention span in general, except for the ones in high school), are more often clean and organized, and generally have better focus. What you describe is just a viewpoint caused by social momentum.

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Oh do not worry. I absolutely learned my lesson, and despite what u say, I didnt ignore the girls, they ticked me off even more, rest assured I damn sure wont be trying to find people to play MC with here EVER again, I now FULLY understand that I have NO RIGHT whatso-fucking-ever to play with ANYone of the opposite without being singled out as some sort of psychotic pervert, and I also understand that, because I am married and have kids (??? I guess that's why) that I am a loser...period. I don't know what on EARTH I was thinking trying to play minecraft with ANYONE that didnt have a dick, I must be out of my fuckin mind RIGHT ?

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Oh do not worry. I absolutely learned my lesson, and despite what u say, I didnt ignore the girls, they ticked me off even more, rest assured I damn sure wont be trying to find people to play MC with here EVER again, I now FULLY understand that I have NO RIGHT whatso-fucking-ever to play with ANYone of the opposite without being singled out as some sort of psychotic pervert, and I also understand that, because I am married and have kids (??? I guess that's why) that I am a loser...period. I don't know what on EARTH I was thinking trying to play minecraft with ANYONE that didnt have a dick, I must be out of my fuckin mind RIGHT ?

Get bent, you idiot.

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Oh do not worry. I absolutely learned my lesson, and despite what u say, I didnt ignore the girls, they ticked me off even more, rest assured I damn sure wont be trying to find people to play MC with here EVER again, I now FULLY understand that I have NO RIGHT whatso-fucking-ever to play with ANYone of the opposite without being singled out as some sort of psychotic pervert, and I also understand that, because I am married and have kids (??? I guess that's why) that I am a loser...period. I don't know what on EARTH I was thinking trying to play minecraft with ANYONE that didnt have a dick, I must be out of my fuckin mind RIGHT ?

1. Slam your face into your desk as hard as you can.

2. Repeat.

Follow the above steps, and you have a brief understanding of my reaction to your posts. I can almost smell the ignorance in the air, as if it were some ever lasting stench that infests, and dirties everything around you, and your posts.

Also, am I the only one doubting that this guy is married, and has kids? I kinda pegged the OP as more of a basement dwelling tard then a semi successful married man with kids. Please understand that if I am wrong, I don't intend to offend, Im just making an inference based off of previous encounters with the type of person I described you to be.

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Also, am I the only one doubting that this guy is married, and has kids? I kinda pegged the OP as more of a basement dwelling tard then a semi successful married man with kids. Please understand that if I am wrong, I don't intend to offend, Im just making an inference based off of previous encounters with the type of person I described you to be.

Absolutely not. That response reeked of "Oh yeah, well I don't even HAVE [insert argument topic], what do you think of THAT?" Besides, why would a married man with children be so desperate to play a game with younger girls.

... Actually, on second thought, this makes a creepy kind of sense to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

EVEN IF i wasnt engaged to someone i REALLy care about and have known since i was 14, why on FUCKING EARTH would I attempt to meet a chic on THIS WEBSITE of all gd places !?

I also understand that, because I am married and have kids (??? I guess that's why) that I am a loser...period.

Woah, that was fast. He managed to fit in a wedding and some child birth while he was probated.

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Well it seems im the first guy to say something that isnt about girls and the internet. I would like to join ur server sigma. Ive been looking for a somwhat mature person to play on servers with and ur the first one in the world i could find. Maybe we could make a server and make it public msg me back and maybe ill give u my email.......maybe........................


I find it funny that the only girl who has posted here is brunswick and she said &quote:As a female I find this thread fucking hilarious. You call this 'sexism'? OH DEARY MY PRIVILEGE IS SO VIOLATED

pfahaha :&quaote

I find this extremly funny :D

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I find it funny that the only girl who has posted here is brunswick and she said &quote:As a female I find this thread fucking hilarious. You call this 'sexism'? OH DEARY MY PRIVILEGE IS SO VIOLATED

Are you sure? Are you absolutely, completely sure? 'Some of those female types are dead sneaky you know.' (read last bit in old time prospectors voice)

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