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Everything posted by Yuriy

  1. ^ Are you talking about Second Life? http://secondlife.com/
  2. This isn't Shakespeare, most computers go apeshit if they're looking for something that's the wrong name ;p No problem, glad you got it working with minimal problems (hope it stays that way ;p). Well, now that you know, why don't you create a proper and well-formatted forum post to help other users of that host to install Tekkit in the future (if they're so inclined). When you do that remember to tell people exactly what file name you ended up giving it and why (if CraftBukkit.jar works, great; if it's a specific name like in the link, is it the same or different and how did you find out which name would work - that way if it changes in the future your thread can still help). Happy mining, mate.
  3. Pretty sure it's been covered on the forums. If I'm not mistaken, you're supposed to rename Tekkit.jar to CraftBukkit.jar (and ensure the server is set up to run a Bukkit server, I believe). https://www.beastnode.com/portal/knowledgebase/67/Installing-Tekkit-Server-or-Technic-Pack.html That's just the start up link from one host but you should contact your host to help you with the install or do it for you. You may be able to find a solution online that'll work for you but if you're paying someone to host a server for you, they should at least tell you how to set it up properly or help you with the process...you are paying them after all. Edit: Given the explanation from the link I would try this: 1. switch your server to the second option - Bukkit. 2. Check what file is being launched to start the server (eg. craftbukkit_soandso.jar). 3. Shut down the server. 4. Go in FTP and clear everything out 5. Install Tekkit. 6. Rename Tekkit.jar to the file name from step 2 (eg. craftbukkit_soandso.jar). 7. Run the server and test. I'm no server expert but I'd say it's worth a shot. Please report back if that worked or not and, if the problem persists, you may get a better answer by morning.
  4. Also, if you're playing on the computer you're hosting the server on, you can just use "localhost" instead of your internal IP address. Others will have you use your internal ip address which, as stated, you can get from running ipconfig in the command prompt. In all likelihood, you're IP address will be 192.168.x.x or 192.168.1.x (whereas the x can change based on how your router is configured). will probably connect you to your router which would allow you to check all current connections and IP addresses and also create the port forwarding rule if you want to involve people not on the local network. Good luck.
  5. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/board,5.0.html Go there. Use proper reporting format. ??? Profit.
  6. http://www.news-medical.net/health/List-of-Sedatives.aspx This one made me laugh a bit "Alcohol (though not used medically, very popular among the public)"
  7. My inclination to switch would depend entirely on the quality of the blowjob.
  8. So just have NEI dump a block/item id map and use that to assign unused ids to forestry. It's not hard to reinstall if you want it. I used to play with it in my 1.2.5 build but then I dropped it when I changed my Technic7 install.
  9. Are we talking 2 routers as in 1 main network router and a repeater or two separate networks (one within the other)? I'm not Mr. Networking but where there's a will, there's a way, mate.
  10. Have you tried to manually build a server the dev client can log into? The client shouldn't care about the type of server it's logging into as long as all the mod versions match (and probably stuff like item ids).
  11. Don't make posts just to bump your stuff, you'll get lit up for it. I got nothing yet. Try keeping your main config files (only the ones you modified) and re-installing the server while you wait; that may reset command book. Make sure you back-up the whole server prior to that.
  12. Are you running any additional plugins or have your server set up a certain way? I do not have this problem as an OP and you haven't provided sufficient information for most to help you unless this issue has a common solution which would already be posted somewhere on the forum.
  13. If Windows then; You didn't path java properly. Search for how to path java and make sure you path the java 7 directory.
  14. at some point you need to place 2 crop sticks in the same place to create something that breeds adjacent plants using the cross breeder. Then turn stuff into seeds, analyze, and a bunch of other stuff. Pretty sure xardas wasn't being a dick when he linked the wiki article because one of the wiki articles for crop stuff has a link to the forum for the crop system that contains several comprehensive guides on breeding crops. Maybe the OP should have a look in there. ...or as a result thereof. ;p
  15. Search port forwarding and your router model number...you'll probably find something very specific. Programs also exist to log into your router and do it for you but you should really learn to do it yourself. Forward the port to your internal network IP or computer name (the latter is preferable). Give your friend the external IP Just google My IP.
  16. There are threads on it but, in short, you don't. Replacing it has gone over well for me but I'm not about to mess with the process of hunting the files and removing them hoping not to crash stuff. That's an endeavor you'll have to undertake elsewhere (another thread, I mean).
  17. This^ The one time I ran a server open to the public, we found that to be the best way of blocking people using xray. May not have been the same mod but the same concept, turning on xray means everything looks like valuable ore.
  18. What speed are you running these timers at? I've had many problems when I ran several timers at .200 and a lot of machinery because of all the data your computer is crunching trying to keep up.
  19. Not as easy as a plugin but, if you're referring to alchemy bags only, you should be able to copy the file on the server and change the name then open the bag yourself. A plugin may exist but if your priority is to inspect the bag now, that's a way of doing it. Edit: Save directory/data contains the bag folders and files for what tablets know and such. I forgot how the bags are color coded (what number is what color) but those are the files you can modify to essentially duplicate the bag or tablet knowledge to yourself and check it.
  20. My number one; RedPower is updated to 1.2.5 (it's in the Technic dev build), it's just not entirely stable as a bukkit port yet (from what I've read). Your number 1. You can probably try a world editor and manually change all the forestry blocks into air (or something else). 2. Well, since someone's making bukkit ports for forestry, I'd imagine they're not doing it only for the tekkit crowd. Someone will probably keep porting it to bukkit and you may be able to keep getting it to work with tekkit. However, because the technic team no longer have to keep those ids free for forestry, you'll probably have to mess with ids (maybe every update depending on how tekkit changes).
  21. Might help, mate. BTW, you did set a new path for Java 7 and remove the old Java 6 path (if applicable), right? If the *.bat file is giving you a bunch of problems you should be able to make a new one (it's not hard and many tutorials exist for how to do it; some even on this forum).
  22. Why the repeaters? I always just use a button (only a button) and that pulse is more than sufficient and doesn't cause me any grief. I've actually had teleporters that stayed on all the time because of a redstone signal (accident, at the time) and I don't recall being disconnected for it although I did notice my server console giving me crap about it.
  23. It may just be the drink but aside from allow-flight being set to false, I can't think of what else could cause this issue. I had the same problem once but changing the former allowed me to operate just fine. As for the format, it's more to keep you from falling into disfavor with others (mostly mods and other helpful individuals) not I so no worries. Hope you get some answers, mate. If something comes to me I'll check back in.
  24. Wrong format for the bug board. Do you have flying enabled on your server (server properties file)?
  25. I can understand how people can dislike Better Dungeons and maybe ever Mo' Creatures and Thaumcraft (and whatever else) but why in the hell wouldn't you want Buildcraft 3 and Krapht's Logistic Pipes in SSP (just turn the other stuff off)? It boggles my mind.
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