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Everything posted by AetherPirate

  1. Put these in /libraries https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_AKpHC1OT9jcFdOSzRzRWx6SVE?usp=sharing
  2. I think the BC filler will do it, if you can supply it with lava. Or can can add WorldEdit and add however much you like in one command.
  3. Attachments do not work here, use pastebin
  4. Use pastebin.com and paste your entire log there. Then provide a link to that paste here.
  5. Try this java http://cdn.lemonmc.com/jre-8u25-windows-x64.exe
  6. Can you log into Mojang? Use those exact same credentials in the launcher.
  7. Update your Nvidia driver
  8. https://help.mojang.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1590522-minecraft-commercial-use some light reading IMHO, it's not worth the hassle to try and make money from a Minecraft server. Do it as a hobby and keep it free for the players.
  9. Remove Damage Indicators and DurabilityShow. The others in that list should be OK.
  10. You will need to remove all client-side only mods, like damage-indicators. There may be others, I am not familiar with many of the mods in that pack. Start with that one. If you still need help, paste your crashlog in pastebin.com, and then put a link to that paste here.
  11. After you migrate, use your Mojang email and password to connect.
  12. Your modpack.jar is named modpack.jar.jar
  13. Scroll down and look more carefully.
  14. You must zip it in .zip format, renaming a .rar file to a zip does not make it a zip.
  15. attachments do not work, you will have to use pastebin
  16. Yep, missed it. Do this http://download.uskarian.net/technic/clearJavaEnvVars.bat
  17. If you have Nvidia, update your driver.
  18. You'll have better luck in the solder Discord, address in the docs
  19. Your SSL certs are broken somehow. This tool may help https://www.digicert.com/util/repair-intermediate-ssl-certificate-errors-using-digicert-utility-for-microsoft-servers.htm You could also stop by the Technic Discord and drag a log into the chat, the bot there will probably have an SSL fix for you too.
  20. This is a very, very friendly server. It is refreshing to play on a server with a small but growing community whose primary interest is helping each other out. The primary focus here is building, mostly cooperatively. I am looking forward to stopping back in to play more, after some additional mods have been added (I'm spoiled, need my tech mods).
  21. works for me Some of your mods, like NEI, are very old. I suspect you are not getting your mods from trusted sources.
  22. Pack is built, testing and building a basic spawn now. Here's a peek at what I've been up to. PvP Yep, you can thwack each other to death now. But not in the Overworld. The Overworld is strictly NOT PvP. It is turned off in that dimension, and FTB Utilities is available for you to claim land and build large, sprawling bases with no worry of griefing, stealing, or raiding. A builder's paradise. So where can you PvP? EVERYWHERE ELSE. Any other dimension is open season on players, .There is even a special 2nd Overworld dimension where you are encouraged to build a base with your faction and attempt to defend it. FTB Utilities will not help you here, you cannot claim with it. Instead, you must use the tools Territorial Dealings (https://wildwestscifi.net/coding/12607-minecraft-forge-territorial-dealings) gives you. Claims blocks have an upkeep now in the form of diamonds, emeralds, and gold. Fail to place payment in your Vault and those blocks aren't yours anymore. Upkeep happens every Minecraft day. What mods are new?: DefenseTech, Modular Powersuits, MFFS. Most of the rest of the mods from the old pack are here too, and have been updated. When will it open so I can play? Soon -- with luck, perhaps later today. I need to make spawn, eliminate duplicate ores, and test some things, perhaps tinker with some recipes.
  23. Your bin, mods, and config folders are inside another folder, they should not be. Zip then up, and name that modpack.zip
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