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Everything posted by Dash16

  1. Make rough brownstone in smeltery, cook in Furnace to make brownstone, them combine with chisel on crafting grid to upgrade. Repeat crafting grid until no longer able to upgrade or are satisfied with the look.
  2. Darkness Creeper? Jesus. Sounds TERRIFYING. There I fixed it for you.
  3. http://wiki.technicpack.net/IC2RP2ReplacementGuide
  4. Yeah, what version of Java do you have installed? Open /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app and type: which java java -version ls -la /usr/bin/java Paste the results of these commands and I can investigate.
  5. SO happy. I spend all day helping people at work, and I come to the forums specifically to NOT help people. Either that or load so much sarcasm and irony into a post that you can feel it manifesting and assaulting your brain. To the OP, apologies if it was indeed a typo and should be in this section, maybe you should go back and edit your post so it is correct.
  6. I got some in a chest from a Walker castle/cathedral.
  7. Holy shit Toki that was not hostile at all. /me applauds
  8. http://wiki.technicpack.net/Forge_Lexicon http://wiki.technicpack.net/Unifier
  9. It would probably be better to report that to the mod author of Enchanting Plus.
  10. If we're going to nitpick, the period in question is in the middle of an abbreviation, not at the end of a sentence, and therefore does not break the flow. But I'm not nitpicking I swear.
  11. /me looks up Forums > Modpacks > Hexxit Discussion Yep, I'm not crazy. This is in the wrong place.
  12. It's his server now.
  13. That's strange, I'm getting Steel when I smelt chainmail. Dunno what's going on.
  14. I'm not trying to pick on you, correcting spelling and grammar of others is my own damage. Its just… damn, every once in a while throw a period in that stream of consciousness to spice it up a little!
  15. Every time I see one of your posts, Karaktar, I think of these: http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/11/03
  16. Well, I'm going to have to go with my first answer then, angry deity.
  17. Suicide is a sin, so God is punishing you with bolts of lightning. Seriously though I don't know, unless someone on the server is messing with you.
  18. Go home purenrg you're drunk!
  19. Yeah I'm thinking suffocation or death by lava is the way to go. What a fucker though.
  20. I know right? I think you might be rubbing off on me, Toki.
  21. I've been running 1.1.5 for a while, seems super stable. I suspect most of the issues stem from trying to use other administrative functions such as MCPC+ and BukkitForge.
  22. It was surprising to me at first too, but once you understand this mod is more about exploration, discovery, and gearing up to clean out a dungeon full of hostile mobs and a boss, it makes sense. Diamonds are common, loot in chests is super rare and what you are 'grinding' to find.
  23. OP has been edited/removed. Where are the lulz now?!?!
  24. Oh shit guys, he is sending ninjas!? They are above me right now-ohmygod-grargleblargegurgle *spray*
  25. Bwaahahahahha! Ah, yes, thank you sir. I needed my daily dose of irony. OP tells us to think logically when his own thinking is illogical. You sir, do not understand client/server relationships. Teraku put it best:
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